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Jun 20th 2023
Le tweet de @philippejeanpr1 était parfait, @GrablyR , et il a mis @BFMTV devant le mur de ses mensonges et fake news, propagées sur cette chaîne TV mainstream pour satisfaire au narratif du gouvernement borné, et en particulier de #DarmaninDemission /

D'ailleurs l'obédience de @BFMTV au gouvernement du #Macronistan , ne date pas d'hier. Dès 2020, en pleine "guerre contre le covid" selon #macronescu , Céline Pigalle alors directrice de la rédaction de @BFMTV l'avouait publiquement sans aucune honte 🤬
Quant à vous, @GrablyR , comme tout bon journaleux, lorsque vous êtes pris en faite de mensonge et de dissémination de #FakeNews , vous bottez en touche et attaquez votre interlocuteurd'estrèèème droiiite, avec une bonne louche de reductio ad hitlerum 🤣
Read 6 tweets
Jun 19th 2023
Même si cela ne parait pas si étonnant, les politiciens états-uniens de tous bords ont souvent réduit l'Europe à leur larbin.
Il s'agit d'une #FakeNews. Les #Trump-istes l'ont mauvaise de voir leur gourou avoir été "inculpé"…
1/4 Article dans le "The D...
Pas si étonnant, certes!
#Biden avait bien annoncé la neutralisation de #NordStream qlqs semaines avant son sabotage!
Même si nos abrutis de #médias minimisent, croyant ainsi ne pas "nourrir le jeu des Trumpistes & extrêmes" & provoquant donc l'inverse : Mefiance & Défiance!
On pourrait alors se demander comment les #USA priveraient la Chine de relations avec l'#UE ?!
En faisant avec leurs amis #RoyaumeUni encore sauter des infrastructures en Europe, comme #NordStream & le Pipeline d'ammoniac #TogliattiOdessa ?!
Read 4 tweets
Jun 19th 2023
@Sprinter99880 I'm not surprised from impostors "Democrats" & "Republicans" reducing as stooges the Europe Nations since 70 years!

BUT… I can't find it in #TheDetroitNews.
It's a stupid #Trump-ist #FakeNews?!
You also are an enemy of #EU?!

Give a link please… Try…
@Sprinter99880 *impostors "Democrats" & "Republicans"
- "Democrats" (Demos Kratos) by name only, because they hate "The Political Power of The People" (= Real Democracy #MakeDemocracyGreatAgain)!
Historically, they're representatives of "sovereign states".(Sovereign, no joke!😅)
- ...
@Sprinter99880 *impostors "Democrats" & "Republicans"
- ...
- "Republicans" (Res Publica) by name only, because they hate the "The Public Weal" (= Real Republic #MakeRepublicGreatAgain)!
They're historically représentatives of the "Republic of Washington" (like "Rome" in its time : Empire).
Read 5 tweets
Jun 15th 2023
History Repeating Itself….

We all remember when Segun Sowunmi lied about the Mambila Power plant on which he was fact checked by Anjuri, his colleague on Channel didn’t take it so well back then. That’s what playing out right now on @ARISEtv btw @ruffydfire & @Rotankwot

So now @ruffydfire who is the CEO in charge of #FakeNews is trying to play smart.

Nigerians can remember when this boy Rufai claimed that President Buhari had nothin to campaign on when he joined President Bola on the field, should we say that Rufai is blind to achievements

Do you know that lately, @ruffydfire of @ARISEtv now attacked @Rotankwot on a daily basis now, I guess because his not going the way of bad news that Rufai is about. Rufai is always angry now whenever Rotus is on air, is that not MADNESS 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
Read 4 tweets
May 30th 2023
Combattere #fakenews, propagande varie, è ormai lasciato alle iniziative del singolo, che si becca gli insulti e il solito: "Chi ti paga"!

Non esiste pena, non esiste intervento strutturato per combattere la #disinformazione.

Siamo lasciati da soli.

