Sulaiman, one of the first Arab merchants, who had undertaken multiple voyages to India and China during the first half of the ninth century, in his travel diary, ‘Akhbar Al-Sin wa’l Hind’ dated 851 AD, writes repeatedly about the following distinct..
.. code of conduct exercised by Indian warriors even in battles fought by them which according to him was quite ‘not warlike’, and was more humane than anybody else :-
Instance 1:
“Sometimes they (Indians) fight each other over sovereignty, but this is rare.
I have not seen anyone ousting another person from his kingdom except the people who are next to the land of pepper...
.. Whenever a king subjugates a kingdom,he entrusts the kingdom to a person belonging to the family of the defeated king who remain under his authority. The people of the kingdom do not accept any other arrangement except this.Neither the Indians nor the Chinese get circumcised.”
Instance No.2:
“Not warlike, the Indians sometimes go to war for conquest, but the occasions are rare.
I have never seen the people of one country submit to the authority of another, except in the case of that country which comes next to the country of pepper [Malabar].
When a king subdues a neighboring state, he places over it a man belonging to the family of the fallen prince, who carries on the government in the name of the conqueror. The inhabitants would not suffer it to be otherwise.”
Unfortunately, the invaders took undue advantage of our Sanatani generosity and scrupulousness, even in wars, costing us a to nearly 1000 years of On & off foreign rule in various parts of India, thereby resulting to severe debacle of cultural & social structure of Hindu society.
Next time, any leftist/Islamic (dis) historian claims that all rulers were same in Middle Ages, punch the above facts, directly from the mouth of their own kind, on their ignorant face. We were unlike them, barring few exceptions. Let this sink in them.
Sources and Credit:
2) S. Maqbul Ahmad, pp.54-55, Arabic Classical Accounts of India And China, Institute of Advanced Study, Simla, 1989...
3)Elliot and Dowson, vol., I, pp., 7, The History of India As Told By Its Own Historians, Low Price Publications, 1990.
Let me update this thread with one more instance from history as recorded by a Greek, Diodorus Siculus way back in 100 BCE, Who wrote in Bibliotheca Historica,Book XVII, Chapter LXXXIV, the following about the Indian warriors while engaged in any battle :-
“Respect to farmers and nature during war: But, further, there are usages observed by the Indians which contribute to prevent the occurrence of famine among them; for whereas among other nations it is usual, in the contests of war, to ravage the soil,....
.. and thus to reduce it to an uncultivated waste, among the Indians, on the contrary, by whom husbandmen are regarded as a class that is sacred and inviolable, the tillers of the soil, even when battle is raging in their neighbourhood,..
.. are undisturbed by any sense of danger, for the combatants on either side in waging the conflict make carnage of each other, but allow those engaged in husbandry to remain quite unmolested. Besides, they neither ravage an enemy’s land with fire, nor cut down its trees.”
Source and Credit :
5)Bibliotheca Historica,Book XVII, Chapter LXXXIV, translated in Ancient India as described in Classical Literature, John W. McCrindle, First Indian ed. 1979 (rpt. 1901- Westminster), Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, New Delhi.
Sanatan Dharma has always been a wrongful victim of being allegedly patriarchal, especially when it comes to assignment of roles and responsibilities of husband and wife in managing their households.
.. However, if we analyse the supreme Sanatani knowledge enshrined in the divine Vedas and strive to comprehend the deeper meaning of the relevant mantras, the directives from the same contrast the above mindless allegation.
#Thread on #Polyandry and rule of succession to thrones in some regions of South #India (Malabar, Calicut etc.), in #medieval ages, as observed by Persian ambassadors, Venetian merchants , Genoese explorer, Chinese travelers and French monks etc. #women#history#bharat
A) Abdur Razzak (ambassador of Timur’s son, Mirza Shah Rukh, to the Vijayanagar court in 1442) recorded the following practise of Polyandry in Calicut :-
...Amongst them there is a class of men, with whom it is the practice for one woman to have a great number of husbands, each of whom undertakes a special duty and fulfils it.
#Thread on some intriguing, politically incorrect, yet historically correct facts from the annals of Medieval Indian #History under #Islamic rule, which hopefully will contribute in awakening the ‘hyper secular’ Hindus from decades of slumber. #India#Lovejihad#Slavery#Hindu
Fact No. 1:
Relentless business of capturing Hindus, enslaving then and forcefully converting them to Islam, in every inhuman possible way, was a favourite sport of every ‘pious’ Islamic ruler or noble in Medieval India, starting from rule of Ghaznis,..
.. Ghoris Till Slave Dynasty and Mughals in north and Bahmanis, Nizams, Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan in South. This gradually led to the growth of Muslim Population in India.
As observed by Prof KS Lal in his well researched book, ‘Muslim Slave System in Medieval India’, while Muslim chronicles have adequately and proudly recorded the strength of Hindus (or infidels as mentioned by them) killed and enslaved after every campaign and raid,..
.. they have maintained pin drop silence on the level of humiliation and suffering of the Hindu captives and slaves in Islamic households.
#Thread on ‘nakedness in native clothing’ in certain regions of South India as recorded by European travellers,merchants & Persian ambassador in 1200-1500 CE before advent of Islamic/Christian/Victorian morality in societies :- #History#India#Bharat#Naked#Culture#SouthIndia
A)John of Monte Corvino, one of the first Christian Monks who spent considerable time in South India preaching, observed dressing style of men and women in certain regions of Indian peninsula during 12-13th century CE:-
“They (Men and women) are not, strictly speaking, black, but of an olive colour, and exceedingly well formed both women and men. They go barefoot and naked, except that they wear a cloth round the loins, and boys and girls up to eight years of age wear nothing whatever,..
This one is concerned to the anatomy of females which according to them are not suitable for chanting of Vedic hymns. Trads/tradcells (inspired by their Gurus) claim chanting of Vedic mantra affects the reproductive organs of women,..
.. by burning their uterus over period of time, while in case of men their organ remains intact !