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Nov 16 179 tweets 212 min read
“The Seventh Descent—Hunting:

“Killing of Planetmates & Eating Flesh Began Our Descent to Savagery & the Apocalypse Today”

is Chapter 7

of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*

by Michael Adzema.

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PH 7/1
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…increasingly separated from Nature, from feeling, & from clear apprehension of reality, humans became insensitive.” []

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal #psyche

PH 7/2
[] “In becoming more numbed to their empathy & fellow feeling, they became inured enough to the spilling of blood, so that making life & death decisions over fellow planetmates became easier.” []

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PH 7/3
[*Chapter 7 text begins:*] “*Descent to Savagery*
“In acting out our fear of uncertainty, arisen from our birth trauma, in a desperate fury to control everything,..”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal

PH 7/4
“…our first attempt to make everything to be as certain as can possibly be involved adding planetmate flesh to our former, predominantly vegetarian, diet.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal

PH 7/5
“Previous to [meat-eating] we had been happy accepting God’s varied & often surprising gifts through foraging, but eventually we began hunting, as well. This began our descent into savagery.”

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PH 7/6
“*Insensitivity, Killing, Hunting*

“Prior to the prematurity trauma,it had not been in our long-ago-primate ancestors nature to kill, let alone eat, flesh that resembled thr own—animals, planetmates.”

“But with thr lives of increasing tension…”


PH 7/7
“…& with their continued loss of touch with Real Existence, [our ancestors’] days became increasingly taken up in a substitute world of monochromatic ghostly symbols, managed by that artificial consciousness construct of Ego.”

THREAD wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution

PH 7/8
“Hence, increasingly separated from Nature, from feeling, & from clear apprehension of reality, humans became insensitive.”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal #psyche #consciousness #anthropology

PH 7/9
“In becoming more numbed to their empathy & fellow feeling, they became inured enough to the spilling of blood, so that making life & death decisions over fellow planetmates became easier.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro

PH 7/10
“After that, it was not long before we were intruding on God’s domain by making such vital decisions about each other, as well. We were able to murder.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal

PH 7/11
“I will address murder in the next chapter, for now I wish to focus on how we came to be hunters & meat eaters.”

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PH 7/12
“First, hunting & murder are some of the negative results of that pulling back from full immersion in Experience, out of fear, which I described in the chapter previous.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution

PH 7/13
“Pulling back means retreating from the full experience of the body with all its feelings. That is the definition of insensitivity.”

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PH 7/14
“In standing back, we were able to view everything around us as objects, including ourselves & our bodies, & we were able to manipulate them to attempt to control future events.”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution

PH 7/15
“Pulling back from the present had us living more in the future, because of fearful anticipation, as well as the past, where we obsessively sought clues to aid us in attempting to control the future.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting

PH 7/16
“Still, pulling back from feeling, from sensitivity, allowed us to make decisions to do things that in a fully experiencing & feeling, a fully sensitive state, our empathy—our feeling of union with other life—would have blocked us from doing.”


PH 7/17
“*Loss of “Safety Net”*

“We first began killing out of our fear that there would not be enough sustenance for all—that is to say, we began feeling we needed to compete over resources.”

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PH 7/18
“*The “Good Mother” of Wilderness*

“Remember, an empathetic & spiritual attitude—which is one that, even today, characterizes some who live within Nature—is that they know without doubt they are interwoven with & therefore infinitely loved…”


PH 7/19
“…& [in primal societies, they know without doubt they are] sustained by a higher power, or Divinity, who is perfect in Her care & nurturing in every way, even the tiniest & most insignificant.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro

PH 7/20
“We see the remnants of such trust that we shared with planetmates before we split off from them even in the modern gatherer-hunters that anthropologists have studied.”

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PH 7/21
“For [gatherer-hunters] predominantly express that Nature, the “wild,” wilderness, the forest is felt to be a higher entity or aspect of reality, which is of a beneficent nature.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution

PH 7/22
“Nature, “the wild”, [in primal cultures] is often looked at as a good mother, eager & willing to provide whatever one needs, & in abundance.”

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PH 7/23
“The forest” [in primal cultures] is seen as the“safety net,”which we inadequately try to reproduce in our social welfare programs in modern times, for having cut off,& for the most part made illegal,our ability to seek sustenance fr wilderness.”


PH 7/24
“However, in primal cultures, the world unmodified by the human touch is the Great Mother or backup that one knows one can resort to if catastrophe ensues & one is left without community or means to survive.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology

PH 7/25
“This safety net of Nature allows for people a certain adventurousness & ability to take risks that civilized society no longer affords.”

THREAD wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal #psyche #consciousness

PH 7/26
“*Conservatives Hate “the Mother”*

“The reason conservatives & patriarchal sorts hate welfare programs & socialism is that it smacks, to them, of the mother...”

