He told it to @Schofe & @hollywills on #ThisMorning on Thursday, 5 March.
A clip of him saying this was tweeted by @mvdct on the same day.
What happened next was remarkable...

The clip beings with Boris saying: "One of the theories is, that perhaps you could take it on the chin, take it all in one go..."
To me there were two possible explanations for what Boris had said.
The second far more chilling than the first.

An accomplished debater in Eton & Oxford, #BorisJohnson would have been familiar with the "balance fallacy".

In order to persuade the public to accept a curfew, he might have said: "One theory is that we should round up people up & put them in internment camps."

Had @afneil been interviewing, he wouldn't have let him get away with this.
But Phil & Holly nodded meekly.

It involved him having heard this theory from someone in his team (no prizes for guessing who!).
It might have been said in a Cobra meeting or over a few large whiskys in his club.

After all, affable, tousled-haired Boris is always a little gaff prone.
Or is he?
(Read @JeremyVineOn5 reaction.life/jeremy-vine-my…)
"Take it on the chin"!!?
NOT: "I hear your concerns, and I share your concerns"
OR: "We will fight this together & we will beat this together."

At the time I tweeted it, the clip had been viewed 750 times.
36 hours later, it had had 2.5 million views!
But the backlash was growing.
He'd been very careful with his words. He had merely posited the theory, not advocated it.

Claims that it was "out of context" weren't fair. It was a clip, not the entire interview.
The clip included the PM saying at the beginning "One theory..." & at the end "We need to strike a balance."
I was more shocked that it didn't get coverage even after going viral.
But some media were quick to denounce it as #FakeNews.

“CLAIM: The advocated for the UK to take Covid-19 “on the chin” & allow the disease to spread through the population.
CONCLUSION: The PM had merely said this was a theory.”
The clip was ‘fake news’!
Anyone posting it was ‘a #fakenews merchant.’

Of course it was wrong to claim the PM was advocating ‘taking it on the chin’!
This isn’t what the majority of people posting the clip were claiming.
But it was too late for discussion.

Some well-know satirists who I'd approached to use the clip all declined.
Branded "fake news".
Savaged on social media.
Ignored by MSM.
Then last Thursday, an unnamed govt source gave @peston the #HerdImmunity story which he wrote up.
Suddenly it was clear what Boris' "take it on the chin" comments had really been about.

The govt had clearly been planning their #HerdImmunity strategy for weeks!
Perhaps the PM's week in Chevening country house during the floods, was the time that they had devised the strategy.

His words, “to allow the virus to pass through the entire population", are identical to those used in @Peston's govt-briefed article a week later.
So why did the Sun cry #FakeNews?

That's why many leapt to the PM's defense when the #TakeItOnTheChin clip went viral.
"Of course this wasn't govt strategy!" they cried.
But it turned out that it was.

If the govt were considering going it alone with the #Herd_Immunity strategy weeks ago, they should have been transparent about it to allow proper scientific discussion & scrutiny.
Today, @grantshapps suggested the #coronavirus response of other countries was "populist" & unscientific.
Even if they did, it might now be too late to implement.
In addition, a U-turn would further damage their credibility.

We also listen to the scientists.
#CoronavirusOutbreak #coronavirus #covid19 #COVID
@whippletom (@thetimes) writes: “The team whose modelling estimates advised Cobra...modelled controlled spread & realised 250,000 would die. Now advise stronger intervention to suppress.” #coronavirusuk

The red line right at the bottom is the max number of ICU beds.
The black line at the top is the “do nothing” #herdimmunity trajectory we’ve been on until today.
#COVID2019 #coronavirus #Covid_19

At times of national crisis, we need to come together.
But as shown today, it’s not those questioning govt strategy who are a danger. It’s those who failed to ask questions. #teleCovid_19 #coronavirus

NHS staff not tested or protected
Schools not shut
Community testing not yet reintroduced
Mixed messages on #SocialDistancing
The #Herd_Immunity scandal shows it is actually those who FAIL to challenge govt who are a danger. #covid19UK #COVID19 #COVID2019
Here their head, David Halpern, explains #herdimmunity.
His PhD is in political science.
The sub-heading of his book gives an insight into his philosophy & explains why the UK did SO little for SO long:
“How small changes can make big differences.” #coronavirus #covid19UK

It was revised only days ago when they realised their #herdimmunity strategy was wrong.
@yaneerbaryam & @nntaleb say it is based on “flawed assumptions.” necsi.edu/review-of-ferg…

2 weeks ago @BorisJohnson was jovially bragging talking about shaking hands with people with #coronavirus. 5 days later he was talking about #herdimmunity."
Gary Neville. Brilliant.
The lethal ‘herd immunity without a vaccine’ strategy came from Dominic Cummings. #HereImmunityScandal #Covid_19 #covid19UK #covid #CoronaCrisisuk #coronavirus
Right now, Britain needs unity & sober leadership more than at any time in a generation.
The #HerdImmunityScandal is of such magnitude it can’t be ignored. But...
The #CoronaCrisisuk poses a threat so great that it transcends political ideology.
During WWII, we had a govt of national unity. It is time to renew trust, bring talents together & create a #CrossPartyCoronaTeam.

PIERS: We know that #herdimunity was the strategy
@MattHancock: #Herd_Immunity has never been the strategy
@piersmorgan: Your own @uksciencechief said it was
MH: No he didn’t
VALLANCE: “build-up some degree of herd immunity”
Boris Johnson did an immediate U-turn but pretended it was all part of his big masterplan to 'evolve the strategy as we need to.'"
Let that sink in.
The UK has ONLY been trying to suppress #Covid19 FOR 10 DAYS!
“No.10 blinked, ditching herd immunity for an Imperial College research paper” says @telegraph!
But #Herd_Immunity was based on advice from the SAME scientists!
It finishes: "Boris Johnson's choice is clear: back #herdimmunity or fall with the infirm herd of global elites."

@realDonaldTrump on the #Herd_Immunity #TakeItOnTheChin #RideItOut strategy. #coronavirus #COVIDー19
Despite what @MattHancock says, the government's policy is STILL herd immunity argues ex-WHO director @globalhlthtwit. #COVID2019 #COVID19 #coronavirus #Corona #CoronavirusPandemic
Ystdy, @MattHancock said @realDonaldTrump & “the commentators & the media” who claim #HerdImmunity was ever part of govt strategy are “talking nonsense".
This evidence suggests otherwise.

HO’s deputy scientific adviser, Rupert Shute:
"We are working on the assessment that 80% of us, if we haven't already, will get the virus....We cannot hide away from it forever."
Prof Ferguson is & has been one of the govt’s key advisers on #Corona19.
Herd immunity without a vaccine is, by definition, not a preventative measure.
But even if they believed it was(!), it doesn’t explain the lack of PPE, tests & ventilators.
Is #HerdImmunity still part of govt policy?
Isn’t it time to get other experts👇around the top table?
“Targeted herd immunity” is a complete oxymoron. #coronavirus theguardian.com/world/2020/apr…
This contradicts @peston’s senior govt source, @Jeremy_Hunt, David Halpern, @realDonaldTrump & almost every newspaper including @Telegraph @guardian @ForeignPolicy etc.
“The govt haven't even published all the names of the SAGE committee.” @AllysonPollock
“There’s a risk that new diseases such as #coronavirus will trigger a panic & a desire for market segregation that go beyond what is medically rational to the point of doing real & unnecessary economic damage.” #COVID19

“There is a risk that new diseases such as #coronavirus will trigger a panic & a desire for market segregation that go beyond what is medically rational to the point of doing real & unnecessary economic damage.” #COVID19