Graviola Finland Profile picture
Apr 20, 2023 16 tweets 42 min read Read on X
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen '#Terveystoimittaja': Toisen rokotteen voimaa.
#Hus:in diagnostiikkajohtaja #LasseLehtonen rohkeni lähteä #Venäjä-Pietariin katsomaan jalkapallon EM-ottelua.
Lehtosella oli jo se toinen ja hän katsoi, että hänellä oli lupa lähteä.… Image
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen #Mediapooli. Tuottamukselliset terveyden ja hengen vaarantamiset, #rokotekuolemat.
#Korruptio -rahaa vastaan, 2 vuotta valehdelleen "#toimittaja'n" asema #Nuremberg'n lavalla, kun #SpandauBallet -biisi alkaa.
- #Tuonela noutaa... ikuiseen tanssiin...… ImageImage
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen #UK Lawyers Serve Notices of #Liability on #COVID '#Vaccinators' Who Administer Shots Without Obtaining Full #InformedConsent | July 13, 2021
- “COVID jabs are #experimental and still in phase 3 clinical #trials,” de Buisseret explained.… Image
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen The new #Nuremberg ¤trials in 2021: Dr. Reiner #Fuellmich’s update | 07/10/21
- The #CDC, the #WHO, and the #DavosGroup are #charged with #CrimesAgainstHumanity by a group of over 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 medical specialists led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.… Image
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen #NurembergTrials 2.0 live on #ZOOM July 4th 2021 @ 8AM PST Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom'DOT'us/j/91093480545
- 8 hrs with opening statements and evidence by the Chief Justice & Grand Jury vs #Hitler's 4th Reich members for #Coronavirus measures. Image
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen By rejecting the use of the #InformedConsent #form, there is a gross violation of medical #ethics, patient #rights, follow-up, and a #violation of the #NurembergCode, a #WarCrime.
Informed consent, PMCID: PMC7645850 | 2020 Oct 28 Image
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen Albert R. #Jonsen Brought #Medical #Ethics to the Bedside | Nov. 16, 2020
- Presi Jimmy #Carter appointed Dr. Jonsen to another medical #bioethics commission (1979), which called for expanding the principle of -#InformedConsent- to include ALL patients.… Image
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen #InformedConsent? What informed consent?
- Medical #ethics requires nursing #staff to use consent #forms in #medicaltrials (#mRNA '#vaccines').
In heavily #corrupt #Finland, almost nothing is known about these - This does not save from the #deathsentence… ImageImage
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen @VCS_VKS @STM_Uutiset #DePopulation
1. Insider J. #Atalli Revealed "#Vaccine" #Genocide Plan in -81 | Dec 7, 2021
2. This missive from J. #Rothschild (Lifts the #Veil) was written in reply to this article which appeared at thetruthseeker | Jan 8
- "#covid is a necessary #hoax"
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen @VCS_VKS @STM_Uutiset Proof That The "#Pandemic" Was Planned & With Purpose
- In 2015 a ‘System and Method for Testing for '#COVID19' was #patented (US20200279585A1) by Richard A. #Rothschild
- The #Rockefeller Foundation: 'A Global Pandemic Must Result In Increased #Control'
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen @VCS_VKS @STM_Uutiset #EMF+#mRNA
Thread 82
From: #TheodoreRoosevelt marks 416 #coronavirus cases in wake of captain's firing | Apr 10, 20
To: #MajesticPrincess with 100s of #COVID-infected passengers docks in #Sydney | Nov 12, 22
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen @VCS_VKS @STM_Uutiset Thread '#Lockstep'
From: #5G-#WiFi #EMF #Radiation for everyone.
To: 11,000 Pages of #Evidence Filed in Landmark #5G Case Against #FCC | Jan 22, 2021
- #DNA Damage at below safe #CellPhone Radiation Levels

#GrapheneOxide ImageImage

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Jan 29, 2024
#China’s #economy in #chaos as property giant with £236bn of #liabilities ordered to #liquidate | Jan 29
- a crackdown on excess borrowing has tipped the #property ind into #crisis, making it a drag on the eco as scores of other developers ran into trouble…
#Evergrande Ordered Into #Liquidation. It’s a Landmark Moment for #Chinese Property | Jan. 29…
#HongKong orders to #liquidate #Chinese real estate group #Evergrande | Jan 29
- its subsidiary in the territory after a failed attempt to #restructure $300 #billion owed to #banks and #bondholders, fueling fears about growing debt in the Asian giant.…
Read 4 tweets
Sep 24, 2023
#BankersCabal have corrupted #finnish '#politicians' to ruin the #economy and prepare for #NATO, the #archipelago of #US #nuclear bases.

