(parentheses) vs ⸦cusps⸧
Parentheses are all-timers. I don't know what cusps are but I respect their hustle.
idk why anyone uses either of these but unicode will not be denied
The ceiling function shows up all the time in mathematics. I don't know why angle brackets need to be dotted but I will not deny that they are very pretty dots.
Angle brackets. Classic. Couldn't do quantum mechanics without them.
Wiggly... fences? It's weird enough that they're wiggly but why are they fences? Fences don't come in wiggly, last time I checked.
One of these has a fancy sounding name; the other sounds kinda science fictiony to me.
Inequality signs were kinda backdoored into being brackets. Black tortoise shell... I don't know man, pretty heavy.
Okay fine... *googles "Z notation"*
Not 100% sure why brackets aren't the number one seed in the Bracket Bracket. Probably because parentheses have their own adjective. Curved angle brackets... looking sharp.
I once considered introducing a usage of double angle brackets in some work I did on higher rank graphs but thought better of it.
Seeding means Willard van Orman Quine and Guillaume Le Bé are unlikely to face each other in battle, but we can dream.
Lenticular is a lovely word. Lenticular. Don't know what these ticks are for but have at it you crazy devils.
Some might think I just wrote "the set of all braces." Others will think "if you're going wiggly fences, go double or go home."
Whoa, I'm seeing double here. 16 brackets!
The upper Quine is the alpha Quine but fan-favorite ⦖⦕ look kinda kinky out of order, don't you think?
The tortoise shells are pretty but their spacing throws everything off. Why are we underlining brackets? Hate to end on a downer but these are bad brackets Brent.
⌊floor brackets⌋ vs ⦏lower ticked brackets⦎
AKA the Battle of the Bottoms. Still don't know what these ticks are for, but the floor function is upper semicontinuous.
(5), {3}, ⦕2⦖, ⟦1⟧, ⧘1⧙, ⦑1⦒, ⦓1⦔, ⧚1⧛, [1]

Let's be honest, tortoise shell brackets are going to be a parenthetical afterthought in the oral history of the Bracket Bracket.
Those ⦑pretty dots⦒ took down the ⌈ceilings⌉. Can they take down the ⌊floors⌋? Probably!
«These bad babies» trounced some ⦇Z notation⦈, is ⟨bra ket notation⟩ next?
No matter whether it's what you do with it or the size that counts, seems like there's a clear victor here.
Not sure the ⟪double angles⟫ have the personality to take on the classic charms of the Bracket Bracket's namesake.
⦓ ⦔ looks like Deep Space Nine. What does【 】look like?
I might suggest you brace yourselves for an upset here, but I wouldn't double down on it.
In the last match of round 2 we have the ⦕messiest entry in the competition⦖ versus a〔tortoise〕

(parentheses) vs ⦑dotted angle brackets⦒
(Parentheses) have been the top scorers two rounds in a row. Can ⦑dots⦒ prevail where ⟨plain⟩ failed?
Is this a «culture» vs <science> showdown or is that a lazy framing because I don't actually care about this one?
It's the most orthogonal remaining entry vs the least!
Does anybody actually use〔these〕?

(parentheses) vs «double guillemets»
(Parentheses) have been the top scorers in every round so far. «Double guillemets»... have not.
I didn't have to use copy/paste to do this one!