E diamo fastidio Image
Il nostro tentativo di spiegare i fenomeni basandoci su dati e fonti autorevoli, cozza spesso con bugie che invertono l'onere della prova.

E siamo antipatici, subiamo minacce, mentre altri raccolgono, raccontando storielle ridicole, consensi e un incredibile e pericoloso potere ImageImageImageImage
Si sta sottovalutando un problema molto serio: la gente ha bisogno di soluzioni semplici a problemi complessi.
Ma non è reale, ma pur essendo assurde, queste tesi e questi personaggi spopolano e portano al governo una manica di incapaci che si nutre di impossibili promesse ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
May 27th 2023
Heute vor 118 Jahren: Die Seeschlacht von Tsuschima beendet #Russland/s koloniale Expansion in Ostasien. Zar Nikolaus II. wollte seine Gleichrangigkeit mit dem britischen Imperium demonstrierten u. erlebte stattdessen eine vernichtende Niederlage im Krieg gegen Japan. Thread/1 Image
Unter Finanzminister Sergej Witte (1849-1915) verstärkten sich Russlands Ambitionen im Pazifikraum. Über die Trans-Sib sollten wertvolle Rohstoffe nach Petersburg gelangen. Das geschwächte #China war zum Spielball der Imperien geworden und Russland wollte ein Stück vom Kuchen/2
Der Konflikt mit Japan um Einflussphären verstärkte sich seit den 1890er Jahren. #Russland sah sich als europäische Großmacht den "Gelben" überlegen - doch der Krieg endete für die Russen in der Katastrophe. Japan versenkte am 27./28. Mai 1905 unerwartet die russische Flotte./3 ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
May 27th 2023
Update al #tweetelling.
Abbiamo un nuovo DEMbunking tinazzista da riportare del mio amico Davidino.
Sa 'a cantano e sa 'a sonano.
Contrordine kompamerati.
Hanno stati i fascisti, ma anche i comunisti.
Hanno stati gli "estremi".
"Meno male che Davidino c'è".🎶
Capito? L'infame PropagandaRight lo ha fatto bloccare lui.

Uno di DX chiamerebbe un account PropagandaXXX, nome che richiama un programma odiato? ImageImage
Read 146 tweets
May 24th 2023
Et c'est reparti pour la fabrique à #FakeNews sur @BFMTV à propos du #cannabis et des accidents de la circulation. Vous voulez voir comment ils manipulent l'information ? Thread.
Ça commence par une stat : Dans 1 accident mortel sur 5 un conducteur est dépisté positif aux stups. Image
Le chiffre est exact et il est tiré du bilan 2021 de l'ONISIR, mais sa présentation est faussée et @BFMTV glisse de l'information vers la manipulation. D’abord la statistique inclut tous les conducteurs, y compris les victimes.
14% des piétons tués sont aussi dépistés positifs aux stups. Dans ce cas @btmv ne dit pas que dans 1 cas sur 10 un conducteur tue un piéton consommateur de #cannabis.
Et là, les stats ne disent pas que 1 conducteur sur 5 RESPONSABLE d’un accident est positif aux stups. Image
Read 13 tweets
May 22nd 2023
1/9) Humans are naturally social beings, with a tendency to follow the crowd, also known as 'herd mentality'. This psychological phenomenon can unfortunately extend to health practices, such as mask-wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic. #COVID19 #MaskUp
2/9) Following the crowd provides a sense of security and belonging. When a significant number of people neglect mask-wearing, others may feel compelled to do the same, despite the risks, to maintain social cohesion. #COVID19 #HerdMentality
3/9) Misinformation about masks often circulates on social media and can spread quickly, influencing public opinion. This misinformation can discourage people from wearing masks. Always check facts with reliable sources. #FakeNews #COVID19
Read 9 tweets
May 16th 2023
"Hoe herken ik nepnieuws" - een draadje 🧵

#nepnieuws #fakenews #misinformatie #desinformatie #kennis
Er is een overschot aan websites die zich bezig houdt met het verspreiden van nepnieuws. Dat is iets van alle tijden, maar de laatste jaren komen ze als onkruid uit de grond.

