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Oct 24th 2021
Aim of the webinar is to provide the working class with an understanding of the disease and how it can be fought. -- @DavidNorthWSWS #EndCOVD #October24
The cost in human lives is the product of a very deliberate policy. — David North. All politics and all policy are in the end about social and economic interests. — David North
The case for #elimination is so clear, so persuasive, that it would at first seem hard to understand how it could be argued against. — David North
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Apr 10th 2021
Nobody likes lockdowns but you can't say they don't work. In Alberta we lived through the proof of it. The failure lies in what sectors we choose to reopen & when & in not adopting a #ZeroCovid strategy like some much smarter places have adopted, saving lives & economies. THREAD Image
If it feels like our leaders don't know what they're doing it's because they don't but you can't blame that on lockdowns. There's no avoiding lockdowns when our hospitalization numbers rapidly approach a rate our hospitals can't manage. Other jurisdictions aren't failing. /2 Image
I tried to share this article with a "Conservative" friend who assured me we had to do things the way we did or our economy would fail. When I told him that just wasn't factually accurate he refused to read it & the chat ended in acrimony. Okay then. /3…
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Oct 18th 2020
This hunger index has little or nothing to do with hunger. Read blogs at… to find out why:
2/hung When I last researched it >10 yrs ago, hunger was <2% of popukstion, poverty was 25-30% of pop & "child malnutrition", caused by dirty water & open sewers, was 35-40%. Hunger index mixes such things together to produce a meaningless index which has little to do with hunger
3hung (*population ): Leftist (intellectual elite)member of Planning commission, vetoed my internal talk on #poverty #elimination, forced removal of tables+analysis of #Hunger in Plan chapter, and subsequently forced the #NSSO to remove questions on #hunger from new surveys🙈🙉🙊
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Aug 22nd 2020
A Public Health Perspective on the Potential Harms of #COVID19 #Elimination (my first thread)

I have provided a reference for each post which I think should be the standard moving forward for public health/clinical posts for @Twitter

Set up as assumptions and reality
Assumption: Using a forecasting model to guide intervention strategies is appropriate. A single counterfactual (ie, the hammer) vs exponential epidemic growth
Reality: Mathematical models guiding programs should provide different scenarios, competing health risks, and uncertainty
Read 18 tweets
Aug 1st 2020
“It’s unsafe and irresponsible to reopen schools in non-green zones”

Keeping open schools in non-green zones, as is the case in Australia currently, is unsafe & irresponsible.

#get2zero #lockdownNSW #elimination #SchoolsMustShutdown #JustRecovery #covid19nsw #covid19VIC #MMT
Australia is currently a red zone, VIC, - NSW is likely on the same trajectory if policy makers continue to resist implementing effective measures - have dangerously high numbers of community transmission. Schools should not be open.
Here’s how green, yellow and red zones differ - here’s the website link

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Jul 24th 2020
An apology:
For weeks I've contemplated #elimination as a strategy for #covid19aus while PM & CMOs said it was not viable.
That was Wrong. Stupid. Reckless.
Clearly, "aggressive suppression" aiming for "zero community transmission" is the right way.
I now see the light #auspol
These people are jackals.
From the people who brought you 'it's not a tax, it's a levy'
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Jul 24th 2020
Their ridiculous game of semantics, which many of us have called out for ages has now become a spectacle. They can call it “aggressive suppression” they can call it “John”. Who cares. We need our national strategy to truly align with 0 community transmission. #covid19aus #auspol
They will keep saying that “this has been our aim all along” and they are absolutely bullshitting. It is okay to change your mind. It is not okay to lie about it,
Part of making #elimination (or #John) a sustainable solution is going to be purpose-built or designed #quarantine facilities with a surveillance program beyond the 14 days that people are quarantined.
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Jul 23rd 2020
Absolutely trying to exercise, but can’t stop laughing thinking about deputy CMO Nick Coatsworth saying the #covid19aus strategy is not #elimination but a new term, “Aggressive suppression” with the aim of “zero community transmission”. Just can’t today.
I’m not being lazy.
I’m not “not exercising”
I am simply adopting a ‘neutral displacement’ strategy with a target of ‘zero caloric expenditure’.
With this strategy it is entirely possible that I will achieve a “no exercise” status anyway!
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Jul 21st 2020
This is the roided-up-Russian-Olympic-team level rhetorical gymnastics on #elimination by our CMO. #COVID19Aus #auspol
Why zero community transmission nick? It’s not sustainable! We have to live with the virus!

So much bullshit.
National experts: #Elimination is not possible”
“We might reach elimination through suppression anyway” #COVID19au #auspol
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Jul 14th 2020
On the #Elimination debate,I see a lot of strawman arguments against it.
"We can't suspend travel/trade forever, importation of #covid19aus is inevitable". But this is not failure if we identify cases in quarantine and rapidly #TestTraceIsolate cases identified post-exit.
'Ah but that's not elimination'. This is 1 of the problems- what precisely is the definition? Absolute 0 cases? What if cases are only in quarantine/iso with 0.0% local or community transmission? etc etc. Parsing the semantics used on either side of the debate=1/2 the battle.
I don't have an opinion yet, but it is informative to watch the debate.
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Apr 21st 2020
1/9 La Banque Centrale Européenne, pressentant l’effondrement du #capitalisme face à la #pandémie, fabrique plein de billets pour que les capitalistes puissent engranger leurs dividendes, le #Medef exigeant des travailleurs des efforts pour combler les déficits liés au virus.
2/9 Depuis 2016 la #BCE propose aux banques des prêts à taux négatifs, les payant donc pour qu’elles empruntent, avec l’espoir, mais sans contrôle, que ces prêts profitent aux entreprises et aux particuliers, et pas à la #spéculation où sont pourtant les meilleurs gains !
3/9 La #BCE s’est engagée par ailleurs à #racheter sur les marchés financiers des #dettes d’entreprises et des dettes souveraines pour donner de l’oxygène aux banques avec encore l’espoir qu’elles prêtent de l’argent pour soutenir l’économie.
Read 9 tweets
Sep 18th 2019
.@DFID_UK's new #UKAid programme supports neglected tropical disease elimination and the @TheGlobalGoals. We asked our colleague @yarimaezra about how @Sightsavers and partners will help #BeatNTDs and improve the lives of citizens in 13 of the world’s poorest countries #SDG1
“My name is Ezra Yarima, I’ve been working for Sightsavers since 2015. I am a public health specialist in Nigeria, with a monitoring and evaluation background. I am very passionate about disease management and disability prevention.” #BeatNTDs Ezra stands next to a sign in arabic outside a house.
“My favourite part of my job is that I know I am making a difference in the lives of people affected by neglected tropical diseases #NTDs. I cherish the smiles I see post-treatment.” #BeatNTDs Three children looking at the camera smiling
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Mar 25th 2019
I guess I better speak out on my own thread. @GRamsey_LatAm is gushing over how PAHO/WHO are "intervening" in the disastrous Venezuelan health situation.

Dude: I have been watching #measles and #malaria case numbers here in South America for the past few years.

The deterioration of the health situation in South America is glaringly evident.

A couple of years ago, I watched #malaria case numbers climb over 240,000 in Venezuela, after having been much lower than that for years, and almost eradicated in the 1950s and 1960s.

Soon thereafter, I personally witnessed the #migration out of #Venezuela , which had once been the most prosperous South American nation.

I saw some people so thin they could have been in the horrors of WW2.

Read 6 tweets

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