Brian Plain at Schooley Mitchell #utilitizes in-house auditors to find & realize Newton business #savings as develop the #trusted advisor relationship with small, medium, & large #clientsinNewtonMA.
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cost reduction, expense reduction, process optimization, waste management:… More:
Schooley Mitchell: Brian Plain & Joe Gifford
225 Cedar Hill St
Suite 200 D117 Marlborough, MA 01752
"Locate our Professional #B2B Consulting #Business, near MetroWest/Central MA, helping businesses make #smarterdecisionsabout telecom services & products as well as credit card/merchant services expenses.
MARLBOROUGH – Two grants recently approved by the City Council will help enliven downtown this year.
The Regional Economic Development Organization’s Grant Program gave the Marlborough Economic Development Corp. $35,466.20 for downtown #improvements and to increase foot traffic.
#Thefundswill be used to install temporary containers/pods for retailers from spring through fall.