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Oct 3rd 2021
🆘~49 persone in pericolo nella zona SAR di #Malta!
Le persone, in fuga dalla #Libia, sono in pericolo a bordo di una barca sovraffollata. Necessitano di supporto immediato. Le autoritĂ  sono informate e speriamo che lancino una operazione di ricerca e soccorso il prima possibile.
Abbiamo appena parlato con le 49 persone in pericolo. Sono ancora alla deriva e chiedono urgente soccorso! Ci hanno dato una posizione aggiornata che mostra che sono ancora nella SAR di #Malta. AutoritĂ  informate. Va lanciata una operazione SAR ora!
⚠️16h dopo il primo allarme, ~49 persone sono ancora alla deriva nel Mediterraneo. Nessun salvataggio è stato avviato. Esortiamo #Malta e #Italia ad adempiere alle loro responsabilità coordinando un'operazione SAR per portarli in salvo! #DontLetThemDrown #MigrantsLivesMatter
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Oct 3rd 2021
🆘~49 people in danger in #Malta SAR zone! The people are fleeing #Libya and are in distress on a overcrowded boat. They need immediate support. Authorities are alerted & we hope they’ll launch a search & rescue operation soon.
🆘 We just spoke to the 49 people in distress. They are still adrift & in need of immediate rescue! They also gave us an updated position showing they are deep in #Malta's SAR zone. Authorities are alerted & need to launch a search & rescue operation NOW!
⚠️16h since our first alert to authorities, ~49 people are still drifting in the Mediterranean Sea. No rescue has been launched yet. We urge #Malta and #Italy to fulfil their responsibilities to coordinate a SAR operation & to rescue now! #DontLetThemDrown #MigrantsLivesMatter
Read 4 tweets
Aug 18th 2020
🆘~100 persone in grave pericolo al largo della #Libia! Hanno appena contattato #AlarmPhone: il gommone si sta sgonfiando e un tubo sta scoppiando.
Allertate le autoritĂ , speriamo il soccorso arrivi subito.
Non lasciate che avvenga un altro naufragio e soccorrete immediatamente! Image
🔴 La cd guardia costiera libica è stata informata della barca in pericolo con ~100 persone a sole 30nm dalla costa libica, ma dicono di NON POTER soccorrere! È la 2a volta in pochi giorni che non intervengono. Sabato decine di persone sono morte!
La cd. Guardia costiera libica ci ha detto che non possono intercettare persone in pericolo. Le autorità italiane ci dicono che non è loro area di competenza. Questo non è vero! #Italia, #Malta e #UE: SIETE TUTTI RESPONSABILI DELLA MORTE DELLE PERSONE! #Borderskill
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Aug 18th 2020
🆘 ~100 people urgently asking for help off #Libya! They just reached out to #AlarmPhone saying their rubber boat is deflating & one tube is bursting.

We alerted all authorities & hope rescue will arrive quickly.

Don’t let another shipwreck happen & rescue now! Image
🔴The so-called Libyan Coastguard is informed about the sinking boat with ~100 people in distress just 30nm off the Libyan coast, but again they say they CANNOT rescue! It is the 2nd time in a few days they don’t intervene. On Saturday dozens of people died! #DontLetThemDrown
The so-called libyan coastguard told us that their vessel is broken and cannot intercept people in distress. Italian authorities tell us they are not responsitble for the area. This is not true! #Italy, #Malta and #EU: YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DROWNING OF PEOPLE! #Borderskill
Read 3 tweets
Aug 16th 2020
🆘 ~85 people in distress in Malta SAR! A boat with ~85 people escaping #Libya reached out to #AlarmPhone. Their engine is not working and they are afraid of drowning. Their boat is South of #Lampedusa and they urgently need rescue! All authorities are informed. #DontLetThemDrown Image
The ~85 people survived the night in distress in Malta SAR zone. The vessel Contship Ray found the boat, but they are not rescuing. The people are in panic & urgently ask for water & rescue. @Armed_Forces_MT, don't delay the rescue or order vessel #ContshipRay to rescue! ImageImage
After the merchant vessel denied rescue, the ~85 people on this boat in distress managed to bravely continue towards #Lampedusa, and we believe they reached the Italian island yesterday.