#Finland's #economic #growth is almost the #weakest in the #world | 18.3.2021
- “Why have #Finns not #noticed this,” wonders #JohnnyÅkerholm,
#Eurostat: 904k people in #Finland were at risk of #poverty.
In 2015. A natl #foodaid study: ~25k people rely on #foodbanks weekly
In 2020: more than 50k recipients of #foodaid
In 2021: ~70k people received #food #aid
#Finland #SannaMarin's 'von' #Rigged #ParliamentaryElections2018 by bankers cabals, #Scytl-#Dominion +7,666 vote. The unconstitutionally selected cabinet. #WomensDay2021
@RSF_inter #Finland. #SannaMarin's party, @demarit 'von' #Rigged #ParliamentaryElections2019 by #bankerscabal's, #Scytl-#Dominion +7,666 vote (+0.2%). The unconstitutionally selected cabinet showed strong signs of a Satanic possession, during the #WomensDay2021.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 19, 2023
Politisoitunut @Sisaministerio, äärioikeistolainen #Freudenthal @sfprkp ja äärivasemmistolainen @vihreat järjestvät omituisen miekkarin yhdessä #Soros-#Antifa'n ja #TrainedMarxist anarkistien kanssa 'rasismin' vastaisen absurdin miekkarin Helsingissä.

@Sisaministerio @sfprkp @vihreat Hysteerinen #PaidProtesters joukkio yhtyi megafonin iskulauseisiin : "Ei rasismille" saattaen huutojaan tapututksin.
- Joukon huomiota kiinnitti yksittäinen huuto: "#Freudenthal #Rkp vie aseita #Ukraina'n natselle." ja "Me olemme Mongoleja." Image
@Sisaministerio @sfprkp @vihreat Yksi koulutettu selkäreppuinen anarkisti tuli totuuden huutajan eteen ja peruutti voimakkaasti yrittäen kaataa. Paikalle myös tunkesi mies pitäen sylissään pientä vauvaa, "uhruituvana osallisena"
Poliisi tuli ja ilmoitti lukuisista häiriöilmoituksista
-Ei saa huutaa vääriä sanoja
Read 16 tweets
Jul 17, 2023
@demarit @sfprkp @vasemmisto @vihreat @keskusta @kokoomus @KDpuolue
10 Years of research and development to bring you this truth. You will hear testimony from 27 victims and 27 witnesses to the most horrific crimes of #childrape, #torture, #satanicsacrifice and #blooddrinking
@Demarit @sfprkp @vasemmisto @vihreat @keskusta @kokoomus @KDpuolue #EudraVigilance: 41,834 #DEAD 3.9 Million #Injured Following '#COVIDVaccines' in European Database | Mar 22
Over 1 Million #Deaths and #Injuries Following COVID “#Vaccines” in #VAERS as 2nd Year of “#Experimental Use Authorization” Begins | Jan 21
@Demarit @sfprkp @vasemmisto @vihreat @keskusta @kokoomus @KDpuolue #VAERS: Over 1 Million #Deaths and #Injuries Following COVID “#Vaccines” Reported in VAERS as 2nd Year of “#Experimental Use Authorization” Begins | Jan 21, 2022
- This is the most #censored news in the #US, and it is based on the US Govt’s own statistics
Read 20 tweets
Jul 12, 2023
#JoeBiden is causing #trafficchaos in #Helsinki. #Restaurants around the #MarketSquare will be closed.
All shipping and ferry services will be shut down. WarMode.
Probably a private #SnifferParty on Thursday night In the Restaurant #Pool (#Allas)
- Keep your daughters at home

#Allas Restaurants brings together three different restaurant experiences. Allas Café & Terrace, Seagrill and Allas Sky Bar…
#Ukraine Is #FarmingChildren in #Factories for #ElitePedophiles, Russia Is Saving the Children | 3 months ago
- A '#Disneyland' for the #EliteCabal in the #HeavenlyJerusalem

- #ChildFactories…
Read 27 tweets

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