.@theAGU hosts a massive conference of Earth and space scientists every December, usually in San Francisco (photos below from previous years). My 1st meeting was in 2003 as a masters' student. In this #thread I'll share highlights from #AGU20, my first time attending virtually!
Something cool I discovered this year at #AGU20 (thanks to @KateBrauman) is the MacGyver session, w/ hacks including a test for #COVID19 in wastewater & a system to lure vineyard pests away with mating calls instead of harmful sprays. agu.confex.com/agu/fm20/meeti…
Great talk about using #nature to fix #climate (negative emissions) by @connornolan#AGU20:
-avoided #deforestation is key for conservation- but doesn't take up *additional* carbon.
-natural climate solutions "at risk from the problem they're trying to solve" (warming) (1/n)
@connornolan#AGU20 3/n:
Helpful concept of natural climate solutions: are they replacing historical carbon lost from ecosystems ("silo") or providing substantial additional carbon storage ("haystack")? (If silo, natural land uptake may have already done most of the work...)
@connornolan#AGU20 4/n:
Of 42 estimates of negative emissions from natural climate solutions, only the most bullish are in the range needed for 1.5°C. Papers that recognize only tropical reforestation helps cool temps, + included carbon price, estimated lower uptake potential.
Land tenure, finance, measurement of carbon uptake esp in soils are key challenges for implementing natural climate solutions at scale. @connornolan#AGU20 5/n:
@connornolan#AGU20 6/n: nice summary of tradeoffs and constraints between different natural climate solutions.
Study (nature.com/articles/s4155…) found considering "constraints" (reality on the ground), only 0.3-18% of estimated carbon uptake from ecosystems could be realized. :(
Clear potential for land biosphere to remove atmospheric carbon, but "the first billion tons are more difficult and slower than assumed, and the ultimate total is likely less than we need," likely 100-200 Gt CO2 concludes @connornolan#AGU20 7/7( (w/ @chrfield@katharine_mach)
One key purpose of climate stabilization is to "not interfere with food production." @RobertFofrich shows key crops (farms) will have to move to keep up with climate; more warming = more disruption; worse in tropics. Up to 46% of global wheat. :( agu.confex.com/agu/fm20/meeti… #AGU20
What makes people move after climate-related disasters? @_ninaberlin finds both push & pull factors at play; place attachment & previous experience of the threat make moving less likely.
28% of random US sample have felt 1+ week of wildfire smoke! #AGU20agu.confex.com/agu/fm20/meeti…
"#sealevelrise is not a future problem for South Florida, it's here right now, accelerating, & will contribute to coastal community displacement... #climate migration is not uniform movement out of a high-risk area, climate gentrification is happening now" @thealmostphd#AGU20
#climate mobility framework: @thealmostphd mapping how vulnerability (resources to adapt) + climate risk interact. Actually migrants are likely to be high income to access gov't buyouts, be able to move. Those with less resources get displaced or trapped. #AGU20
The areas vulnerable to #sealevelrise in Miami-Dade are Black + Latino, shows @thealmostphd. They are the ones facing being trapped or displaced. #AGU20
Powerful analysis by @thealmostphd:
Black population in Miami-Dade is slated to be disproportionately displaced by #sealevelrise;
Colombian population disproportionately trapped;
and white population disproportionately stable/able to migrate. #AGU20agu.confex.com/agu/fm20/meeti…
Webinar on tools for assessing national #climate pledges (NDCs) by @WRIClimate. @davidwaskow reminds: #ParisAgreement is meant to work thru an iterative process of increasing ambition (faster emission reductions), leading to #netzero emissions by 2050. (Thread 1/n)
The world is currently WAY over our #carbonbudget for where we need to be to align with #ParisAgreement. Orange= countries will do under any event; red = conditional (e.g., will do if they get needed finance). We have LOTSA emissions to reduce fast @davidwaskow@WRIClimate (2/n)
Of 21 indicators assessed for #ParisAgreement:
2 are on track (e.g., crop yields)
13 right direction but too slow (e.g., need electric vehicle sales to be 22x faster than now)
2 in wrong direction: forests, ag emissions @davidwaskow from @climateactiontr, @WRIClimate et al 3/n
Now virtually attending @theNASEM workshop on #Sustainability science- input to the 2021 #NobelPrize Summit “Our Planet, Our Future." Register to watch livestream below. Some highlights to follow over next 3 days #Thread
"Autocracies don't publish much data," says @MarshallBBurke. Do existing methods reinforce existing problematic power structures & unsustainable patterns? Given data gaps, need more ways to measure at scale to be able to shine a light on and potentially address power imbalances.
"Equity is about justice and achieving equality of outcomes, so that everyone can see the football match" says @mleach_ids. Seven forms of equity interact to drive how groups experience the world.
Martin Hultman finds 4 kinds of #ClimateChange denial: 1. Organized: groups that spread and support misinformation 2. Party political-ideological: political parties 3. Response: decisions incompatible with claimed climate goals 4. Everyday: ppl know but don't act. @becc_sweden
Very relevant research questions from Martin Hultman. Focus on three key actors in #ClimateChange denial: extractive industries (since 1960), conservative think tanks (1989-), and right-wing nationalism (2008-). @GeoffreySupran, @BenFranta are you in touch with Martin?
Depressingly long history of #ClimateChange denial from Martin Hultman. Glaring gap between knowledge and action- partly explained by deliberate misinformation campaigns, as illustrated with #ExxonKnew tactics to delegitimize science, greenwash & mislead the public.
Communicating #ClimateChange: @NinaWormbs reflects on using technology (satellites) as stand-in for "seeing with our own eyes"; a scientific gaze used to support an economic claim ("melting sea ice will opens Northwest Passage shipping") becc.lu.se/event/theme-me…
Scientific language needs to be precise and non-emotional; @NinaWormbs likens Rachel Carson and Jim Hansen as facing similar communication struggles to convey scientific problems in a way people understand emotionally. @becc_sweden
A re-evaluation of what is rational for people: @NinaWormbs gives overview of research that can help us make sense of #climatechange denial.
Agriculture is the most destructive human activity invented. Major cause of biodiversity loss, water and ocean pollution, climate pollution. @LennartLUCSUS says the root cause is using annual plants instead of perennials - a 10,000 year old mistake. Thread on his talk 👇🏽
@LennartLUCSUS Annual crops (cereals, oilseeds, legumes) are 80% of food. This means overturning soil and destroying its structure & life at least 1-2x/year. @LennartLUCSUS
@LennartLUCSUS .@LennartLUCSUS quotes Wes Jackson on natural system agriculture. The key is diversity in space (polyculture) + perennial crops living for many years w/ large/deep roots. Jackson's vision for perennial ag he thought would take 100 years, closer to reality in 50.
Paris Agreement aims to stabilize climate thru “balance of sources and sinks”. @wim_carton gives overview of various negative emissions tech - all aim to prevent/remove carbon from atmosphere and transfer to land/geology/oceans.
Here’s what bioenergy with carbon capture and storage #BECCS looks like. Burn vegetation for energy, capture carbon. @wim_carton