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PH 7/27
“…& [conservatives], being more caught up in acting out prenatal pain than their liberal brothers & sisters, hate the mother.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal

PH 7/28
“My book, *Wounded Deer & Centaurs: The Necessary Hero & the Prenatal Matrix of Human Events*, explains this in detail, along with the ramifications that are concurrent with it.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution

PH 7/29
“*Prenatal Conformity*

“For now,I wish to point out that among those factors is the fact that prenatal suffocation—where what we get of blood is affected by the position & movement of our body in the womb—promotes a kind of prenatal conformity.”


PH 7/30
“This is where we learn that we might “get more”...of food & oxygen, but later it will be money, land, resources...if we do not move around too much.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal #psyche

PH 7/31
“We constrain our movements. That is, indeed, the definition of conservative: a fear of & unwillingness to change.”

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PH 7/32
“Along with that is a reluctance to be “flexible,” a rigidity of opinion, personality, & belief. Inhibition is the style, which bespeaks that free movement, i.e., change, or free thinking, for that matter, will be disastrous.”

THREAD drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution

PH 7/33
“In addition to that, it was change, from an earlier relatively blissful time in the womb, that resulted in all the suffering of the last month of gestation. So why would change *ever* be good, is at the root of conservative thinking.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig…

PH 7/34
“More than that, why would change not be the reason that everything got so bad, so messed up, they think. For certainly—and, boy, will ever they tell you—we are certainly “going to hell in a handbasket,” now.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology

PH 7/35
“Consequently, conservatives are ever seeking to return to a mythological “golden age”...in actuality, one that was in the womb...ostensibly, in current times & especially in America, the 1950s.”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro

PH 7/36
“Not coincidentally that was a time [the 50s] the majority of these conservatives—evidenced by Trump & his supporters, who are primarily of the Fifties Generation—were coming into adulthood.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro

PH 7/37
“So conservatism of thought is rooted in horrible experiences in the womb where we deduced that if we moved too much we would have more likelihood of receiving nutrients & oxygen…”

READ BOOK> wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #devo

PH 7/38
“…& where simultaneously we thought back to a time prior to the onset of suffering & longed for it, figuring that if things had not changed, times would still be good, so to speak.”

THREAD drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #psyche

PH 7/39
“We re-create this being conservative in our movements & conforming to our surroundings of oppression when again in later life we have a tendency to hold our breath when we are confronted with a stressful situation.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psyche

PH 7/40
“For the stressful situation not only stimulates our time of prenatal suffocation, so we are pushed to hold our breath in that we are unconsciously impelled to re-create that event, but it simulates it as well in that holding our breath…”

THREAD wp.me/pwMlb-3in

PH 7/41
“…[holding our breath] is the equivalent of not moving around too much in the womb in hopes of bettering or at least relieving our situation. Under stress, we become more conservative in our movements & actions, out of fear.”

THREAD drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution

PH 7/42
“*Prenatal Roots of Greed, Violence, Bigotry, Misogyny*

“There are other reasons for conservativism that are part & parcel of our fetal malnutrition. For example, greed comes of our feeling that we did not get enough at that time [prenatally].”


PH 7/43
“A tendency to aggression & violence, characteristic of conservatives, comes from the crowded-ness [PME 1] of that time [prenatally].”

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PH 7/44
“Prenatal irritation leads to bigotry; prenatal burning to war & explosions. Yet any of them, & all of them together, for sure, are felt to emanate from the mother.”

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PH 7/45
“Thus, misogyny is rooted in prenatal experience; & reactionary types act that out in all kinds of ways, including railing against anything that smacks of nurturing or of ease.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution

PH 7/46
“For [conservatives] did not get that nurturing in the womb, they unconsciously feel. They did not have that ease & were forced to suffer & work, they unconsciously know.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #PMEs

PH 7/47
“So [conservatives] are going to hate anything that indicates someone else might be nurtured or have a life that is facilitated without their having to suffer to bring that about.”

THREAD drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution

PH 7/48
“*Conservatives & Abortion*

“That reactionaries are unusually taken over by the pain of that prenatal time is also indicated by one of their primary issues.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal

PH 7/49
“For other than greed—which comes out in their concern about taxation, as one of their major political issues—[conservatives] are impelled by the issue of abortion. A part of conservatives knows they are still that suffering fetus*.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwMlb-3in

PH 7/50
“[Conservatives] simmer with rage at a mother—a woman seeking an abortion—who they see to not be willing to care for & nurture an unborn, for they were ignored & left wanting at that time: They were not cared for & nurtured & fed sufficiently.”


