Then he turns around and pats his hair.
"I try like hell to hide that bald spot, folks," he says. "We're hangin' in."
"Nobody has that same drive that they had," he says. "So you end up not doing that well, because the other side - they're crazed."
He adds that his opponents are generally crazed.
Students start a loud "lock her up" chant.
"They didn't want us to use our wealth power," he says,
So he performs Attention to Accuracy, in a way other politicians don't, while being exceptionally dishonest.
The Obama era, for one!
Another "build that wall" chant erupts.
He speaks specifically of the lost promise and beauty of slain student Meadow Pollack, whose father Andrew urged him to make schools more secure but not change gun laws.
"People that are adept at weaponry and guns - they teach!" he says.
He says he doesn't want armed guards around the schools, so "you do a concealed carry permit."
"This would be a major deterrent."
"These teachers love their students. And these teachers are talented with weaponry, with guns...And I'd rather have somebody that loves their student and wants to protect their students."
People enter the lottery on their own because they want to immigrate. They are not dumped into the lottery pot by foreign governments.
Nobody says that. Trump says that. It's almost certainly false, even according to opponents of what he calls chain migration.

Not currently true. The African-American rate spiked from 6.8% in December to a non-record 7.7% in January.
It was $310 billion.
So Trump is off by at least $125 billion.
The goods trade deficit was $71 billion in 2017. It's lower if you count services.
The CPACers can't complain he didn't play the classics.