En omdat social media zo groot zijn geworden gaat nepnieuws vaak ook als een lopend vuurtje rond. /2
Veel mensen weten niet hoe ze betrouwbare van onbetrouwbare bronnen moeten onderscheiden en geloven daardoor sneller dingen die niet waar of bewezen zijn. Dat kan bijdragen aan onnodige angst en onrust. /3
Read 21 tweets
May 13th 2023
Can we put an end to the #FakeNews that Byju’s is raising $1bn at $22bn valuation!? 😓😓

Break the numbers shared below the headlines, and the beans spill out!

The truth 👇 Image
$1bn is what Byju's is reportedly chasing. Though visibility in the media is all about $950m.

This sum can be broken down into 2 parts 👉
1️⃣ A 3yr $250m convertible debt from Davidson Kempner Capital Management (DKCM) which is not known to invest in startups, but in financially distressed companies against significant equity & big interest rates

Like it bought #Adani bonds when they had crashed after #hindenburg
Read 15 tweets
May 11th 2023
1/ (Thread) #TrumpTownHall & the video of #StevenCrowder's abuse gave me the courage to release audio from my marriage with Alex Jones.

TY, Daily Mail, for raising awareness about how #extremists use #DomesticViolence to control their prey. Article: Image
2/I shared the audio w my lawyers during my divorce & after. I begged them to use it while Alex Jones sued me for over 10 years, stealing my kids, harming & neglecting them while accusing me. They said it didn't matter.

I hope Hilary Crowder's trauma will matter in her case. Image
3/What really resonated w me was #StevenCrowder gaslighting Hilary & trying to get a reaction, while threatening her.. Alex Jones often did this to me. He harassed me daily and often hour to hour, then he would whip out a phone (or have one hidden) to try and record my reaction Image
Read 25 tweets
May 8th 2023
Exciting AI updates!

CBSE adds coding & AI to schools, Indian student creates AI legal advisor, China leads in AI regulation, AI chips competition heats up ..

Plus, first arrest due to AI-generated misinformation ..

Let’s explore it all here 👇…
1/1. CBSE is introducing coding, AI, financial literacy, and more skills for class 6 onwards.

🎓 These optional courses, lasting 10-15 hours, integrate vocational studies into the curriculum to let students explore their interests! Image
1/2. The new subjects introduced by CBSE don't require extra investments like labs or special teachers. 💰

This means students can get tertiary-level exposure without additional resources. It's all about providing equal opportunities!
Read 13 tweets
May 3rd 2023
1. Holy crap.

Did Obama, Biden and their thugs frame and remove CIA Director General Davis Petraeus, to replace him with John Brennan?

Check this extract from an article from 10 November 2012:…
2. 'In a remarkable twist, it was agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation who discovered that the head of the CIA was conducting an affair during an inquiry into possible email security breaches.'

Yeah, a 'remarkable twist'.

3. Check out this timeline, knowing what we know today.

Nov 6 2012 - Obama wins POTUS election.
Nov 7 - 'FBI officials' brief DNI Clapper.
Nov 8 - Clapper tells Petraeus to resign.
Nov 9 - CIA Director Petraeus resigns.