PH 7/51
“[Conservatives] will similarly be infuriated by abortion doctors who would ease that time for the mother, in providing their services. They feel they did not receive ease at that time, so why should the mother?”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology

PH 7/52
“*Conservatives & Prenatal Hatred of the “Feminine”—“Softness, Ease*

“Conservatives have thr thoughts stiffened along tracks that lead to feelings no good shud come to anyone,except thru hard work & suffering(like they experienced in the womb).”


PH 7/53
“That never should there be a “free lunch.” That softness of any kind is not only weakness & unwanted, but is feminine as well. Therefore there is hatred at the thought of those qualities in others.”

READ BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting

PH 7/54
“[Conservatives] often use terms like *disgust*, *revulsion*, *irritation*, or being *“burned up”*—all of which are prenatal feelings wrought of fetal malnutrition.”

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PH 7/55
“In any case, by contrast to the peaceable & trusting gatherer-hunters—content & upheld by the good mother of wilderness, providing a safety net, & often, ease—”

THREAD wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal

PH 7/56
“—our descent to civilization, with its overriding m.o. of control, started with an insecurity & an incipient basic mistrust, resulting from our birth trauma, which caused us to begin to be fearful of & to doubt the beneficence of the All.”

---> drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH…

PH 7/57
“This questioning of Divine Providence first manifested in our earliest forebears as a willingness to kill & eat planetmate flesh much like our own, that is, to hunt.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal

PH 7/58
“By the way, considering the relation of conservatism with this mistrust of ease & assistance, I do not believe it is coincidental that conservatives & patriarchal sorts in general are so taken up with their desire for meat.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution

PH 7/59
“Not to mention the hunting & guns that are concomitant with that. If you look, you will see this tendency to put oneself out there as a killer & eater of flesh to be one of the ways conservatives have of beating their chests.”

READ BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devo

PH 7/60
“Which is just another way they are trying to loudly proclaim to one & all that *they* are in no way “soft” & “feminine” (“You see!”) as they wanted to be but could not in the womb.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth

PH 7/61
“*Meat Was the Apple in the Garden of Eden.*

“It is interesting to see how that first fall of ours into hunting was reflected in the Eden myth. Here is how I see it. First, let me bring to mind these words from *Genesis*:

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution

PH 7/62
“”Because thou has hearkened unto the voice of thy wife,

“”and hast eaten of the tree,

“”of which I commanded thee, saying,

“”Though shalt not eat of it:

“”cursed is the ground for thy sake;””

THREAD drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro

PH 7/63
“”in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life:

“”thorns also & thistles shall it bring forth to thee;

“”and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;

“”in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread….””

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology

PH 7/64
“”And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good & evil: & now, lest he put forth his hand, & take also of the tree of life, & eat, & live for ever:””

THREAD wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution

PH 7/65
“”therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.””

THREAD drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal #psyche #consciousness #anthropology #MeatEating

PH 7/66
“Prior to that Fall, *The Bible* relates how we “walked with God.” We were, so to speak, on “face-to-face” terms with God. We had direct contact, direct communion with Him at all times.””

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth

PH 7/67
“In fact, one interpretation of Eve’s “sin” was that she hid from God what she was doing. She listened to the serpent & kept her decision & her act from God.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal

PH 7/68
“So what is meant by Eve keeping God “in the dark” about eating the apple? What is the apple? What is the serpent? What is God? Well, here is what occurs to me about that:”

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PH 7/69
“*Creating of the Human Unconscious—Conscience Repressed & Higher Self Kept “in the Dark”*”

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PH 7/70
“For those who follow my work & are familiar with the term, *the Unapproved & Hidden*, this perspective that God was put “in the dark” at the time when the apple was eaten is telling.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth

PH 7/71
“In the dark & out of sight is exactly how we characterize that species unconscious of humans—which I am calling *the Unapproved & Hidden*.”

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PH 7/72
“& if we consider, as I have said elsewhere (*Planetmates* & *Wounded Deer & Centaurs*) & will say again in this work, that eating the apple represents humans beginning the process of hunting/killing planetmates/ eating meat,..”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devo

PH 7/73
“…we can see that in doing so [eating meat] we had to repress our conscience...we had to put our higher self, our inner Divine, if you will, “in the dark.””

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PH 7/74
“We would have had to suppress our feelings of empathy for our fellow planetmate beings & ignore our inner Divinity—our conscience—who would have advised against that...& would have haunted us unceasingly if we had.”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psyche

PH 7/75

“If you cannot shake the myth of early humans as savage & beastly, as real troglodytes, & you think such humans would not really be bothered by killing planetmates,..”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth

PH 7/76
“…you should look to some of the ethnographies of modern day gatherer-hunters—the San Bushmen of the Kalahari (as related in Louis G. Herman, 2013), the Forest People, the Mbuti (as related by Colin Turnbull, 1961),..”

THREAD wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psyche

PH 7/77
“…& Native Americans, in general, for example—& you might be surprised at the amount of remorse they express about doing so [about killing planetmates, “animals.”]””

