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Angus Johnston @studentactivism
7 years ago, 12 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
All I know is that if Aziz Ansari didn't want his sexual misconduct to become a national news story, he could have left his apartment as soon as things got creepy. It's not like she was blocking the door.
Come on. It's 2018. You invite someone to your house, you take off her clothes, and then you act like an asshole. What did he expect was going to happen? Seriously. Who's that naive?
Ansari couldn’t be bothered to look out for his own interests in that situation. It’s unreasonable to expect anyone else to look out for them for him.
It's not like she committed a crime. At worst, it's clumsy writing. Why are people acting like one incident of bad press is some huge scandal?
Also, hello? He never told her that he didn't want her to talk publicly about what a creep he was, so I don't see why he's so upset about it now. How could she know he wouldn't like it? Was she supposed to read his mind?
I'm just saying. If he'd been a bit more careful about who he got naked with and the messages he was sending, none of this would have happened.
Update: People keep saying it was his apartment, so he shouldn't have had to leave. That's nice, but it's not the real world. If you stay in that situation, you have to accept the consequences.
Update: I'm told this happened in mid-2017, not 2018, but that just proves my point. Times were different then. The rules were different. You can't hold people who lived in the past to present-day standards.
Here's what bugs me. Do we even know he didn't like the article when it came out? He didn't say anything until the next day. Maybe he was okay with it when it happened, but changed his mind later.
This whole thing is so disturbing. Can we not write anything now? Is reading the New York Times still okay? I don't know what the rules are.
People still saying it would have been unsafe for him to leave her in his apartment alone. News flash: You take a risk when you decide to be sexual with someone you don't know. If you're not prepared for the consequences of that risk, you're not ready to have sex.
He went to the apartment willingly. What did he think was going to happen? You can't say he didn't know. That's insulting to him.
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