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Saturday, 5th September 2020

#Moon is transiting through the Revati, the 27th nakshatra ruled by #Mercury. Mercury is exalted in #virgo which is directly aspecting the moon. Moon- mercury opposition makes us quite calculative & the free flow of emotions is not there. However Image
#Revatinakshatra gifts prosperity and nourishment. The month of #september is filled with many planetary transformations. #Venus has changed house and is currently transiting #cancer. Mercury is in its exalted state in #Virgo. #Jupiter is going to become direct on Sep 13, 2020.
#Rahu and #ketu are changing signs on Sep 23, 2020. As ketu will leave Mula, Major relief from Corona can be seen. Also,we can expect some good news regarding vaccinee in coming days due to changing cosmic weather.

#Astrology #astroquote #SaturdayVibes #SaturdayMorning
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Thursday, 03rd September 2020

Today #moon is transiting #purvabhadrapada nakshatra whose lord #Jupiter is retrograde and fallen in #Sagittarius. The most important thing to notice in the cosmos is that both #saturn & #venus are at 1 degree in #capricorn and #cancer respectively. Image
Both are casting direct aspect on each other which is causing extreme conflict of energies. To add upon it, #Mars is sitting at 3 degree of #aries is also casting 4th aspect. Venus is in real trouble.The next forthcoming days can become defining moments for #India & entertainment
industry both. The aspect of 7th lord mars on ascendant shows that there can be war like situation or clashes with neighbouring countries. Saturn, the lord of justice may reveal some deepest secrets of the entertainment industry in order to cleanse the corrupt polluted system.
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Tuesday, 01st September 2020

The moon is transiting Dhanishta nakshatra today .Venus will change sign from Gemini to Cancer at 2:18 am.Venus will be directly aspected by saturn (7th aspect) and square aspect (4th aspect of mars).Time is not good for entertainment Image
industry especially bollywood.Saturn in capricorn and afflicted fallen mars aspect on venus will lead to more sensual disclosures in coming days.

Venus also highlights your personal relationships and cancer ia star of nourishment. Though venus feels happy in the natural 4th
house of zodiac but the aspect of two major malefics will disturb the energies of venus.

It is highly recommended that you should avoid fights and un- necessary arguments in relationships. Also,today is day of saying goodbye to Ganesha. Seek the blessings of vighanharta to make
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Monday, 31st August 2020

Today moon is transiting shravana nakshatra & the festivities of Onam also begin with this.

#Onam is a festival that celebrates rich harvest.There is mythological story behind the onam.The grandson of prahlad Mahabali won three worlds by defeating Gods. Image
Vishnu took vamana avatar & asked for the boon from King mahabali.He wanted to gift him elephants, gold, pearls etc.But he asked for three paces of land.With only 2 paces, Shri Vishnu covered the entire land under him.King mahabali offered his head for third. Seeing his devotion,
Sri Vishnu granted boon that once in a year, he will be able to visit his country and see his motherland.The festival of onam is celebrated to thanks for the bounty of rice harvest and remembering devotion of Sri Bali. Here shravana nakshatra is deeply connected to Shree hari
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Sunday, 30th August 2020

Today #moon will be transiting #uttarashadanakshatra till 13:52 and then shift to Shravana nakshatra. It will closely conjunct #Saturn in uttarashada nakshatra which may bring some negative thoughts. However,as the day is Sunday and Sun god's Image
nakshatra is rising in morning,it is auspicious to chant Aditya hrudyam today. Moon's transit in shravana is always auspicious to honour Shree Vishnu and gain blessings of the palanhara.

#Venus is vargottama in the sign of #gemini, therefore holds very powerful dual energy.
It will shift to sign of #Cancer on Sept 1 where it will be aspected by both #Mars and saturn.This venus can create imbalances in realtionships and our power to connect with other people.

