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Aurora Linnea, the author of this joint review of @caitlin_roper ‘Sex Dolls, Robots and Women Hating’ and my ‘He Chose Porn Over Me’ understands our work at the deepest level. 1/
@caitlin_roper “Two books released in 2022 by Spinifex Press shine light on pornography’s morbid sway over men and culture, and how its ever-expanding range of desecrations brutalize women and girls, “ she opens. 2/
@caitlin_roper ..Melinda Tankard Reist’s “He Chose Porn Over Me” compiles the personal accounts of 25 women whose lives have been marred by the pornsickness of male partners. ...3/
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What an amazing display of gentleman's sport to promote #SriLanka tourism @fernandoharin!
I bet @sltda_srilanka can welcome the whole world to this amazingly warm #LKA with these statements from the former Cricket manager Charith Senanayake not to mention mysgonistic jokes. 1/
Dear @fernandoharin, There're rumours that you're one of the #Godfathers of #DanushkaGunathilaka.
That's why I am reaching out to you knowing, you have better IQ than you know who. What do you plan to do about this grand display of #RapeCulture? Promote it as #visitsrilanka? 2/
Is the @AusHCSriLanka aware of the strong support of #RapeCulture amongst the Sri Lankans in Australia? This is not a stereotype but I would strongly quiz those who apply to migrate about Consent & what they think about it. Even women seems to support rape & this is shocking.3/
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Until 1997 German men could legally rape their wives. Furthermore the law held that women had to pretend to enjoy #maritalrape our be found at fault in case of divorce. Here's the reasoning of the Federal Court of "Justice" from 1966 translated to English:
"The woman does not fulfill her conjugal duties simply by letting the intercourse take place impassively. If, by reason of her disposition or for other reasons (...) she is unable to find satisfaction in conjugal intercourse, marriage nevertheless requires of her a concession.. conjugal affection and sacrifice and forbids the display of indifference or repugnance. For experience has shown that the partner who seeks his natural and legitimate satisfaction in marital intercourse can hardly ever be content with mere quenching of instincts without...
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CN #Sexismus #Misogynie #RapeCulture

Vor 2 Tagen hat @rogguronium öffentlichwirksam auf den sexistischen & übergriffigen Content von @.Doktor_FreakOut hingewiesen. (an dieser Stelle noch mal dringende Blockempfehlung, sobald er den Account wieder aktiviert)
#MedMeToo #MeToo
Das hat zum Einen dazu geführt, dass Betroffene (und vor allem FLINTA) von eigenen Horrorerfahrungen durch übergriffige Ärzte erzählt haben und dass andere, im medizinischen Bereich Tätige, auf die besondere Position und Gefahr hingewiesen haben, die durch

a) das Machtgefälle zwischen behandelnde*r Ärzt*in und Patient*in
b) der Wehrlosigkeit der Patient*innen zB im narkotisiertem Zustand
Aber leider, wie immer, gibt es nicht nur positive Reaktionen.
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Rape is an act of power & control. It's why rape victims give terrible witness testimony. Often they are unreliable witnesses. Their memories are fractured & if their rapist was a man who groomed them, who they know, they most certainly tried to protect that person at some point.
Usually victims of rape act through rage. Any time someone challenges you about that person in your life at first you will seem strange & defensive but then eventually insane & full of rage. As the memories grow into something tangible you realize how no one will believe you.
You realize how Your Story now sounds exactly like all those women's stories you heard before you. Maybe some who you supported or some you didn't. You probably Didn't support them if the man controlling you convinced you to compete with other women for affection. This is common.
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Next up from @JustLikeUsUK for #SchoolDiversityWeek we have this libelling of Julia Long (pictured).Julia & other lesbians have every right to assert their same sex attraction at a #pride march. Denying this is homophobic/misogynistic & a breach of 1996 Education Act. #WomenEd
Julia Long is a lesbian feminist activist. She campaigns against porn & the damage it causes women & girls as well as being a researcher for the femicide census #CountingDeadWomen. Julia & her wife @sargesalute are excellent role models for lesbian & gender non conforming girls.
We are appalled that @JustLikeUsUK are telling girls, just becoming aware that they are same sex attracted that they have no right to exclude ‘lesbians’ with penises from their dating pool. This is #rapeculture. It is abhorrent that @educationgovuk are endorsing this.