NOW - what was CIA Director Petraeus schedule for Nov 14?
Read 15 tweets
May 3rd 2023
Hey! Don't change that channel! Stay dazzled with the amazing federal rodeo clowns, while @SpeakerMcCarthy @LeaderMcConnell work with Anthony Blinken to advance the #Bolsheviks agenda in #UkraineonFire and Soros color revolution in America! Image
And in other federal seditious chaos operations news, the @LeaderMcConnell @SenSchumer #GreatestShowOnEarth continues undermining the Judicial Branch while circus 🎪 clowns perform silly skits ImageImage
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Apr 28th 2023
Buch #Schockwellen: Ich benenne Verantwortliche der fossilen #Energiekrise, die sich aktuell öffentlich (verdeckt) rächen. Ewige Zirkeldebatten über Kohle, Fracking und Atomkraft. Wir zahlen einen hohen Preis.
@Campusverlag 👇…
"So legt Kemfert mit ihrem Werk zweifellos das Buch der Stunde vor, in dem sie nicht nur faktenreich die Genese der fatalen deutschen Abhängigkeit von russischem Gas nachzeichnet..." @SZ
Die Bücher „Schockwellen“ von Nachhaltigkeitsprofessorin Claudia Kemfert und „Kill-Score“ von Ökonom Jakob Tomä zeigen, welche verheerenden Folgen unsere Lebensweise und unser Umgang mit Energie hat – bis hin zum Tod anderer Menschen. @dlfkultur
Lesart 👇… Image
Read 29 tweets
Apr 26th 2023
Il mestiere del #giornalista è quello di approfondire e di non farsi prendere per i fondelli da qualsivoglia canale #telegram o seguire un noto ciarlatano come #Donzelli.
Lo so, sono cattivo, ma ecco un breve thread per smentire (come sempre) @RaffaellaRegoli e #Fuoridalcoro 1/8
La storia dell'eccesso di mortalità dei dati inglesi è uno dei più clamorosi #CherryPicking degli ultimi tre anni. Prendere un titolo roboante senza comprendere i dati e senza sapere nulla (basterebbe approfondire) del contesto e della situazione di cui si parla, e creare...2/8 complotto. La dimostrazione che il #vaccino ha aumentato la mortalità e dunque, per narcisismo misto a malafede, raccontare storie pericolose e alimentare paranoie pericolosissime per la salute pubblica e il singolo individuo. In cambio arriveranno #donazioni e #omicidi 3/8
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Apr 25th 2023
Esempio di #fakenews su risarcimento di danni da #vaccino condiviso nel canale dell'avvocato #Sandri (che queste cose dovrebbe sapere). Vediamo di spiegare il tutto e ribadire che questa disinformazione #novax può fare danni 1/4 Image
Intanto l'indirizzo di spedizione è sbagliato: si è spedito alla Asst di #Bergamo ovest, e non all'indirizzo idoneo è previsto dalla legge.
Primo errore che renderebbe comunque inutile questa mail. 2/4 Image
Altra cosa: si parla di una risposta, automatica, da parte dell'ente con un numero di mail protocollare di 12500 circa. Questo non riguarda le richieste di indennizzo, ma tutte le mail che con PEC sono state inviate con allegato l'oggetto: una semplice ricevuta di ritorno 3/4 Image
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Apr 25th 2023
Pensavo fosse uno scherzo di @capbananapage : invece la realtà di #byoblu supera la fantasia del ridicolo.
In questo disegno c'è tutto il disagio di due anni:
"Nasceva la televisione dal basso"? No, nasceva la tv che ha toccato il fondo...1/2 ImageImage
@capbananapage Una collezione di #fakenews e uno shop pieno di vitamine inutili a prezzi esorbitanti e di occhiali da sole fatti riciclando reti da pesca (a strascico per creduloni).
Caffè a 12 euro, maglie, libri di fantascienza, pacchetti "prevenzione" 2/2 ImageImageImageImage
Tra i "bomber" della rete Tv, a parte #Messora (ex sodale di Grillo), c'è #Fusaro (il turbo filosofo che organizzava cene in nero), una serie di giornalisti del #LaVerità e la leggendaria certificatrice di stimmate, #Chifari.
Due anni di disagio e ciarlataneria! Donate!!! ImageImageImageImage
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Apr 23rd 2023
🧵In recent years, political #polarization has become a dominant feature of political discourse in many democratic nations. As political parties and their supporters increasingly diverge in their ideological beliefs, the divide between them grows, leading to a breakdown in 👇 Image
democratic norms and the collapse of social systems. This thread will explore the different ways in which political polarization contributes to the erosion of democracy and the collapse of social systems, providing a comprehensive understanding of this pressing global issue.👇
I. The Mechanisms of Political Polarization

