"Imagine explaining to your great-great grandparents that you spent money on a treadmill. And in fact the modern version of a #treadmill was invented for prisons."
"Very very few #chimpanzees in the wild live past the age of 30-40 years old...but the average #HunterGatherer lives between 68-78 years, with a long post-reproductive period."
"In human beings, we have intergenerational transfers of energy and information from grandparents to their grandchildren...but measuring that turns out to be a challenge."
@Harvard "We think it's a big triumph: we get to live longer because of technology, but you get diabetes or heart disease, etc. But it's not true. This led to the Active Grandparent Hypothesis."
"You can see that female hunter-gatherers are in a deficit until they become grandparents. They consume more than they produce. You can see this also in males."
"One way to think about this is 'exercise makes you less fecund.' But another way is, 'when you exercise, your body thinks things are going well, time to reproduce.'"
@Harvard "I'd like to get some #chimpanzees and get them to #exercise every day...I can't do that because it's unethical, but also they can't sweat, they don't have the right #muscle#physiology..."
"#Cancer is basically a byproduct of multicellular life. As soon as you have it, you have an opportunity for cells to cheat. Dinosaurs have it. But among humans, it was probably once much rarer."
Follow this 🧵 as we provide live coverage of this event all day...
"For those of you who think behavior change can prevent #ClimateChange...behavior WILL change when climate changes. Shutdowns from the pandemic resulted in a reduction of #C02 emissions of about 7.5%."
- SFI/@Harvard Prof Dan Schrag opens our speaker series today
"We *used* to talk about #ClimateChange used to be something that would happen to people in Bangladesh fifty years from now."
Re: #ClimateJustice,
"Children born today are going to deal with climate change they had no role in causing."
"We want to keep the right-hand side of this equation as close to zero as possible. What happens if you produce too much, the frequency increases, which we don't want for a variety of reasons."
‘‘Consider what it means to understand ‘The sports car passed the mail truck b/c it was going slower.’ You need to know what sports cars & mail trucks are, that cars can ‘pass’ one another, and that vehicles exist & interact in the world, driven by humans w/ their own agendas.’’
"Embodied, Situated, and Grounded #Intelligence: Implications for #AI"
"'The #energy that flows through a system acts to organize that system,' Harold Morowitz wrote in 1968. Decades later he would team up with physicist Eric Smith at SFI, and the collaboration would lay out a new theory of #abiogenesis."
"According to Smith & Morowitz, life emerged b/c Earth’s geochemistry created an excess of chemical energy. Organic chemistry self-organize[s] when sufficient energy [flows] through the system. Given enough time, a self-maintaining chemical system emerges that can copy itself."
"'If life in its abundance were bound to arise, not as an incalculably improbable accident, but as an expected fulfillment of the natural order,' writes origins-of-life pioneer Stuart Kauffman of the Santa Fe Institute, 'then we truly are at home in the universe.'"
2/n This new research deploys #ScalingLaw insights to understand the population-density driven transition from temporary hunter-gatherer settlements to permanent sedentary city life.
3/n Previous research on the impact of densification on the transition into city life has yielded conflicting results, some suggesting that hunter-gatherer groups actually thin out as they scale. (In what ways might this reflect transitions in the scaling of microbial organisms?)