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Der #Vergewaltigungsmythos der rachsüchtigen, falsch bezichtigenden Frau tritt auch in den Reaktionen auf #KonsequenzenFuerLuke zutage. Entgegen der Stereotype liegt der Anteil der falschen Anschuldigungen bei #Vergewaltigung bei nur 3%. Ein Thread:
Der Prozess ist ein Spießrutenlauf für die Geschädigte, vor Gericht wird sie oft demütigend& herablassend befragt, verunsichert, retraumatisiert. Auch Ermittlungsbehörden und Justiz reproduzieren #rapeculture, sind oft nicht sensibilisiert für solche Fälle. #LukeMockridge
Frauen wird unterstellt, sie zögen finanzielle Vorteile, Ansehen oder ggf. das alleinige Sorgerecht aus dem Prozess. Dabei haben sie starke ökonomische Einbußen, etwa wenn sie die #Gerichtskosten tragen müssen, finanziell abhängig von ihrem Peiniger sind o. ihren Job verlieren.
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Is @FinancialReview part of the #rapeculture problem? In this piece, the @FinancialReview supports the view of a former male @thelawcouncil president over the voices of 3 prominent female lawyers #auslaw #EnoughIsEnough #RuleOfLaw…
AFR view: “The Heydon case was one of inappropriate and unacceptable workplace behaviour. In the case of Mr Porter it is alleged criminality that is at stake. And for that there is only one place: the criminal justice system and the court of law.”
But in this article quoting @JaneNeedhamSC, @larissaandelman and @pollypippin the view is expressed that accountability for conduct is not limited to the criminal jurisdiction and the issue is “about the Attorney-General’s position”.…
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Thread: @PhillipCoorey is digging himself a hole by attacking women in an attempt to save Scott Morrison. #ChristianPorter #auspol #March4Justice #WomenForElection #GettingElected #IWD2021…
He says:

