A well-trained & armed defender was killed. Remember that.
3 gun-related ISIS attacks in France, resulting in
1 policeman fatality on the Champs Elysées (a handful of injured & dead assailants), and
1 failed car attack, 1 failed hammer attack, 2 deaths by knife.
1 million marched in the street.
The government took action
The people accepted increased security but pushed for an end-date.
The US can take measures to affect change over the next three years, like France did with ISIS.
The only metric that matters are gun-related injuries+deaths at school.
Europol increased gun restrictions & border control: consilium.europa.eu/en/policies/fi…
Rooting the complexity of a problem in past decisions is akin to being pro-slavery.
In 2014, France would riot at the idea of a police state. In 2015, they brought hot soup to armed agents in the winter.