Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Eurovisión

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May 16th 2023
Delighted to be @uniofleicester today for the launch of their Centre for Phage Research (no Twitter account yet, @milja001?)
Totally original opening of proceedings by a live rendition of 'Pulled In A New Direction' from the Addams Family
Now @MarthaClokie introduces the day, and the potential for the use of phages across different modalities. And the Centre for Phage Research has a Twitter account: @Leicester_Phage !
Read 61 tweets
May 15th 2023
7 aplikasi penghasil uang ini memiliki beragam misi.
Berikut terdapat 7 aplikasi penghasil uang yang telah terbukti membayar langsung ke #DANA :
Joylada dapat menjadi aplikasi #NovelAI penghasil uang hanya dengan menulis cerita. #Eurovision… Aplikasi Zipay dapat memberikan cuan tanpa syarat yang memberatkan.
Dalam aplikasi tersebut kalian bisa mendapatkan beberapa transaksi, contohnya pembelian pulsa, pembelian voucher game.… Di era digital, penghasilan tambahan bisa didapatkan dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi penghasil uang. Aplikasi penghasil uang adalah aplikasi yang memberikan kompensasi, hadiah, dan imbalan dari aktivitas tertentu. Aplikasi untuk Android banyak didesain
Read 7 tweets
May 14th 2023
So, nach etwas mehr als 4 Std Schlaf, Kaffee u einem Spaziergang muss ich doch noch einen Thread zu @LordOfTheLost und dem #ESC schreiben. So brace yourself, es wird lang.
Trolle und intolerantes Gelaber werden direkt geblockt!
#Eurovision #ESC #ESC2023 #Germany #LordOfTheLost 1/
Normalerweise würde ich das auf meinem privaten Account posten, aber hier lesen es mehr. Und weil ich ein effing Fankind bin, das immer etwas überemotional wird, wenn es um Menschen/Dinge/Musik/you name it geht, die mir in irgendeiner Form was bedeuten, will ich das Bisschen 2/
an Aufmerksamkeit hier nutzen.

Ich hab heute mit einem Freund telefoniert, mit meiner Mama diskutiert, mit anderen Leuten gechattet und viel zu viele Kommentare auf diversen Social Media Seiten gelesen. Mich fuchst so vieles (z.T. schon seit Wochen) und das muss jetzt raus. 3/
Read 29 tweets
May 14th 2023
Prime Minister Netanyahu:

Last night, we successfully concluded 5 days of fighting against the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization. The directive I gave, with the Defense Minister, to the IDF and ISA amounted to 2 words: 'Initiative' and 'surprise'.…
I congratulated the IDF Chief-of-Staff and the Director of the ISA yesterday also with two words: 'Well done.' Indeed, the operation was perfect.
With complete surprise and continuous initiative, we targeted the entire Islamic Jihad leadership in Gaza. We destroyed 17 Jihad command centers. We eliminated dozens of terrorists. We hit rocket and missile arsenals, took out anti-tank units, etc.
Read 17 tweets
May 13th 2023
Day 445 of the illegal and repugnant war waged by #Russia on its peaceful neighbour - #Ukraine has never invaded or threatened another country.

The main story tonight is the #Eurovision timed attack on Ukraine which has shocked the world.

This is THE only daily thread you need:
Before we get to the Eurovision related attack, a quick reminder of Saturday's astonishing events.

Four of #Russia's aircraft shot down over Russia as they headed to bomb #Ukraine, more #RussiaOnFire and big explosions in west Ukraine, plus lots more⬇️

At #Eurovision, at elmost the exact moment #Ukraine's act Tvorchi took to the stage, #Russia's missiles bombed the duo's hometown.

The mayor of #Ternopil in west Ukraine reports a non-residential building caught fire in the city. Rescuers are working on the spot.
Read 6 tweets
May 13th 2023
Ich bin durch. Dieser Sieg ist ein gewaltiger Rückschritt in der Entwicklung des ESC. Nach vier guten Jahren voller kreativen Songs gewinnt nun eine Billige Kopie von 2012. Das ist schrecklich. #Eurovision2023
Auch die Jury ist in der Form nicht mehr tragbar.
Und wenn mir hier einer drunter haut von wegen „Deutschland ist letzter geworden weil die uns nicht in Europa mögen, oder wegen der politik“

Dann ne, daran liegt es nicht. Das schlechte Abschneiden von LOTL hat verschiedene andere Gründe, und die Band ist es nicht. #Eurovision
Read 4 tweets
May 13th 2023
“Ukraine, thank you for the peace in Moldova 🇲🇩”

/I am not crying/

#Eurovision #Eurovision2023
#Moldova ❤️
Verka Serduchka, Ukrainian 🇺🇦 pop culture phenomenon.

“russia, goodbye!”
Last year #Eurovision winners Kalush Orchestra, their song Stefania and goosebumps
Read 6 tweets
May 13th 2023
#Eurovision #Eurovision2023

russia targeted the city of Ternopil, a hometown of Ukrainian contestants - Tvorchi as they were performing on the Eurovision stage.

Explosions were reported. Image
❤️ Ternopil ❤️ Ukraine ❤️
Just like nazis russians love symbolism, numerology and astrology.