“Internal research showed that swing voters soon tired of the Higgins story....After a few days, it morphed into frustration that Higgins had yet to go to the police.”
Was any “internal research” conducted into why rape victims don’t go to the police? What action have the police actually taken in relation to Higgins? Has the man been interviewed or charged? Is he even still in Australia? The public are currently in the dark on these questions.
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CN Es ist so geil, irgendwelche männlich sozialisierten Leute treten "für die Betroffenen" mit dem Täter von den #MonisRache Aufnahmen, stellen dem Fragen und veröffentlichen seine Antworten auf einem Blog. (1)
Für die Kritik mehrerer Betroffener, unter anderem mir, dass das nur Pseudo-Aktivismus ist, den sie eh nicht lange aufrechterhalten können, und sie sich mal lieber nachhaltig gegen #rapeculture engagieren sollen, wird sich nett bedankt, sonst nichts. (2)
Sie schreiben mehrmals, dass sie eigentlich gar keine Expertise haben, was Täter- oder Betroffenenarbeit angeht. Es ist völlig unklar, warum irgendeine betroffene Person diesen Clowns so eine Prozessbegleitung zutrauen sollte. (3)
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About #pledges, elected legislators and listening to diverse opinions: we are concerned that our representatives at #Westminster & in the #Senedd don’t adopt positions which eradicate the reality of same-sex attraction & the protected characteristic of #sexualorientation 1/14
Some MPs, for instance, have endorsed the Labour ‘LGBT+’ Pledge. We give the benefit of the doubt; maybe they haven’t thought it through. We hope the #Senedd, looking at a forthcoming Action Plan allegedly about us, makes sure it considers our views in putting it together. 2/14
We want training for #RSE teachers, including the importance of watchful waiting, rigorous #safeguarding & refusal of #transingawaythegay. NSPCC guidance is clear about #secrets 3/14
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🚨🚩🔞🛑I am going to expose the whole #atheistRepublic #sexykali #hinduHating #Hinduphobic #pervert #rapist #hooligans #SickCult. Dear #atheist if you have an ounce of #conscience, i bet youll unfollow #arminNavabi #atheistRepublic. See👇 all:🕉️
(1/30) #lovejihad #HindusGirls Image
(2/30) Morality of #atheistHub: Normalizing #hindus to #pedofilo #Pedohunter : #atheistRepublic.
But #arminNavabi (Incessant Blocker)Refuses To Hear Our Pleas.
#underaged #hindus Matter #hinduDignity matters Image
(3/30)@AGAtheist_ (Employee of atheist Republic)
#sexykali , @ArminNavabi @AtheistRepublic Groomeers of #pedofilia #Pedohunter #pedofiliaecrime #pedo ImageImageImage
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Ok few points to be made here on best practice #media reporting on #sexualviolence. 1) When you bring up age/age gaps when those concerned arent underage, you should explain factors relating to power & control. Age gap (when they aren’t underage) isnt an issue in of itself #nzpol
2) Sending a sexual image to a person that is not your partner, wife, husband etc is not a crime. Sending a NON-consensual sexual image IS. Focus on the latter please. Don’t even mention partners, it’s just irrelevant moralising #nzpol #media #sexting #sexualviolence
3) Avoid and confront moralising (assumptions we make about who is & isnt a good victim, what rships should & shouldn’t look like) as it contributes to #rapeculture. It can play into victim blaming narratives, is heteronormative & extremely unhelpful #media #nzpol #sexualviolence
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Kerala Catholic priest Robin Vadakkumchery, sentenced to 20 years in jail for raping & impregnating a minor girl, now "offers to marry" his victim. Rapists "offering to marry" their victims, is btw all too common in Indian courtrooms (see thread)…
In 2003, a nurse in Delhi's Shanti Mukand Hospital was raped, her eye gouged out, by a ward boy. Convicted for the crime, facing sentencing, the rapist offered to marry his victim. The judge ASKED THE VICTIM TO CONSIDER THE PROPOSAL for a day, delaying the sentencing!
The nurse said "(The rapist) made it sound like a favour. This was more shocking than the proposal itself. The most horrible thing in the whole business was the court having admitted such an application". Read Laxmi Murthy on this case…
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While we are on Jada and August...
(A thread)

A man in Calabar, Edet Okon Asim, continuously raped a girl whom he was supposed to be "helping", since her father, his friend, died.

He first started an affair with the girl's mother. And then, with her knowledge, allegedly...
...began raping the girl. This started when the girl was 12, and went on until she was 15. The girl got pregnant a few times and he got her to do abortions by quacks. The last one perforated her womb.

He was arrested and supposed to go on trial but, it has been a year now...
...and nothing has happened. He has been walking around free.

In fact, the governor of Cross River, Ben Ayade has recently appointed him as Special Adviser on Biodiversity.

Ntufam Edet Okon Asim was formerly the Chairman of Calabar Municipality and one time commissioner...
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Problematic things I heard in church. A thread.
At youth service:

Girls, you aren't pieces of meat. Don't put yourselves on display and then wonder why you're not treated well. Guys can't control themselves.

At a Sunday service:

Women, listen to me. You would never, and I mean never, put your child in a dirty bed. But that's exactly what you're doing when you have sex before marriage.

