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Dec 4th 2022
This December learn all about 'Decentralised Finance'. The basics, the history, the innovations we know today, and what the future holds.

This is #DeFiDecember and today we'll start off by covering what some people say #DeFi stands for...#DeFiance

A đŸ§”...
Decentralised Finance (DeFi) is the biggest usecase of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Today we see DeFi's rapid evolution as a leading cause of disruption to the Traditional Finance industry.

But, there is more than simply disruption.

There is...DeFiance
Over the last three years, DeFi has grown from a few hundred million in TVL into a multi-billion industry, even in the bear market. DeFi has harnessed emerging technologies to redefine and shape an entirely new finance industry.
Read 10 tweets
Nov 26th 2022
#Protest against #Covid19 #lockdown after fire kills 10 in Xinjiang | Nov 26
- Late Friday, videos circulated widely on the Chinese internet showing throngs of residents in #Urumqi marching to a government building and chanting “end lockdowns,”

#China is #Rothschild's Model for #NWO | Dec 9, 2019
- The #genocide experienced by the #russians in Ukraine, funded by the #oligarchs and carried out by the #Azov-#Nazi - battalions is a copy the #China’s genocide against the #Uyghurs
#Rothschildism #MSM: 154 articles in less than two days.
Title: "#China's Communist Party to celebrate 100th #birthday in show of pomp and power."
Read 28 tweets
Jun 19th 2022
I’ve heard this said about my son on more than one occasion, “he seems to think he can do what he wants, and doesn’t have to do something if he doesn’t want to.”

Um, well, yes.

He’s a human being after all, with free will and autonomy.

#GentleParenting #Parenting #WritersLift
Certainly all of our actions have consequences, and I mean naturally-occurring consequences, not adult-imposed punishments.

#MediumWriter #MediumBlogger #ParentingBlog #ParentingTips #ParentingAdvice #MentalHealthAwareness #ADHDAwareness #Oppositional
Read 7 tweets
Nov 13th 2020
N’est-il pas intĂ©ressant d’observer tout ce qui se passe en Ă©cho au documentaire #Holdup @holdup_ledoc #Covid19 ? #RĂ©actions #Critiques #MĂ©dias #Censures #IdĂ©ologies #Croyances #EspritCritique #DĂ©liresCovid19 #FakeDebunkages #FauxDĂ©bats #Grandiose
« Le monde mĂ©dical et scientifique a perdu une certaine crĂ©dibilitĂ© parce que ce dĂ©bat est clĂŽturĂ© Â» ~ @xazalbert #Holdup #Covid19 #DĂ©liresCovid19
« DĂšs lors que vous faites croire Ă  quelqu’un qu’il est en danger de mort, vous en faites ce que vous voulez Â» #Holdup #Peur #Psychose #Covid19 #ComportementsIrraisonnĂ©s #DĂ©cisionsStupides
Read 68 tweets

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