1️⃣Identity Politics
One of the key factors driving political polarization is the rise of #identity politics. As individuals increasingly identify with their political affiliations, they tend to view opposing parties as enemies rather👇
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Apr 22nd 2023
#Deepstatemedia uses colour themes for comms. For example there's long been green and blue combo that is symbolic. Now, heaps of yellow. Likely sign of distress, or warning about health danger to globalists. Yellow Jack flag ("Q") seems relevant.…
Yellow often combined with black. I think it evokes #blacksun (eclipse). Just had one of those. Think of timing: Celestial corona featured in lead up to #coronation. Corona-virus, too. Along with Commonwealth itself, Commonwealth Bank comes to mind coz of colour combo.
Here are #comms related to this. From April 23's Failing Terrorgraph. #Bluedog and *Taylor* *Swift* feature. Headline evokes imprisonment. Big bucks mentioned. Note black, yellow, orange in photo taken by Wayne *Taylor*. Pooch snap is by David *Swift*. What are the odds? ImageImageImageImage
Read 135 tweets
Apr 21st 2023
Interessanter Bericht, wie es die #Ukraine geschafft hat, mit russischer #Desinformation umzugehen.
War of Words - Bericht des FOI

Anmerkung: Link ganz unten. Die Bilder im Thread sind von mir beigefügt, nicht aus dem Bericht.
#Kreml #FakeNews
#Brainwashing Image
Forscher befragten mehrere Personen, von hochrangigen 🇺🇦 Regierungsbeamten bis hin zu Medienvertretern und Experten der Zivilgesellschaft. Sie nennen 4 Hauptgründe für den Erfolg der Kommunikation:
Anstatt auf russische Desinformationen zu reagieren, so der Bericht, haben sich die ukrainischen Behörden stattdessen auf proaktive und zuverlässige Informationen konzentriert, die häufig Russlands nächsten Schritt vorwegnehmen und ihm zuvorkommen. Image
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Apr 20th 2023
Tal como lo hizo en plena cuarentena para mentirnos sobre la fiesta de Olivos, la Primera Acompañante Fabiola Yañez vuelve a utilizar los medios públicos para mentirnos una vez más a todos los argentinos. Abro hilo 🧵…
Anteayer en #BuenDiaNacion mostré un informe oficial sobre las actividades de Fabiola Yañez en su viaje a Europa de noviembre de 2022, aclarando que constó de dos tramos: 1)Francia, en el que acompañó al presidente en la agenda oficial, y 2) Italia, a donde fue 4 días por su lado
En dicho informe aclaro que a Italia fue con su amiga y vestuarista (la también imputada por el Olivos Gate, Carolina Marafiotti) por 4 días, a pesar de que sólo tenía en agenda oficial un sólo evento en Roma: el Partido de la Paz organizado por Scholas Occurrentes, el 14-11-22.
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Apr 13th 2023

#Thailand weist #Bhakdis Behauptungen energisch zurück

Die umstrittene Behauptung von Sucharit Bhakdi, Thailand wolle den Vertrag mit Pfizer über den Impfstoff Covid-19 kündigen (...) wurde mit Nachdruck als falsch zurückgewiesen.

"Bhakdi hatte behauptet, die thailändische Regierung erwäge, den Vertrag mit Pfizer über den Impfstoff Covid zu kündigen, weil sie angeblich Bedenken hinsichtlich der Sicherheit des Impfstoffs hege."

#Bhakdi #Thailand #Bajrakitiyabha

"Weiterhin hatte er behauptet, die Prinzessin sein kurz nach einer Impfung mit dem Pfizer-Impfstoff ins Koma gefallen und hatte diese für die Erkrankung der Prinzessin verantwortlich gemacht."

#Bhakdi #Thailand #Bajrakitiyabha

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