dcleaks.com and Guccifer2.0 were named with "High Confidence" as key outlets for stolen DNC data in the 6th January 2017 Intelligence Community reports on Russian interference.
FBI's Priestep testified a direct link

In the recent *DNC Vs Everybody* lawfare suit dcleaks.com is curiously absent. Why is that?
G2.0. is helped along by a conveniently timed article in the Daily Beast. Their parent company is directed by Ms C Clinton

Why would they do that?
Why miss such an obvious target?
dcleaks.com (and electionleaks.com) can be traced back to October 2012, an election year. It never went live but at that time Romney was battling stories about his tax returns (familiar?).
F-GPS were working for the Dems

To be clear; that's California, USA, not California, Russia.

dcleaks never goes live in 2012. Perhaps Vanyur (& friends?) sense they've missed their opportunity and the registration appears to lapse.

The address is a PO box in a sleepy beachside town in Queensland, Australia, called Nobby Beach. It is an actual PO box.

To the AP they say no law-enforcement service has bothered to contact them

**They gave up the name of the registrant**.
But Mueller's team hasn't done the same. Why?

THC Servers (the Endurance Group), then move to (the Endurance Group),
then to Confluence Networks (owned by the Endurance Group),
then finally ... in 2016 ...

They claim to be a home for whistleblower sites.
The identity of the site's owner is being laundered.

As are a dozen or so muslim botherhood sites, like ikhwanweb.com (the official English site of the Muslim Brotherhood)
It also happens that misdepatrment.com, that was also implicated, like actblues.com in the DCCC "hack is also registered by value-domain.com.
Like Stefan Halper, Joseph Misfud, George Nader, and Rob Goldstone, they have **just disappeared**.
Sometime after that I catch the site with it's knickers down. See here: loadedforguccifer.wordpress.com/2018/02/10/dcl…
There's no Russian settings listed in a NMAP scan I did at the time. The language settings on it: iso-8859-1 is for Latin (Inc English, not Cyrillic). There's also some internet relay chat ports to chat on, and yettamail mail servers are front and centre.

Interesting. Vertron is owned by Darrell Hubbard, and is registered in California. That's California USA, not California Russia.
Ronald Vanyur - CA. Darrell Hubbard - CA

Wasn't Daniel Jones of Penn Quarter Group said to get his funding from "wealthy Californians"? Vertron's clients include Sony Pictures (California), Time Warner Home Video (California) and Fannie Mae (Washington).

Also just saying I've never before seen a whois record like for belcloud.com that has all the names "Redacted for Privacy".

Only that dcleaks.com has been left off the DNC lawsuit for a reason. They want us to forget all about it. Could it be that it loops back to some important people. Who could they be?