(He moved onto a different topic after, not addressing any of the men in the room)
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@mega2e I’m a fan of #SheSaid but very disappointed in this piece. #survivors of #domesticabuse #coercivecontrol feared and accurately PREDICTED their #abusers would weaponize the virus as they do any situation or manufacture one, to interfere with the mother-child relationship. /1
@mega2e But your article did nothing 2 differentiate between abusers who are weaponizing the virus against #protectivemothers and parents who are legitimately worried about neglectful parenting & failure to properly social distance. There was no mention of histories of abuse in cases. /2
@mega2e Instead, you couched the issue as gender neutral w/o looking at previous histories of legitimate custodial interference. Like reporting on #rapeculture on campus & giving equal weight to alleged rapists’ & rape victims concerns w/o addressing systemic inequities in treatment. 3/
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What some German johns/punters/#sexbuyers think is an acceptable response to the #CoronaCrisis #COVIDー19 And their side for the most part isn't explicitly criminalized, unlike the women! This is how quickly legalisation turns into prohibition punishing mostly her, not him. Image
What some German johns/punters/#sexbuyers think is an acceptable response to #CoronaCrisis #COVIDー19 Regular johns knew they were exploiting women's financial desperation before, but it just became more blatant and obvious that they don't care one bit about consent. #rapeculture Image
What some German johns/punters/#sexbuyers think is an acceptable response to #CoronaCrisis #COVIDー19 Prices in Germany were so low before the women at the bottom were sometimes paid in coins. Returning to precrisis times is not acceptable. We must do better for women permanently Image
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Fiji The Way The World Should Be!! A #thread on media reports of sexual assault/rape in Fiji. Hoping to drive home how bad it really is in this small country. Will try to keep this updated, feel free to add on if I miss out. Only real media like Fiji Times/Fiji Village/ Fiji One. ImageImageImageImage
Fijians abroad showing the world how depraved our society is becoming. ImageImageImageImage
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So, I’ve been listening to this podcast, this morning. In it, ‘Joanne’ talks about sustaining her marriage through her husband’s transition to live full time as ‘Helen’ @transwidows #AGP…
First of all, h/t to @Quieten_Down who first alerted me to the podcast
‘Joanne’ is gaslit throughout the podcast, but the most heinous part comes when ‘Joanne’ tries to explore her need for sexual intimacy, as a heterosexual woman. I’m concerned that what ‘Joanne’ experiences is #ConversionTherapy @BACP
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#KanganaRanaut takedown. Sorry I am triggered

She needs to understand @IJaising is not against capital punishment for Nirbhaya’s rapists specifically. She has a moral objection to the idea of capital punishment by itself. This DOES NOT mean that she has sympathy for rapists.
That may be a complicated argument for Kangana to understand but it’s the truth. You can’t make a leap from one to thousand without taking a breath, which is what she’s done. She’s assuming that support for capital punishment in this SPECIFIC case means someone is sympathising
with rapists. This is just not what was being said at all.

Second, let’s put aside the the fact that Kangana doesn’t understand nuanced arguements. It is #NewIndia, there are very few people left who understand nuanced arguments.
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An interesting project to identify the way, until just a few years ago, the @nytimes #StyleMagazine contributed to #rapeculture. I've collected examples because they tie in w/ #thesexualpoliticsofmeat. Here's one from a photoshoot called #TrunkFood…
@nytimes Notice how the image includes the word "Eat" in red. This was in 2007. #trunkfood #thesexualpoliticsofmeat Image
@nytimes And then of course, there is #fragmentation of the woman, showing only her legs, and #subordination, as well. Where would her head be exactly in this pose?
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In the middle of election madness, with news, "news", opinion, analysis and just plain shouting, let's stop and think about all the things that make up our identities in India, and how they affect the stories we tell: #HeyMediaIntersections
Have you read this moving piece from @ShaliniNair13 about minor Bachhada girls who are forced into caste-sanctioned prostitution?
Come to Fridays@PROTO to hear @ShaliniNair13 talk about applying the gender lens to discussing development issues. You can register here: #HeyMediaIntersections
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