Mars and ketu are still together in navamsa which gives a lot of energy to malefics for
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Friday, 28th August 2020

#Moon will be transiting #mulanakshatra upto 12:37 pm. Thereafter, it will be transiting Purvashada Nakshatra. Moon has already passed the gandanta yesterday, therefore much more clear thoughts and vision will be there. #Purvashada is #venus ruled Image
nakshatra and it holds the highest level of creativity in his realms. Venus is opposite moon and therefore it is best time to pursue your hobbies and creative talents. As moon is transiting through the venus nakshatra on friday, its best time to pray Goddess Lakshmi.
Also,#Mercury conjuncts #Rahu in the sign of #Libra in D9 chart which shows that media will be super active and the general public will connect with mainstream media through various networking channels.
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Sunday, 23rd August 2020

Today the #moon will be passing through #chitranakshatra whose ruler is #mars according vimshottari dasha. Mars has just crossed #Gandata and currently transiting its own mool trikona sign of #Aries.Though mars appears to be in powerful position but it Image
is in reality weak as it has to cross the same gandanta many times.This has made its energy compromised & it cannot fructify to its fullest. Worshipping to God Karthikeya will help you get positive energy of Mars.Also,mars and #ketu are still together in #navamsha in aries sign.
Two major malefics meeting in fiery sign for a long time in navamsha is not a good sign. It can lead to violence, arguments and conflicts.The current arrest of ISIS terrorist and killing of 5 terrorists in Punjab May be also related to this conjunction and over activation of
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Thursday, 20th August 2020

Today #moon will be transiting purva-phalguni nakshatra in the sign of #leo. This nakshatra is ruled by bhaga, therefore it has power to bestow great fortune and bliss. At the same time, you should also have a look at sensual pleasures as the nakshatra Image
lord #Venus is in association with #Rahu. Venus feels very comfortable wth Rahu but Rahu is an illusion.

Three tikshna planets sun,mars and ketu are adjoining each other in #aries navamsa. This conjunction is a fiery sign is pointing towards an inauspicious happening.
Dont forget Aries is 12th house of India's chart. Personally,dont involve yourself in violent fights. People having 2nd house in Aries should be watchful of speech especially as it can trigger events. Take care of your health and keep your cool as the the power of planets is
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Wednesday, 19th August 2020

Today #moon is transiting through #maghanakshatra. #Sun and #mercury are also currently transiting #magha nakshatra. Magha nakshatra is royal throne.The #nakshatra is also related to your pitris,therefore it is a good time to honour your ancestors. Image
Magha nakshatra lord #Ketu is located in #Mulanakshatra in natural 9th house of kalpurusha.According to Nadi astrology, 9th house of chart also symbolises ur forefathers. #Ketu itself is the karmic imprint of past births. Moreover the tithi operating during sunrise (till 8:11 am)
is #Amavasya tithi.Best time to honour your ancestors. Many doshas in your personal chart are remedified with paying respect to pitris.
Also, all the fiery signs are active with 6 planets located in Aries,Leo and Sagittarius ,the temperature in many countries
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Tuesday, 18th August 2020

#Moon will be transiting #Ashleshanakshatra today. #Ashlesha nakshatra is known for all negative traits due to its association with nagas and complex energy it holds. Ashlesha is in reality a clinging nakshatra whose energy is very deep. As nagas have Image
mystical powers, people having major planets here can have extraordinary powers to heal too. Also as it is ruled by #mercury according to Vimshottari Dasha scheme, mind games and analytical thinking both are part of this nakshatra.It has an inherent energy of going
deep to analyse situations but it is upto you if you uses the power of this energy positively or negatively.

Also,Ashlesha has power to transform you.As snakes shed their old skin and reclaim a new makeup, you may have to undergo pain in your life and embrace
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Mars transit Aries : Effect On 12 Zodiac

On 16th August,2020, the fiery planet of mars will transit its #Mooltrikona sign of #Aries. The graha #Mangal is the warrior planet and it is the karaka for brothers, might and courage. As #Mars is entering its own house, Image
all the significations of mars will gain prominence. There will be a heightened Martian energy and passion to pursue your dreams. The people who are employed in professions which need physical energy such as police, army, detective, sports, gym etc. will be benefitted
depending upon natal placements.