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal

PH 7/78
“Joseph Campbell, in this vein & commenting on the mythological evidence left by hunting cultures of tens & hundreds of thousands of years ago, writes, “the daily task & serious concern of dealing death,..””

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology

PH 7/79
“”…spilling blood, in order to live, created a situation of anxiety that had to be resolved, on the one hand by a system of defenses against revenge, & on the other by the diminishment of the importance of death.””

THREAD wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology

PH 7/80
“Similarly, Native Americans & other primal hunters are said to apologize to the planetmate for taking its life.”

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PH 7/81
“In general among gatherer-hunters, it is common to take some time for some blessing of it at the time of the killing, to atone for what one has done, that is, kill it.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal

PH 7/82

“Further, we see that there are some planetmates that our primal humans would not eat or, if they did, would feel the most remorse about. For these planetmates were thought by these primal people to be too much like humans.”


PH 7/83
“[Primal humans] clearly could not get the idea out of their head that it would be like they are killing & eating a fellow human.”

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PH 7/84
“To understand this it might help to know, contrary to what most people have been told, that primal humans in general, far from being “savage,” have more empathy for other living things than is common among modern humans.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution

PH 7/85
“This [greater empathy in primal peoples] is true for many reasons, some of which I get into in this book.

“So yes, early humans & their hominid forebears had remorse & a “guilty conscience” about killing/hunting/eating meat.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devo

PH 7/86
“[Early humans] felt [remorse], because empathy is a trait characterizing many higher order planetmates, mammals, & apes. Something along the lines of it might even be part of the makeup of species even further removed from us.”

READ BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devo

PH 7/87
“However, we cannot know, for those are too unlike us to have a possibility for us to recognize it. Regardless, empathy is not, as we arrogantly suppose, built up out of human consciousness.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro

PH 7/88
“Rather, *human consciousness represses empathy*. The feeling of unity, which is the root of empathy, with others of one’s kind & even beyond that is a common feeling in Nature.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution

PH 7/89
“Thus, in order for humans & their progenitors to kill other planetmates, humans would have had to “keep God in the dark.””

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PH 7/90
“Which is the way of saying [early humans] would have had to repress their conscience, repress the promptings & advice of their higher self, & repress their feelings of remorse telling them they did wrong.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting

PH 7/91
“[Early humans] would have had to repress their sensitivity, which is, indeed, their inner Divinity. In the Biblical account, this conscience advising against killing & meat-eating is expressed in that…”

THREAD… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting

PH 7/92
“…God commands Adam & Eve, our prototypical humans, to not eat the fruit of one, only one, tree in the Garden. For that one tree, think mammalian planetmates. For that fruit, think planetmate flesh...meat.”

READ BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology

PH 7/93
“*Our Depraved Craving for Flesh*

“When you think about it, the only change I am making in the myth—for both the Eden myth & my interpretation of it entail God saying we are not allowed to eat something—is to substitute meat for the apple.”

->… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig…

PH 7/94
“A truer rendition of *Genesis* would have it that God had said to Adam & Eve that they might eat anything they see on Earth—all fruits, vegetables, herbs, insects, fish, non-mammalian seafood, & such—”

READ BOOK> wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting

PH 7/95
“—but that they dare not eat flesh that is like their own. Perhaps there was a version of the myth that actually said it that way.”

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PH 7/96
“For certainly, whether consciously or unconsciously, we would have had to hide the fact that it was flesh, not apples, that we are not to eat in order to go on doing what we wanted to do—eat meat.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro

PH 7/97
“Hence, saying it was an apple protects us from feeling guilty about our depraved craving for flesh.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal #psyche #consciousness

PH 7/98
“Further, for those of you right now wanting to criticize this interpretation by saying that all the things we would be allowed to eat were also alive, so would we not also be “sinning” in killing that way, let me say this:”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution

PH 7/99
“*The Myth of Rational Intent*

“Humans do not operate in reality along the lines of intellectual categories, which is the prevailing & most self-inflating of notions.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal

PH 7/100
“We operate out of psychological factors, which manifest most directly in feelings. Now, our feelings are not really going around distinguishing between technically alive & non-alive things.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro

PH 7/101
“Whereas our feelings do most certainly *feel* a difference between alive things that *are like ourselves* versus life that is quite unlike our own that we cannot relate to as well or at all.”

READ BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro

PH 7/102
“And those feelings have a rational basis in that, indeed, mammals who are like us exhibit many of the traits of emotion, sociability, playfulness, reaction to pain, sorrow, happiness, & all the rest of those things we attribute to ourselves...”


PH 7/103
“…as human. Hence to kill another mammal *seems* to our *feelings* to be like killing a human, whereas taking the life of a plant or a fish does not have the same emotional barrier of conscience.”

