Let's start with this one to Jake Sullivan.
SUBJECT: American Ireland Fund
"Wanted to check in with you
The american ireland
Kieran mclaughlin with american r"
#Qanon #FolllowTheWhiteRabbit #CBTS

He was wanted in Northern Ireland for the brutal murder of Barry McCrory. #Qanon #WeinerEmails theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/o…
#Qanon #WeinerEmails belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-…
Not a far stretch to say he may be a corrupt judge. #Qanon #WeinerEmails villagemagazine.ie/index.php/2017…
read ENTIRE email. wikileaks.org/podesta-emails…
#wikileaks #Qanon #WeinerEmails

#Qanon #WeinerEmails #pedogate #Pizzagate