THE #exMuslim#cult ALso MAde #pedo Drawings of 9 yr aisha? wasn't she real? what about c.p drawings/cartoons getting r@peD? ALl that matters is what msg u want to send to society thru art....not if it's real or not.
+Dont bring #france#charlieHebdo into the picture and appropriate majority of #hindus. he Mocked kali as well.
India/Indians only support them against #terrorism.
22)#persecution that follows mockery.
In short Insulting Idol worshippers by Denigrating their Icons Idols is akin to mocking blacks with “black face dolls”. #blm
Both Shouldn't be tolerated/encouraged as both leads/Lead to #victimization especially to #Hindu Idol worshippers
30/30)Calling out #derogatory#insulting#antihindu#porn
Help #hindus n restoring the honor of our goddess by retweeting and sharing it maximum..if u don't want this to be the Online norm.
It's not that they dont beleive, it's that they dont want to beleive facts,evidence ,statistical analysis. #esp .
Coz it stands in the way of derogatory #sexyKali tshirt sale, #antihinddu#arminnavabi porn projects #antihindu#fakeNews propoganda.
Then do you also support spreading pornographic images of fake woman created use A.I, specifically G.A.N?
How are you not creating zombies or woman objectifying lusty mysogonist ,who have fetishes for hindu Icons/roleModels??