The stay of mars in Aries is temporary as it will again retrograde back to Pisces. Check this exclusive timeline for detailed view of mars transit in upcoming 5 months.
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Sunday, 16th August 2020

Today is #SimhaSankranti i.e.Sun God will enter the royal sign of #Leo. Its the time to become great again. As #Jupiter is already in #Sagittarius and #mars is shifting to #Aries today, dharma trines is becoming more active. Great time to perform Image
fire rituals and pay off bad karma. #Moon will be transiting Ardra nakshatra. You may become restless and find it difficult to concentrate on your core work. #Meditation is best remedy for moon transiting Ardra.

Also,today is a #pradosh fast too. Chanting “om namah shivaya”
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Friday, 14th August 2020

#Moon is transiting #MrigashiraNakshatra today morning. #Mars, the ruler of Nakshatra is in Revati 4th pada near the Gandanta point. #Sun is in ashlesha Nakshatra 4th pada which falls in Pisces Navamsa again inching towards Gandanta point. Both are Image
forming conjunction in Pisces in Navamsa. Both are fiery planets and their conjunction in Navamsa is not a good sign.

As these two planets are moving towards Gandanta Zone in rasi chart, the upcoming days may be unstable and of hyperactivity. Maintain your calm. Also, don't
involve yourself in any type of violent clashes. Pray to Goddess Lakshmi for prosperity and happiness.

#GajananSays #Astrology #astroquote #GajananKrishnaMaharaj #nakshatra #GKM_AstroQuote #GKM_AstroTips #AstroTips #FridayWisdom #Thursdaydaymotivation #thursdayvibes
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Tuesday, 11th August 2020

Today #moon is transiting through Bharani nakshatra ruled by #Venus and devata is Shree Yama. Venus is itself in Ardra Nakshatra which is not at all good for relationships. Don't indulge in sensuality and meditate for stable mind. Chant #Hanumanchalisa Image
twice a day .The sign lord of #aries #Mars is 12th to his own sign which is not a good sign. Offer sweet boondi to Shree Hanuman.

#Tuesday is also good for performing remedies for getting rid of debt. Mars is the karaka for debt and Tuesday is the day for Hanuman Ji. So
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Sunday, 9th August 2020

Today is Shashti tithi and moon is transiting through Revati nakshatra. Mars is currently transiting Revati nakshatra forming close conjunction with moon. Don't be frustrated and keep your cool. Today is balarama jayanti, birth anniversary of Image
Shree Balarama, the elder brother of Shree Krishna.

It is also believed that he is the incarnation of sheeshnag. Shree Balrama is the first source to assess spiritual world of Shree Krishna whose master is Shree Krishna himself. So worshipping Shree Krishna and Balrama Ji can
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Friday, 07th August 2020

Today is bahula chaturthi also known as bol choth A great day to worship Shree Ganesha Ji & seek his blessings. Moon is in Purvabhadrapad till 1:33 pm. The Nakshatra of #uttarabhadrapada will start thereafter which is a major wealth bestowing Nakshatra. Image
Sun Saturn in direct opposition with sun in ashlesha Nakshatra and Saturn in Uttarashada nakshatra .

Avoid conflicts with fatherly figures and take care of health. Venus and Rahu in Mrigashira Nakshatra with aspect from Mars. Don't get too flattered with outside beauty and
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Monday, 3rd August 2020

Today is the most auspicious day of Shravan purnima, last fast of Shravan month, Raksha Bandhan and Sanskrit day. Moon will be transiting the Nakshatra of Uttarashada till 7:19am. Thereafter moon will be transiting Shravana Nakshatra which is Image
Lord Vishnu's own abode.

Listening to people around you will enhance understanding and bliss in your life. Don't tie Rakhi in Bhadra Kaal which will end on 9:30am.

Today is Sanskrit day,the day to honour the language of Vedas. Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages and
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Sunday, 02nd August 2020

Today, #moon is transiting Purvashada Nakshatra during sunrise till 6:52. Moon is conjunct #Jupiter in mooltrikona #Sagittarius just opposite to #Venus and #rahu. #Mars is aspecting Venus and rahu with its 4th aspect.

Therefore both Venus and moon, Image
the two watery planets are afflicted in the sky. You may fall short of liquid money in the next 2 days. Dont indulge your mind in un- necessary fights in relationships and deal with anger issues. You also keep a check on your sensuality.

