This is my basic starting point.
Do @ me. 😁
✅Re-enter the Paris Accord
✅Restore the Iran deal
✅Marshall Plan for Libya (EU has to contribute big time)

Buckle up.
1. Until a second or third revolution overthrows Assad i.e. 20+ years or more. Unless his fascist regime voluntarily democratizes. [😄]
2. Not permanent, conditions-based. Covering Idlib to Raqqa to Hasakah to Deir Ezzor.
1. Deterrence works. Assad has attacked U.S./YPG on occasion and U.S. response was overwhelming. He stopped.
2. Wipe out his already-meager capabilities.
1. Yes.
2. Chapter 7 of the UN Charter stipulates that nations have the right of collective self-defense and Iraq requested U.S. military action vs ISIS. nytimes.com/2014/09/24/us/… un.org/press/en/2014/…

-Arms for Kiev
-More sanctions for Russia. Maybe kicking them out of SWIFT is the way to go...
Also Corey Booker: I didn't know 🇵🇸Palestine was literally on this sign I was holding. I thought it just said 🇲🇽Mexico. 🤨 I'm a FP pro, believe me! 🙄

✅Grounded in FACTS, not conspiracy theories
✅Addresses real-world problems
✅Morally sound
✅Pro-international law

Do want to empower tyrants and oligarchs the world over and cause more destabilizing regional wars?
Well Phyllis Bennis has just the foreign policy package for you!
Why bankroll a killing machine that murdered ~100,000 Syrians in prisons in just a few years?
The difficulty is that those interests sometimes conflict with one another.
a corporation 🏦 that requires U.S. government 🏛 permission to operate.


Obama enabled Assad's most heinous crimes.


✅Don't issue red lines you aren't prepared to enforce.
✅Non-intervention can be worse than intervention.
✅Everything you don't do also sets precedents.
✅Fascists only respond to force.
✅Repair the strained relationship with Turkey
✅Curb aggression by Iran, Russia, and Assad
✅Most importantly, save thousands of lives.
✅Treat national security as the grave responsibility that it is.
✅Outline positive vision of world order + US role.
✅Show how principles will shape choices, priorities.

Pinochet was a neolib. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neolibera…