7 yrs + $180m (other people's money) + 5 studios + 500+ devs
Brought you this (one of the latest ships implemented in 3.1)
But yeah, they're totally going to build *that* game.
It's almost as if there's NO "game" there, and they only still have a visualization tech demo.
That being, running through the chceklist of promises & doing half-assed implementations to avoid liability and lawsuits that are sure to start sprouting up soon enough.
He went from promising a game for Nov 2014, to making it early access in 2017.
THIS is the result.
In 2016 Chris said ship-to-ship docking was ALREADY WORKING.
Turns out, they haven't even started on it yet.
The missive is too long for Twitter, read this write-up instead. It's not long.
And yet, there are those who still don't believe that they are capable of lying about what they did with backer money, and how they've squandered most of it on their friends & family program of unjust enrichment.
He was claiming to DevilCloudGaming on Twitch that they never use the word "sale" in their pitches.
This despite the fact that most of us backers have LOTS of emails with that.
31:13 PrimeDevilCloudGaming: Disco_Lando :: goes to email and copies directly from an RSI email :: Hurricane SaleThe Anvil Hurricane Sale ends this Monday, March 6th...
Wait for it...
robertsspaceindustries.com/...iber-Flash-… SEPTEMBER 1ST 2017
robertsspaceindustries.com/...iber-Flash-… SEPTEMBER 29TH 2017
You know why this is even happening?
They have ZERO accountability.
And they get away with it because they know they still have a core group of fools still giving them money
Guess what they did next?
As it was a success, they went back and added all the things they couldn't before, via DLC. We bought them.
Even when they culled off-line play for all the obvious reasons, they refunded those who protested.
But you don't see dozens of media articles about ED. Instead, you see the financial success in their PUBLIC UK filings
The public simply isn't ready to deal with the challenges & aggro that come from game dev decisions.
It all happened before. Most of us who were around, didn't forget.
Everyone is talking. Because we ALL know what's going on. And it's horrific in its affront.
But the state of this project 7 years + $180m later, and which 500+ people have worked on, is completely inexcusable. Especially given that it's money that could have been spent on SHIPPED games.
When the final collapse (it's no longer and IF, but a WHEN), we're the ones having to explain how we get to do things differently.
I know enough to ensure that Chris Roberts goes to jail. And ANYONE who questions my resolve in this issue, doesn't know ANYTHING about me
It's about fraudulent inducement, unjust enrichment, and everything in between.
What we DO care about is that those who have seen through the lies and WANT their money back which they are LEGALLY entitled to, SHOULD get it back. No questions asked.
And if you run it on YOUR platform, you have ZERO protections like you would otherwise have on Kickstarter or Indiegogo.
In crowd-funding, you don't "sell" stuff. So it has a completely different set of liabilities
It's @ 27:32