Unfortunately, authorities refuse to provide any information about arrivals in Italy.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 29th 2020
🚩Dove sono? Abbiamo di nuovo perso il contatto con le ~17 persone dopo le 16:59, quando erano ancora alla deriva in acque internazionali. Abbiamo informato le autorità UE 36+ ore fa, ma rifiutano di assumere la responsabilità.
Le autoritĂ  europee dicono che dovremmo chiamare la cd. Guardia Costiera libica, ma non ci rispondono neppure al telefono!
Nessun soccorso in vista per le ~17 persone in pericolo, abbandonate in mare da quasi 3 giorni! Le autorità non rispondono e abbiamo perso il contatto con le persone alle 16:59. Il mercantile #IVAN era nell’area ma non sembra voler intervenire. L’Europa li guarderà solo morire?
Read 7 tweets
Jul 29th 2020
🚩Where are they? We again lost contact to the ~17 people after 16:59CEST, when they were still drifting in international waters. We informed #EU authorities more than 36 hours ago, but they refuse to take responsibility.
The #EU authorities say we should call the so-called Libyan "Coastguard", but they do not even pick up the phone!
Still no rescue in sight for the ~17 people in distress who have been abandoned at sea for almost 3 days! Authorities are not responding & we lost contact to the people at 16:59. Merchant vessel #IVAN was in the area but it didn’t seem to engage. Will #Europe just watch them die?
Read 7 tweets
Jul 28th 2020
Da stanotte siamo in contatto con una barca in pericolo in fuga dalla #Libia. A bordo ~17 persone di cui 3 bambini. La comunicazione è difficile e si è interrotta alle 7. Le persone nel panico non hanno potuto darci coordinate corrette. Le autorità sono informate e devono cercare
Le ~17 persone sono ancora in pericolo in mare! Siamo riusciti a ricontattare questa barca alle 20:38 dopo aver perso i contatti per molte ore. Da allora ristabilire la comunicazione è stato difficile. Abbiamo allertato le autorità nuovamente e speriamo vadano a cercare la barca.
Dalle 8 di questa mattina, abbiamo perso i contatti con le circa 17 persone in pericolo. Le autoritĂ  di #Malta, #Italia e #Libia non rispondono. Sono alla deriva da almeno 42 ore. I parenti sono estremamente preoccupati per i loro cari. Non fateli annegare! Soccorreteli subito!
Read 5 tweets
Jul 28th 2020
🆘Since last night we are in contact with a boat in distress fleeing #Libya, carrying about 17 people, including 3 children. Communication is difficult & broke at 7am. The people were panicking & we couldn’t receive correct coordinates. Authorities are informed & should search!
The ~17 people are still in distress at sea! We lost contact to this boat for many hours but reconnected at 20:38 CEST today. We have since tried to establish a good contact but it has been difficult. We have alerted authorities again & hope for a search operation for this boat.
We lost contact to the ~17 people in urgent distress after 8:00am today. Authorities in #Malta, #Italy and #Libya don't respond. The people have been adrift for at least 42 hours. Their relatives are extremely worried for their love ones. Don’t let them drown! Rescue them now!
Read 5 tweets
Jul 26th 2020
🆘 A second boat with ~45 people fleeing #Libya reached out to #AlarmPhone tonight. They are in Maltese Search and Rescue zone and urgently asking for help. Once more, authorities are informed but do not respond. @Armed_Forces_MT, rescue is needed immediately! #DontLetThemDrown! Image
We are still in contact with the people on this boat in distress. The boat is drifting and we have given the authorities all the information we have. The people are in a very bad shape and scared. This suffering is unnecessary! Rescue is needed now! Image
The boat is at a standstill and the people plead for help. They are close to the Italian SAR zone and saw a green helicopter above them. Rescue is a state’s duty! Malta and Italy should stop playing such dangerous games with people’s lives and launch a rescue operation now!
Read 7 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
🆘 ~65 persone in pericolo nella SAR maltese! Una barca con ~65 persone in fuga dall’inferno e torture della #Libia ha chiamato #AlarmPhone stamattina. Sono nella zona di #Malta e il motore non funziona. Dicono che una donna sia svenuta e hanno bisogno di soccorso urgente!
Abbiamo allertato le autorità ma #Malta non risponde al telefono. Le persone sono in mare da + di 24 ore. @Armed_Forces_Malta è tuo dovere soccorrerle al piÚ presto e portarle in Europa! Una barca di legno può capovolgersi in ogni momento e i ritardi costano la vita delle persone
Le persone a bordo sono nel panico! Dicono di stare imbarcando acqua. Nella zona le onde raggiungono i 2 metri e c'è forte vento. Il soccorso non deve essere ritardato ma #Malta non sta rispondendo alle chiamate di soccorso.
#DontLetThemDrown #BlackLivesMatter
Read 12 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
🆘 ~65 people in distress in Malta SAR! A boat with ~65 people escaping the Libyan hell & torture camps called #AlarmPhone this morning. They are in #Malta Search & Rescue zone & their engine is not working. They said a woman has fainted & they all need urgent rescue! Image
We alerted authorities but #Malta is not answering the phone. The people have been at sea for more than 24 hours. @Armed_Forces_MT it‘s your duty to rescue them as quickly as possible & to bring them to Europe! A wooden boat can capsize at any moment & delays risk people’s lives.
The people on board are panicking! They said that water is entering the boat. In the area waves are up to 2 metres high and there are strong winds. Rescue should not be delayed, but #Malta is still not responding to the distress calls. #DontLetThemDrown #BlackLivesMatter
Read 12 tweets
Jun 30th 2020
SOS! This morning, ~47 people in distress called us from a boat in the European SAR zone. They fled from #Libya and say that they have been at sea already for several days. They say they are drifting. Relevant authorities are informed. Rescue is needed immediately!
Once more, authorities in #Malta & #Italy reject their responsibility to Search & Rescue. RCC Malta does not even pick up the phone, as usual. The ~47 people in distress have been at sea 3 days without food or water. This is happening right now just ~40nm south of #Lampedusa.
There is still no reaction from competent authorities. We are in regular contact with the ~47 people in distress, who said that 7 people on board collapsed. The engine is not working and the boat cannot move further. Denying rescue means letting them drown. #BlackLivesMatter
Read 6 tweets
Apr 8th 2020
SOS! Oltre 150 vite in pericolo! L'#Europa le lascerĂ  morire?