READ BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting

PH 7/104
“We tend to forget that in talking about human actions we need to consider human psychology & feeling & *not* any supposed human reasoning ability. “Rational man” presumes to use categories & reason as the basis upon which to take action.”

-->… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig…

PH 7/105
“That [human “rationality”] is a myth born of inflation of self. In actuality, for the most part, “reason” comes in after the fact, after action, to rationalize what one has already done.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth

PH 7/106
“&, as I have been saying, eating planetmate flesh led to a psychological change of feeling—a greater insensitivity, a better ability to suppress one’s discomfort of conscience, a “more enhanced” ability to split fr body &,consequently, Nature.”


PH 7/107
“*Fetal Malnutrition, Orality, & Hunting*

“Before leaving this chapter on human’s distrust regarding getting nutritional needs met, especially as regarding food sources, & the depraved craving for meat that came of it,..”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution

PH 7/108
“…[“Before leaving this chapter on human’s distrust regarding getting nutritional needs met,] I wish to bring up the factor of fetal malnutrition, again.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal

PH 7/109
“It is likely our prenatal hunger, as a trauma laid down in the human unconscious, was a goad in the direction of feeling deprived as adults so that we felt we needed to augment our food supplies...which came out first, in humans, with hunting.”


PH 7/110
“Remember we as a species were uniquely starved during our last four weeks of gestation, & this has had profound implications on our minds & behavior as a species...indeed, on our very human nature.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting

PH 7/111
“So, along with the basic mistrust, emanating from our birth & infancy traumas, which pushed us to feel we needed to augment our diet, we no doubt had that pushed as well by our unconscious trauma of being starved in the womb.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devo

PH 7/112

“How this manifests, for example, in relation to nutrition is that we are the only species who, circumstances allowing, will tend to eat ourselves into obesity and, hence, ill health.”

THREAD wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro

PH 7/113
“There is no good reason to do this. We have plenty to satisfy our nutritional needs, in such situations, & there is no real evolutionary advantage in being overweight.”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #primal

PH 7/114
“Take for example the ways an evolutionary advantage are usually portrayed: They have to do with increased reproductive fitness.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal

PH 7/115
“Yet if we look at obesity—an obesity which is common for humans in all cultures & social groups where there is an abundance of food—we see no reproductive advantage.”

THREAD wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal

PH 7/116
“Quite the opposite is the case, in fact. For, while there have been cultures where a curvy, hefty female profile is considered desirable by men, there are few to none where obesity is seen that way.”

READ BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting

PH 7/117
“Obesity is not an aid to mating. It is also not an aid to child-bearing. While a healthy body for a woman is helpful during her pregnancy, an overweight, obese body is not.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution

PH 7/118
“Therefore, we have unconscious factors involved in creating feelings of being undernourished, regardless how nourished we are.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal

PH 7/119
“*Orality & Greed*

“This also plays into orality—into the oral complex as described by Freud.

“Let me explain:”

READ BOOK> drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal #psyche #consciousness #anthropology #Meat

PH 7/120
“Hunger is a prenatal trauma occurring in the last four weeks of gestation. We can call it *prenatal starvation*. It creates a push, rooted in our prenatal times, toward overweight as adults.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro

PH 7/121
“[Prenatal starvation] comes with its own set of ramifications for later life. Some of which you will recognize and, if you are being honest, might even notice in yourself.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution

PH 7/122
“Feeling starved in the womb, humans will feel underfed & undernourished throughout life, regardless the actual state of their satisfaction in regard to nutrients. Greediness is one outgrowth of that trauma; it is the major one.”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devo

PH 7/123
“& it manifests in us as the drive to accumulate much more than one could ever need of any resource. Yet that could as easily be explained by prenatal suffocation; not getting enough air leads to wanting to have more of everything, too.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig…

PH 7/124
“*Love Hunger*

“However, there is, still, prenatal hunger (games). I think how we see prenatal hunger manifesting, for one, is in our craving for love.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal

PH 7/125
“Remember that this reduction in the supply of nutrition, wrought of fetal malnutrition, is felt as not just an action coming from the motherly surround, contributing to misogyny.”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #primal

PH 7/126
“It represents, also, a very definite break with the mother & with Divinity beyond that. To a large extent, they are felt to be the same. So the deep connection with Divinity & mother that we felt earlier on in the womb is suddenly gone:”

-->… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig…

PH 7/127
“The “honeymoon phase,” the “golden age,” is over. Eden is lost. & associated with that “breakup” is a feeling of hunger.”