Chant Aditya Hrudyam strotam and surya
Gayatri mantra for blessings of #sun God on this day. Praying to #LordGanesha when moon transits through #uttarabhadrapada will ensure that there are no obstacles on your path and you will attain success.

#GajananSays #Astrology #astroquote #SundayWisdom #sundayvibes #astrology
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Friday, 31st July 2020

Today is #Dwadashi tithi and #moon will be transiting the Gandanta Zone in early morning. The Scorpio- Sagittarius Gandanta is a very prominent position which afflicts the planets. It is also known as gand moola. Today is auspicious day of vara laxmi Image

On this day, Goddess #Lakshmi the presiding deity of success,wealth and prosperity is worshipped. By praying upon the divine Goddess, you can seek blessings for your family and children. Additionally, friday is best for worshipping Devi and invoking her positive grace.
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Wednesday, 29th July 2020

#Moon will be transiting its debilitated sign Scorpio today. Chandra will be in Vishakha nakshatra 4th pada from 2:51 am to 8:33 am. Here lies the exact debilitation degree of moon. Depending upon personal horoscopes,it might hamper your sleep too. Mood Image
swings, frustrations and loss of mental peace can also be expected.

Moon will be transiting Anuradha nakshatra after 8:33 am. Moon in Anuradha is auspicious as it has already come out from its debilitation point. Unrealistic expectations from love relationships will only
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Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Today is #Navami Shukla and the moon is transiting #Swatinakshatra till 9:41 am. After this, it will transit #VishakhaNakshatra which is a mixed #nakshatra. Vishakha nakshatra has both elements of #Agni and #Indrani. You can tap energies of Vishakha for Image
completely focusing on your priorities and getting success.

Dont get confused by too many choices rather stick to one thing. Indecisiveness is also one of the traits. #LordKrishna can make your path clear and mind stable. #Sun and #Saturn are in nakshatra exchange. There might
be arguments and conflicts between son and father. Govt. authorities might also face some opposition. Chant #Hanumanchalisa.

#GajananSays #Astrology #GajananKrishnaMaharaj #astroquote #tuesdaymotivation #gkm_explainshinduism
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Saturday, 25 July 2020

Today is auspicious day of #NagPanchami. It is auspicious to feed Nagas with milk and sweets today. Nagas have deep relations with Rahu. Therefore, praying upon Nagas actually free you from the curses of Rahu. Here, we should also understand that We Image
snakes are always not a bad symbol rather they are custodian of wealth. Rahu,the primordial source of energy has potential to give you enormous wealth in life. The 7th door of Padmanabhaswamy temple treasure is also believed to be guarded by Nagas.

Therefore,snakes can bless
us enormously to defeat our enemies and attain prosperity in life. If you have any rahu related afflictions,it is highly recommended to pray upon nagas today. They can gift you with good intuition, flexibility, analytical skills and enormous wealth. Attain their blessings and
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Friday, 24th July 2020- Astro quote

Today is Friday and moon is transiting Purva Phalguni nakshatra ruled by Venus.The prime deity of this nakshatra is Bhaga and main theme is inherited wealth . Friday is ruled by Goddess Laxmi ,therefore it is a great day to honour the goddess Image
of wealth in general. The day is good to take the blessings of goddess for prosperity and harmony.

You might be amazed to know that Akash and Isha Ambani has Venus Jupiter conjunction in Purvaphalguni Nakshatra. No doubt,they have got huge inherited wealth from their
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Wednesday, 22 July 2920- Astro Quote

Today is Hariyali Teej, a festival which symbolises reunion of #LordShiva and Goddess #Parvati. The day is highly auspicious as it falls in the month of Shravana.The tithi operating today is shukla tritiya and the presiding deity of the Image
tithi is #Gaura. Devi Gaura is other name of Parvati , spouse of Shiva.It is believed that on this day only Goddess Parvati was accepted as wife by Lord Shiva.

Goddess Parvati has to go undergo extreme tapasaya to become Lord Shiva's wife. The day is best for
fasting and praying to shiv parivar for getting best results in family life. Applying mehndi, wearing green clothes and green bangles is highly recommended .

#GajananSays #Astrology
#GajananKrishnaMaharaj #astroquote
#gkmastroquote #hariyaliteej #hariyaliteej2020
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