• Regime forces face a major loss in al-Shula after an ISIS desert counterattack, reverting recent gains.
• the battle is so far is conducted largely by the Russian airforce to pave the way for a possible second phase of Iranian-supplied ground forces

These & how recent military moves near Deir Ezzor are conducted indicate that the SAA is really impotent.
Including related to Nusra & pro-Iran alliances there.

Aside from what Baghdadi said, that he's alive is itself an important message; to rejuvenate members who didn't hear from him despite big changes since his Mosul speech

Something to keep in mind when thinking about how to control such a governorate (can't be reliant solely on temp & short-termist heavy bombardment).

In Raqqa, in an area liberated by the SDF, they attacked from behind enemy lines & briefly controlled it.
ISIS recaptured Marat & Mazloum, where you might remember Russia built two bridges & lost a general in the process.
Clashes continue in Sukhna (liberated months ago) and ISIS has taken other smaller towns along the way.
This whole thing is a joke.