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Nov 12th 2020
As a lot of discussions already started on what to expect from #Biden within the #transatlantic relationship, let me list few ideas I laid out for @WashInstitute about what it could specifically mean in the #MiddleEast :
(I’ll paste in this thread some excerpts of a longer paper on Europe-US cooperation in the #MiddleEast since the end of the Cold War, available here 👇)
1/ A key prerequisite to reset the transatlantic dialog on the #MiddleEast : the ball is in Europe’s court to make concrete proposals on a limited list of priorities. (cc @jbdacey) ImageImage
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Sep 29th 2020
Selamat siang. Semoga kita selalu sehat dan bersemangat. Jelang rehat siang, saya ingin berbagi tentang realisasi #APBN sd Agustus 2020 agar kita punya gambaran yg lebih utuh ttg arah kebijakan ekonomi Indonesia. Jaga optimisme, terus waspada. @KemenkeuRI

Sebuah #utas
1. Pantaskah kita murung di saat seperti ini? Memang situasi sungguh tak mudah, seperti digambarkan Paul Valery tahun 1919: palung sejarah sanggup menampung derita kita semua. Sungguh dalam menyayat, miris. Pasca PD II dan pandemi flu Spanyol. Tapi, banyak alasan untuk bangkit!
2. Situasi tak mudah, kondisi sangat berat. Kita semua sadar hal ini. Tak perlu saling menyalahkan, lantaran yg dibutuhkan adalah kerja sama. Warga negara terdampak parah, dunia usaha tersungkur amat hebat. Kita bersandar pada peran pemerintah. Lalu sanggupkah? Tergantung kita.
Read 14 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
Saya akan membahas konsep #burdensharing yg dikritik Pak @AnthonyBudiawan sekaligus meluruskan bbrp hal agar tak mengecoh publik. Sila simak #Thread ini.
Ekonom: Burden Sharing BI Bukti Pemerintah Gagal Bayar
1> Sebagai info, skema #burdensharing juga dipakai oleh negara lain, seperti Inggris, Jepang, AS, Uni Eropa, Thailand, Mexico, Hungaria, Filipina, dan Turki. Jadi ini skema umum, bukan penemuan atau kreativitas Indonesia belaka. Maka nggak perlu nuduh macam2. @AnthonyBudiawan
2> Kenapa Pemerintah dan Bank Sentral perlu berbagi beban? Ya karena situasinya extraordinary: pertumbuhan ekonomi turun, pendapatan negara anjlok, sedangkan kebutuhan meningkat karena pandemi. Defisit pasti melebar. Lalu mau dibiayai dari mana? Ya utang. Pahit memang...
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Jul 7th 2020
Sore jelang malam, enaknya ngomongin apa ya? burden sharing? Setelah seharian letih beraktivitas, penat, baiklah kita berbagi beban. Kali ini bukan sembarang beban, yaitu beban mengelola negara. Berbaginya pun istimewa, antara @KemenkeuRI dan @bank_indonesia #BurdenSharing
1> Sebagaimana kita ketahui, Covid-19 menghantam tanpa pandang bulu, status, kelas, lalu jadi wabah. Semua gundah, tak terkecuali negara maju. Kita pun gelisah, sebab pandemi datang di awal tahun, ketika kita bahkan sdg bersiap mewujudkan banyak cita dan cinta....
2> Di awal tahun, perekonomian global terhenti. Ada yg lockdown, menutup diri, mobilitas dibatasi demi selamatkan nyawa manusia. Ekonomi tertekan, bahkan tumbuh negatif. Toh ini harus diambil sbg pilihan terbaik. Seluruh daya harus diarahkan utk mengatasi pandemi.
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Jan 27th 2020
🔥The KGB, arranged Trump’s 1987 Moscow visit and he’s been their biggest fan since that trip🔥 via @politicomag
🔥A few months after Trump’s first trip to Moscow he takes out several newspaper ads spouting Russian propaganda against the U.S. financial support for NATO - which was formed to PROTECT each country from being TAKEN OVER by RUSSIA‼️…
💥💣💥PURE and SIMPLE: Trump’s Withholding of aid to Ukraine was for AIDING and ABETTING RUSSIA in their takeover of Ukraine so that PUTIN can recreate a NEW world order 🌍 THIS. IS. TREASON. Trump and the @GOP are COMPLICIT‼️
Read 4 tweets
Jan 6th 2020
[Thread on a thread] A lot of relevant questions listed by @jasmineelgamal, on which I would add few points :
1/ Beyond the decisions that are taken or not, the uncertainty created by #US messaging on #Syria before and now on #Iraq is making the work of US allies very complicated. Both military and civilian actions c/ #ISIS are paralized by uncertainty. Planning is simply impossible.
2/ Nobody wants #endlesswars and #America has to decide for itself its level of engagement in the #MiddeEast. The #US could be right to call for #burdensharing, esp. from #Gulf & #Europe, but the way it has been doing it makes it difficult for allies to answer operationally.
Read 5 tweets
Oct 16th 2019
[THREAD] Morning DC, as a 🇪🇺 newly arrived at the @Washinstitute, I’ve been surprised by several things in the current US discussion on #Syria and the fight against #ISIS. I have focused on two in this piece on @thehill: #endlesswars & #burdensharing… 1/
I have indeed heard a lot about the need to stop « #endlesswars » in the #MiddleEast. European can probably see good reasons for this from #Afghanistan to #Iraq, as many of them opposed the war in Iraq. However...2/
Seen from #Europe, #Syria is not one of US #endlesswars, but a low-cost, high-efficiency CT op. It has not been shaped by US intervention, rather by US reluctance to intervene. Europeans who opposed the US-led war in #Iraq consistently called for more U.S. leadership in Syria. 3/
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