THREAD wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal #psyche #consciousness #anthropology

PH 7/128
“Along with suffocation were gasping, irritation, crowdedness, burning, disgust, revulsion, poisoning, & sickening, of course. Now you know why divorces & breakups bring such suffering.”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth

PH 7/129
“Hence, how the starvation comes out in later life has to do with our feelings around love. It is not just at the mother’s breast that we associate feeding with love. It begins at this time in the womb.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting

PH 7/130
“Regardless how well our “oral needs” are satisfied by way of nursing in infancy, we are likely to feel aching & hunger associated with love & the need for it.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal

PH 7/131
“Think about it & how often love is associated with getting nourishment: One “hungers” for love; one “craves” love; one gets “filled up” by love; one is “left with a hole in oneself” without love.”

READ BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting

PH 7/132
“This puts prenatal hunger in the same complex of feelings as later on, where the infant’s need for food is caught up with its need for its mother & is the traditionally understood basis for human love & romance.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology

PH 7/133
“So the roots of love hunger go deeper.

“Whereas Freud’s concepts of anal compulsion & anality seem to have deeper roots in prenatal irritation-burning—it being felt to be “messy” & toxic around one, while in the womb, leads us in later life…”


PH 7/134
“[toxic & messy in womb lead, later in life] to varying degrees of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), where we are driven to obsessively clean & organize our surroundings,& ourselves, to fend off that traumatic time of poisoning & irritation.”


PH 7/135
“Meanwhile Freud’s ideas about orality & the oral complex have their roots in prena¬tal hunger. For even earlier in life than the breastfeeding phase, we are craving for feminine attention in terms of getting our needs for nutrients met.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig…

PH 7/136
“Thus, greed is largely suffocation & is wrought of the panic at the very thought of not having enough air, which happened in the womb.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution

PH 7/137
“However, prenatal hunger is “craving” for love...the need for love being that hole of discontent, that well of dissatisfaction, that can never be filled. The basis for human jealousy, also, perhaps?”

READ BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting

PH 7/138
“If nothing else it is why the lack of love, as in losing a loved one, is often felt in one’s stomach. Often as an intensely painful hole—a pit which cannot be filled inside.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution

PH 7/139

“Loneliness is felt the same way, incidentally—that is, as a hole in the “pit of one’s stomach” that needs to be filled & cannot be. Reflecting our prenatal state, loneliness is felt as a fading of life, a lack of richness,..”

>… wp.me/pwMlb-3in

PH 7/140
“…[loneliness is felt as] a disconnection from what is real & what is fulfilling...a missing out on what one is due & what is needed...all caught up with a sense that a state of death, of non-existence, is nearby, closing in, & threatening.”


PH 7/141
“Indeed, that is a pretty good description of how we might feel at a time in gestation where we are being deprived of nutrients & oxygen, in great contrast to what had been the case before, & are close to death.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology

PH 7/142

“Jealousy also can arise amidst such an emotional state of feeling one has lost one’s source of nutrition & one feels empty, in an aching & craving kind of way.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution

PH 7/143
“Of course, that is mixed with other elements of fetal malnutrition involving greed, which manifests as possessive¬ness of people, along with possessions; & which comes out as control, of people, along with things in one’s environment.”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH…

PH 7/144
“Nevertheless, ask any person in the throes of loneliness or jealousy, & you will hear it described in ways reminiscent of wanting to get fed, being hungry...& being empty...with death not far away...hovering, watching, threatening.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig…

PH 7/145
“Indeed, this ties right back into obesity. For as we all know, people with eating problems will overeat because they will feel, no matter how much they have taken in, that there is still a “hole” inside needing to be filled.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devo

PH 7/146
“A “bottomless pit” are words they are wont to use, which indicates it having roots in a time where there was no way to change that situation of ongoing & seemingly eternal frustration of needs for nutrition...& oxygen.”

READ BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution

PH 7/147
“*Comfort Dining*

“You think it has to be that way? You think somehow that feeling lack of love has to come out so similarly to food hunger? Some are probably confused that it could even be thought of as different:”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psyche

PH 7/148
“It is so engrained in us that to be loved is to be “filled up” & that contentment in general is primarily centered upon the feelings of satisfaction in one’s stomach when properly fed.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth

PH 7/149
“Consider what a to-do we make about holidays & the banquets of food & how we speak of them with words indicating their connection with familial love.”

THREAD drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal #psyche

PH 7/150
“Consider the elaborate rituals we have around dining, especially in regards to dating; around family life; around get-togethers of friends involving both one-on-one meetings as well as parties, festivities.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology

PH 7/151
“However, think. Instead of contentment & love & the lack of them being associated with the stomach, why does it not manifest in feelings on one’s skin, if it is touch, sex, & intimacy of that nature that is missing.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution

PH 7/152
“People do not go around saying their skin is aching when they are lonely, heart broken, or jealous. Occasionally you will hear someone saying they “ache to be touched,” but that is an entirely different thing…”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology

PH 7/153
“& [aching to be touched] has its own roots in the trauma around birth where we needed the touch & bonding with our mothers & did not get it—instead being taken away to be put in bassinets & to have our skin scrubbed, & then wrapped tightly.”


