We are faced with a constant problem of having to trust 3rd parties - agencies, institutions, governments, central banks. But over and over again, they fail us - they abuse their authority. 1/
Ngenye Kariuki Stock Brokers
Imperial Bank depositors
Land registry
its not just Kenya, its common problem
Nigeria's currency devlaution
Twitter banning accounts/censoring content
US banning donations to wikileaks. I could go on 2/
a) how dependent we are on the current central bank model to centrally manage currency/money and
b) the huge risk that this posed to innocent people
Banks take all the risk, we pay for it 5/
If you run your content on twitter, they can shut you down. The US govt can ask twitter to shut you down 6/
How do we build an economy that minimizes the role of 3rd parties?
How do we build a new economy on the web that is organic?
This was a huge problem, until 2008 7/
One way to work around the 3rd party trust problem is to have everyone participate in *whatever activity* Have everyone participate collectively in recording and auditing and verifying information - work done normally done by third parties 8/
Imagine if all of us could somehow, miraculously be in all the polling stations, taking part in counting, verifying, auditing and transmitting the election results? 9/
Like the kids in a circle 11/
Open to join/free to leave
Immutability: Once something is written on it, cannot be changed
Any change to the contents requires everyone to see and approve
... more
this was the idea behind Bitcoin 14/
Same for bank deposits.
Same for shares.
Its all about a record/ledger somewhere that says who owns what. What changes is *what* we record *who* does the recording/updates and *how* many items we have 18/
You can view the transparent ledger here blockexplorer.com 21/
"bitcoin miners worldwide could be using enough electricity to at any given time to power about 2.26 million American homes." - Vice 23/
Mining chips are selling off the shelfs qz.com/1109011/tsmc-t… 24/
So the ledger just auto updates every 10 minutes to reflect new supply. 26/
The block reward creates an incentive for miners to add hash power to the network. 27/
+ you can send bitcoin from Alice to Bob on a peer to peer network anywhere in the world without a bank intermediating the transaction.
Big deal! 29/
ledger updates change of ownership from Alice to Bob
thats all. Just an update. So its a payment network. 30/
So people are mining and investing in mining to earn a reward + fees 31/
12.5 BTC (block reward)
X BTC (transaction fees)
see pic 32/
If it says Alice owns 5 bitcoin, that remains forever true 34/
With Bitcoin, they wld have an asset that cannot be seized by government. 35/
A bit extreme you say?
This has happened. Enough times for it to be a problem
+ Moi era in the 90s
+ Countries under dictatorship
Bitcoin is the first censorship resistant digital asset/currency. 36/
Refugees of war salvaging their wealth into a censorship resistant asset
Jews fleeing Holocaust Germany world war 2 who had to abandon their wealth
Argentina's economic crisis
Zimbabwe hyperinflation 37/
The problem comes in different forms. I could list another thread of potential use cases.
I think it is a valuable quality 38/
+ a payment network
+ a way to store value against repressive regimes (political/economic) 39/
There's one more thing bitcoin is good for thats often left out in simplistic diatribes against bitcoin 40/
So now the Bitcoin ledger looks like
1. bitcoin
2. titles
3. names
Data can be anything
Adding stuff on this blockchain ledger costs fees
(personal opinion) 44/
Like registering domain names? Or building decentralized applications like a decentralized twitter 46/
"Counterparty is a financial platform for creating peer-to-peer financial applications on the bitcoin blockchain." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counterpa… 50/
Colored Coins" loosely describes a class of methods for representing and managing real world assets on top of the Bitcoin Blockchain. en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Colored_C… 51/
"Omni (formerly Mastercoin) is a digital currency and communications protocol built on the bitcoin blockchain." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omni_Layer 52/