They know that the most credibility is with nurses & doctors
So will use employees for marketing & extension of hospital brand
But quick to penalize same employees for own, personal use of #SoMe
=Value extraction
If I were to mess up, I’d need to deal with consequences from hospital, licensing bodies, etc
Wherever I go, I contribute to good optics & metrics…
I have blacked out identifying info. I get many such emails by doctors, in fact - can I help out?
They trusted their employer
These layoffs are not new (see 2018 article) but worsening rapidly under #coronavirus #pandemic

Not professionalism to
-screenshot something
-send it to a marketer to activate vigilante justice
-publicly shame a colleague without facts
-incite cybermob
Based on what standard?
-get the facts on what you think you saw & check for biases or false assumptions
-consider what the standards are or are not
-see if institution has approved, if relevant
-go through appropriate authorities & mechanisms
-be open & transparent
To hold others accountable, what is your own “skin in the game”?
Do you have the confidence to be held accountable yourself?
And if not, then why not?
Do you think through consequences of your tweets?……
Yes, I am a broken record on this of late. Because I am anti-waste & pro-results. Mobs disrupt & prevent function.…
We need standards, not assumptions.
We need due process, not mobs.
We need to have clear priorities.
And please understand that your employer is an employer.
There are so many cuts & layoffs, smart, in fact
You work hard for years in training, have debt from your education, expertise. You are creating knowledge & value in the world…
(Please step away from the rotten tomato)…
#SoMe & marketing part of that:
instead own your voice & value
(while cutting stockpiles, staffing, supply chains, etc)…
for #SoMe: means some institutions will hire marketer to turn you into a marketing tool for them
-to build their reputation (you will hear “optics”)
-to drive up their metrics (patient volume & satisfaction)

-convert you into unpaid marketing to generate PR metrics for the institution
-spy and do surveillance to control corporate brand & image & control your activity as their asset…
Fact is, a lot of advertising leverages biases and culture. Culture has still embedded racism - in jokes, images, etc
Also, racism is not about “sensitivity” but #ethics
Racism is unethical…
“Lost in translation” is weak excuse from someone trained in PR
“social media.. important tool.. from a corporate perspective.. for dissemination of information, branding, managing a brand and reaching customers or clients.”……
Worth reading all questions & comments
The way institutions seek to control their “human resources” can be filled with such bias tho
as an institution, are you managing your Human Resources & communication for “optics”
avoiding needed topics from being raised
are you genuinely committed to equity & diversity?
As it is “Lean” - which CAN be used well - misused to exploit clinicians
Corporate marketing can exacerbate biases & value extraction
more value creation by dissemination of science-based information to communities, including those at margins
Thread of best practices by community focused #tweetiatrician @NicoleB_MD @DrToddWo @DrJCoftheDC
It harms the profession to overpolice
Is waste to block effective community health outreach
Can even incite cybermobs
We need creativity
good #Scicomm
not about meeting corporate marketing metrics
but knowledge sharing for public good #education & #publichealth outcomes
thru empowerment & democratization of science
Clinicians are the value creators. It is our licenses used to bill
Why is it that business journals have to hold #healthcare accountable on #safety?…
community outreach
role models for youth
@DrJCoftheDC of @OHSUNews with @NFLPA