PH 7/154
“Which punishment, by the way, will darn well teach us not to want something or someone ever again.”

READ &/or dwnl entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal #psyche #consciousness

PH 7/155
“Yet predominantly, love & companionship are associated with eating & hunger, for we had our first major split with our mother, our first “heartbreak,” in a sense, at a time in the womb when we were also starving.”

THREAD drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology

PH 7/156
“For all we know, the feelings we have that we actually call *heartbreak* have their roots at that time of hunger in the womb. That emptiness inside. That stress upon the system.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution

PH 7/157
“Indeed, if we look again at Eden,we see that immediately after being cast out of that place of contentment & connection with Divinity, equivalent to the time in the womb when we are blissful & connected to our mothers & not at odds with her,..”


PH 7/158
“…[immediately after being cast out of that place of contentment & connection with Divinity, equivalent to the time in the womb when we are blissful & connected,] we are caught up in how we are going to feed ourselves *then*.”

READ BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devo

PH 7/159
“*The “Cursed Ground” ~ The Unwilling Womb*

”It was all taken care of in Eden, as it was in the womb, earlier. But now, after Eden, the God of Abraham tells us: “Cursed is the ground,””

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth

PH 7/160
“…& “in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; thorns & thistles shall it bring forth to thee; & thou shalt eat the herb of the field,” & finally, & most damningly, “in the sweat of thy face, shalt thou eat bread.””

THREAD wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devo

PH 7/161
“So the “cursed” ground...think here the placenta...shall not give up of its fruits willingly & ever afterwards getting nourishment will be associated with hard work & suffering. Sure is hard to suck from an unwilling womb.”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution

PH 7/162
“The point is that early in the womb, we got what we needed; whereas later, getting nutrition is all caught up in pain...suffering...hence, work. We see all of that laid out in the myth of Eden in *Genesis*.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology

PH 7/163
“Finally, for our purposes in this chapter, I emphasize that all that insecurity about getting one’s gustatory needs met led—eventually & after a long time in which other pains & traumas came into the mix to further that uncertainty—”

READ BOOK> wp.me/pwMlb-3in

PH 7/164
“—[all that insecurity about getting one’s gustatory needs met led] to eating meat, to killing planet-mates, to hunting. & meat was the apple in the Garden of Eden.”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal

PH 7/165
This has been the entire Chapter 7 of my book,

*Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*

which is

a devolutional look at human’s splitting away from Nature in the creation of a human nature at war with the natural.

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology

PH 7/166
The book, *Prodigal Human*, shows how in our creation of civilization, we locked in a human status that has us either as Controllers, Conforming Underlings, or Authentics.

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution

PH 7/167
We see how that change from our primal, prehistoric profile, has led us to the kind of personality today of folks who are able to end life on this planet, with hardly a second glance.

READ BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth

PH 7/168
In doing so, *Prodigal Human* presents a new devolutional theory in anthropology. The book also explains how our deeper human nature, cooperative with Nature, can be regained and our world saved from apocalypse.

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology

PH 7/169
This devolutional theory of evolution demonstrates how bipedalism & the resulting birth trauma led to descents of humans from an original natural state, leading to misogyny, class war, hunting, sedentary living, farming, religion, & more.

THREAD wp.me/pwMlb-3in

PH 7/170
Ch 7 is titled,

“The Seventh Descent—Hunting:

“Killing of Planetmates & Eating Flesh Began Our Descent to Savagery & the Apocalypse Today”

READ BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal #psyche #meat

PH 7/171
The complete book is available online at the links

you can read the book, which is posted on the blog, or you can follow the directions there & download a free copy of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*.

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology

PH 7/172
This is the completed document for *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*

It is a pdf file, & it looks exactly as the book looks.

To read and/or download a copy, click link:

drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal

PH 7/173
Feel free to download the book, pass it around, use it to help get the word out to save the planet.

Unless major actions by the world's governments happens fast, it is all over for life on planet Earth.

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #devolution #psychology

PH 7/174
Unless major actions by the world's governments happens fast, it is all over for life on planet Earth.

You can use your copy of *Prodigal Human* to get word out to whoever or to whatever outlet you know.

THREAD wp.me/pwMlb-3in #devolution #psychology #hunting

PH 7/175
& please send any comments/reviews of the book to me at


The idea being I might be able to use your comments in describing it in my own sharing on social media.

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth

PH 7/176
Finally, if what you prefer are paperback or ebook/Kindle versions, you may acquire them at the links below.

Paperback: amazon.com/Prodigal-Human…


Ebook/Kindle: amazon.com/Prodigal-Human…

All my books are priced at cost or the minimum Amazon allows.

