Devastating deforestation, immense land use, pollution, impacts on health, climate & animals from intensive factory farming are clear for all to see.
Thankfully momentum for change is growing. /2
But those same actors (and some new philanthropists & venture capital) are now pushing a number of techno-fix solutions. These are many of the same firms that already dominate sales of conventional (factory-farmed) products. /3
Big meat, dairy & fish companies, 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇨🇳 governments, and 🤓Bill Gates are ramping up investments in fake/#plantbased substitutes and lab-grown meat. Alongside high-tech precision livestock and fish-farming. Even regenerative meat. Claiming to be the solution to #ClimateCrisis /4
But are these technologies really that sustainable?
In reality, the evidence for them is limited & speculative, and they may cause more harm than good:
-more giant agri-business firms,
-standardized westernised diets
- & harmful industrial supply chains /5
The hype & polarisation around #meat & #protein debates.
The narrow focus on CO2 excluding wider sustainability.
The failure to account for differences between production systems & Global South experiences.
All are helping bolster these silver-bullets /6
➡️ Stop focusing on ‘protein’, and start focusing on sustainable #foodsystems - encompassing all aspects of sustainability, starting at the regional level. /6
➡️ Reclaim public resources from 'big protein'. And invest in creating food systems that deliver diverse, ecological, nutritious foods, and support decent livelihoods.
Few people will dispute that global food systems need transformation, but this #UNFSS is instead an effort by a powerful alliance of multinational corporations, philanthropies, and export-oriented countries to subvert multilateral institutions of food #governance.
Once Guterres appointed a Special Envoy and the structure of the Summit was announced, the drivers behind the Summit became clear.
In the #LongFoodMovement report, we're reminded that the world’s 30 million artisanal #fishers and workers provide nearly half of the #fish we eat (@IPBES, 2019).
But with #climatechange & island/ocean grabbing, small-scale fishers & their communities are in peril.
Island/#ocean grabbing is likely to intensify as countries seek to solidify their influence, their #food supply chains, & their global sourcing and distribution networks. For example, in the #RedSea region, conflicts over fish & other marine resources threaten rich #biodiversity.
Meanwhile, in the South China Sea, said to
have some of the highest marine #biodiversity on earth, #China has been building airstrips, ports & other facilities on disputed islands & reefs, w/ the apparent aim of establishing military bases (cf. Ives,
NEW 📰 IPES-Food & @ETC_Group launch the #LongFoodMovement report | What would 2045 look like if it's still "agribusiness-as-usual"? Or can civil society & social movements prevail for healthy, equitable & sustainable #foodsystems? 🌍
"Agribusiness-as-usual" means a powerful few control #food tech & farming #data.
But civil society can fight back.
A #LongFoodMovement can boost post-pandemic resilience, slash emissions in ag. by 75%, & shift $4 trillion to sustainable food & farming:
A 'Long Food Movement' can boost post-#pandemic resilience, slash emissions in #agriculture and food systems by 75%, and shift $4 trillion to sustainable food & farming.
Our partners spent 3 years preparing our report on the transition to #agroecology in West Africa. It was (and remains) abundantly clear how critical #women are to this transition 🌿
🧵Thread /1
"#Women produce between 40-80% of food in the region and playing a leading role in local #food distribution and street vending in West Africa." #IWD2021
🔎 But data measuring the share of food produced, processed & sold by women remains inherently complex & varies across countries. In fact, “quantifying the share of food produced by women involves making many arbitrary assumptions about gender roles in the production process.” /3
"We’ve closely followed #corporate consolidation of food production, processing and distribution in the U.S. over the past 40 years. In our view, this process is making #food less available or affordable for many Americans," say Hendrickson & Howard. /2
"Consolidation has placed key decisions about our nation’s #foodsystem in the hands of a few large companies, giving them outsized influence to #lobby policymakers, direct food and industry #research and influence #media coverage." /3
📽️@UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to #Food, @MichaelFakhri, delivers a special video message ahead of our #CFS47 side event tomorrow:
💡 Global Response to #COVID19#Hunger Crisis: Developing Effective Policy Responses through the @UN_CFS [🧵thread]
"COVID19 has not only been a public health crisis, but it has also generated a hunger crisis. The virus is new, but it has been predictably harshest on marginalised people. In fact, the world was falling behind on realising the right to food even before the current pandemic." /2
"Even with new vaccines, it will be some time before the global #health situation stabilises & it will be at least a decade before the world recovers economically. Meanwhile, Member States and international orgs have not yet come together to tackle the looming hunger crisis." /3