Stanotte ci hanno chiamato 2 barche, circa 85 e 70 persone fuggite dalla #Libia. Abbiamo perso i contatti. Le autorità sono informate ma non reagiscono. Il #Covid19 non è una scusa per lasciar morire persone in mare!
Nessuna notizia da entrambe le barche! Le autorità europee rifiutano la responsabilità e attribuiscono la "competenza" alla #Libia. I libici dicono: "Non possiamo uscire in mare poichÊ non abbiamo mascherine". #Covid19 è usato da tutti come scusa per lasciar morire le persone.
Una delle 2 barche con circa 70 persone a bordo ci ha richiamato! Sono ancora in pericolo. Hanno raggiunto la SAR di Malta (N34°48 E013°27), sono stanchi, in ansia e vanno soccorsi urgentemente. RCC #Malta o non risponde o ci mette in attesa. #DontLetThemDrown #LeaveNoOneBehind
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Apr 8th 2020
🆘! Over 150 lives at risk! Will #Europe let them drown?

In the night, we were alerted by 2 boats in distress off #Libya, ~85 & ~70 people. Contact to both was lost. Authorities were informed but don't react adequately. Do not use #Covid19 as an excuse to let people die at sea!
Both boats are still missing at sea! European coastguards reject responsibility & say that the Libyan authorities are the ‘competent’ authorities. The Libyans tell us: “We cannot go out at sea as we don’t have protective masks”. #Covid19 is used by all sides to let people drown.
1 of the 2 boats with ~70 people on board called us again! They are still in distress. They reached the Malta SAR zone (N34°48 E013°27), are tired, anxious & need rescue urgently. RCC #Malta either does not pick up at all or puts us on hold.

#DontLetThemDrown #LeaveNoOneBehind
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Apr 6th 2020
🆘Stasera una barca in pericolo con 80 persone a bordo ha chiamato #AlarmPhone. Dicono di essere fuggite dalla Libia la scorsa notte e di non avere più benzina. Le autorità competenti sono informate. Devono essere soccorse e portate in un #portosicuro in Europa! #LeaveNoOneBehind
Nessun soccorso in arrivo! Le circa 80 persone in pericolo sono alla deriva. Provano a remare ma non riescono ad avanzare. È buio in mare e la situazione a bordo è disperata! Chiediamo che l'#Europa si mobiliti immediatamente per soccorrerli - non lasciateli annegare! Image
Le persone in pericolo erano in contatto con MRCC Roma, che ha detto che stanno arrivando i soccorsi, ma ci dicono: “Abbiamo chiamato il numero italiano tante volte, continuano a dirci che arrivano i soccorsi ma non arrivano mai. Siamo qui da un giorno intero. Abbiamo freddo".
Read 9 tweets
Apr 6th 2020
🆘This evening, #AlarmPhone was called by about 80 people on a boat in distress off the Libyan coast. They told us that they fled #Libya last night & have run out of fuel. Relevant authorities are informed. They need to be rescued to a safe harbour in #Europe!
#LeaveNoOneBehind Image
No rescue in sight! The approximately 80 people in distress are drifting at sea. They try to row but are not able to move much. It is dark at sea and the situation on board is desperate! We call on #Europe to mobilise rescue immediately - do not let them drown!
The people in distress were in contact with the Italian Coastguard who told them that rescue is coming, but they tell us: "We called the Italian number many times but keep telling us the rescue is coming, but there's no rescue we have been here for one day, we are very cold".
Read 9 tweets

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