—Hold that thought.
How is it legal for Russians to funnel money to GOP candidates & causes?
Answer➡️Citizens United [2010].
But Court didn't consider §441e: ban on political spending by foreign people & entities.
Mismatched ruling➡️Loophole.
Justices addressed it in oral arguments. Even lawyer for Citizens United agreed on a distinction btwn corps & people to address such matters.
2009: Leo Blavatnik➡️$53,000 in political contributions.
*2010: Citizens United.
2015: Blavatnik➡️$6.35 million to GOP PACs for McConnell, Rubio, & Graham.
2017: Blavatnik➡️$1 million to McConnell's Senate Leadership Fund.
As Justices expected they would.
Oral arguments at Supreme Court don't usually decide cases—but conservatives had a plan.
But that didn't even earn a footnote in the majority opinion.
Alito: "So Congess could ban a book?"
Stewart (Gov lawyer): "Yes."
Foreign money flowed, & more every year.
Dark money to 501(c)(4),(5),(6) nonprofits, & donor-disclosed contribs to PACs, etc.