#devolution #anthro

PH 7/176
Up next,

in "Prodigal Human:

"The Descents of Man"

is Chapter 8, titled,

“The Eighth Descent—Murder:

““Kill or Be Killed”—Our Delusion of Scarcity Made for Murder”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #devolution #psychology #hunting

PH 7/177

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Nov 17
This thread begins the book,

*Experience Is Divinity: Matter As Metaphor*

By Michael Adzema

Starting with PART 1.





READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/experi… #psychology #anthro

ED 1/1
Chapter 1 is titled,

“Creating Worlds:

“Our Science, Too, Is Built on a Judeo-Christian Assumption of Humans Being “God’s Chosen Species””

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p2cSxz-aR #psychology #consciousness #quantum #holographic #perception

ED 1/2
“*The Probabilities Are Enormous That There Are Unperceivable Beings, Unimaginable Realities, Unknown Ways of Perceiving...an Infinite Number of Worlds*”

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1kLQ7jT… #psychology #consciousness #quantum #holographic #perception #physics #mystical

ED 1/3
Read 67 tweets
Nov 16
Chapter 15

of *Psychology of Apocalypse: Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema, is titled,

“Prenatal Oxygen Hunger Become Bigotry & Racism, PME 2:”

READ THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #womb

PA 15/1
Chapter 15 is subtitled:

“Prenatal Matrix of Human Evil 2...

“Deprivation Become Jealousy, Anti-Semitism, Xenophobia, Blood Libel, Anti-Immigration, Vampire Symbolism, Capitalism...

““Please, Mother, Might I Have Some More?””

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psyche

PA 15/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…in ‘evolved’ economic systems, we make certain we will not feel relief from the threat of lack (oxygen starvation/ fetal malnutrition): For we insist on a ‘dog eat dog’ competitive system like capitalism,..” []

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG…

PA 15/3
Read 107 tweets
Nov 15
Chapter 19 is titled

“Reality Transplant, the Media:

“The Ladder of Status, the Great Suck Upward, & What They’ve Succeeded in Getting Us to Forget”

of *Culture War, Class War 2022: Truth & Generations* by Michael Adzema

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms

CW22 19/1
“[*Chapter 19 text begins:*] The Republicans had their help, though; believe me they had their help.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms Blue Wave #media #MAGAts #Republicans #ClassWar #gaslighting #corruption #BlueWave #truth #lies #Biden #Trump #FBR #resist

CW22 19/2
“*The Puppet Strings (The Media)*

“Okay, so who helped them? Well, like I was saying.… The first thing is you have politicians with the Big Lie, & they’re repeating it endlessly. & that persistence is so extremely effective & comprehensive.”


CW22 19/3
Read 91 tweets
Nov 14
Table of Contents for

“Dance of the Seven Veils I:

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self
“*Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three*

From The Path of Ecstasy Series, Vol. 2


READ &/or dwnld BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/experi…

D7V1 FM/1
*Dance of the Seven Veils I: Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self* is now available to all on my blog & it can be downloaded as a pdf file, with my compliments. Click links.

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #identity #primal #anthro

D7V1 FM/2
Dedication, *Dance of the Seven Veils I*:

“For Hermann Hesse, the one who saw.

“For Arthur Janov, the one who told us.

“And for Colleen, who was there.”

READ/DWL BOOK> drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psychology #identity #primal #anthropology #consciousness #PrimalScene

D7V1 FM/3
Read 57 tweets
Nov 12
Table of Contents for



Return to Grace, Volume 10


*Experience Is Divinity* is now available to all on my blog & can be downloaded as a pdf file, with my compliments. Click links.


Dedication, *Experience Is Divinity: Matter As Metaphor*:

“To all my sisters and brothers from all species of other mothers.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p2cSxz-aR #psychology #consciousness #spiritual #mystic #primal #transpersonal #psychedelic #shamanic #psyche #tao

*Experience Is Divinity* CONTENTS



THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1kLQ7jT… #psychology #consciousness #spiritual #mystic #primal #transpersonal #psychedelic #shamanic

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Nov 11
Chapter 6

of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*

by Michael Adzema, is titled,

“The Sixth Descent—Mistrust:

READ THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #birth #psychology #BasicMistrust #perinatal #BasicTrust #devolution #parenting

PH 6/1
Chapter 6 is subtitled,

“Mistrust of Nature, Mistrust of Divine Providence...

“Our Experience of Birth Determines Ever Afterward Our View of the World”

READ THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK

THREAD… wp.me/pwMlb-3in #birth #psychology #BasicMistrust #psyche

PH 6/2
“[*Quotes/Highlights:*] “The cold, hard fact is that our experience of our birth—that is, the amount of pain & discomfort we experience in the process of delivery added to those first crucial moments & hours...” []

READ BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1-dlEBH… #birth #psychology

PH 6/3
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