Targeting Ternopil during Ukraine’s Eurovision performance is
NOT a coincidence.
Read 6 tweets
May 13th 2023
#Eurovision: So far, Spain has brought out both traditional flamenco in a more modern style and singing skills. I love it. 🧵
Albania is going for a traditional vibe too. No pop music from this Balkan country.
Italy is going for a song in Italian again and it sounds authentic. Like.
Read 36 tweets
May 13th 2023
I appear to be accidentally watching #Eurovision.   
Austria have already won it with a filthy disco track about being possessed by Edgar Allen Poe.
Downhill from here, lads.
Poland there, channeling the Venga Boys in every way
Whereas the Spanish song is rather Moorish.
Read 10 tweets
May 13th 2023
Der Anfang des #Eurovision knallt schon Mal richtig! Der Song von #Kalush ist aber auch ein Knaller.

Gut: man hat sich wirklich Mühe gegeben, die #ukraine als eigentlicher Gastgeber des ESC einzubauen.
Die Hintergrundmusik zum Einlauf der Darsteller hätte aber nicht mehr 90er und britisch sein können! 😝
Danke. Image
Read 56 tweets
May 13th 2023
Despite of air raid alert in Kyiv, Ukrainians are deadly busy with
#Eurovision  grand final now.
7 russian RU-95ms bombers may smoke over Murmansk. All. It seems MIG-31 or shahed drones already over Ukraine.
Unknown air objects were detected over the central Vinnytsia oblast, they are moving now toward the western regions of Ukraine
Read 10 tweets
May 13th 2023
Ich mag den #Eurovision  Songcontest so gern, weil er für Leute in Europa so völlig normal ist und man es aber kaum jemanden außerhalb sinnvoll erklären kann. Der Gedanke, die Regeln, die Kostüme, die Abstimmung - wie ein großer Insider-Witz.
Wie Nascar oder College-Football für die USA, nur lustig und inklusiv.
Ein Song darüber, dass man vom Geist von Edgar Allen Poe besessen ist. Ich mein man muss sich drauf einlassen, dann ist es gold.
Read 37 tweets
May 13th 2023
Un grupo de amigas sale de fiesta y termina en un local un tanto peculiar. Una de ellas, Blanca, la más recatada, va al baño, pero se confunde de puerta y se topa con un largo y oscuro pasillo. Entonces, tentada, dudará si cruzarlo o no- "El pasillo" (Swinger Club) #Eurovision Image
Un notario informa a dos hermanas de que son descendientes y herederas de Edgar Allan Poe. Ellas no saben quién es, pero, tras buscarlo en google, alucinan. Para celebrarlo, convierten su obra literaria en vídeos de TikTok- "La herencia" (Who The Hell Is Edgar?) sábado 16h en La1 Image
Un adolescente gótico es abducido por extraterrestres. Al principio siente miedo, pero luego se da cuenta de que no volverá a ver a sus padres ni a ningún otro terrícola, de lo que se alegra. Una nueva vida, más allá de las estrellas, aguarda por él- "Abducido" (Fuck you, Earth!) Image
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May 13th 2023
*Of course* I'm doing a Eurovision livetweeting thread tonight, with little bits of information and background info about the songs and entrants and the occasional hot take.

Who did you think I am? Image
Eurovision tonight is coming from the M&S Arena in Liverpool, temporarily renamed the BBC Arena, to save us the trouble of explaining Marks and Spencers to the rest of the world. It's quite the venue, right by the Mersey. ImageImageImageImage
We're in the UK because we came second last year (Sam Ryder singing "Space Man" in Turin). I told you we'd do well and nobody believed me, so I guess we are a nation of pure anxiety.
Read 161 tweets
May 13th 2023
🎤Hoy se celebra #Eurovision .

🗺️El equipo de @elOrdenMundial ha preparado contenido para que disfrutes del concurso de una manera distinta: analizando toda la geopolítica y relaciones internacionales que hay detrás.

🧵Hilo con contenidos 👇 Image
🎤Eurovisión ha estado marcado por la geopolítica desde que se emitiera por primera vez en 1956. El concurso ha sido una herramienta de poder blando para todos los países que competían.…
🎤Desde sus humildes inicios, con solo siete participantes, #Eurovision ha ido evolucionando hasta convertirse en el mayor festival del mundo y un elemento identitario fundamental de la cultura europea. Pero, no se constriñe solo a Europa.

Su historia en una imagen: Image
Read 8 tweets
May 13th 2023
So, die Getränke sind kalt gestellt, das Essen ist gegessen, die Snacks sind griffbereit.

Der #Eurovision contest kann kommen!

Die Hutbürger in meinen Mentions zum #ratingen-Thread müssen wohl weiter ohne mich auskommen. 😝
Wer nix zu #Eurovision hören will:

Tough luck, wie die #coronazis ja seit drei Jahren blöken ist hier Diktatur, habt also keine Wahl (es sei denn ihr mutet den Hashtag).

Bei @kitlochery gibt's einen unterhaltsamen Live-Kommentar mit Musiktheorie sowie Statistik (Englisch).
Und bei @florianaigner gibt's wissenschaftliche Fakten zu den #Eurovision Songs. Wenn mich mein Gedächtnis nicht trügt ebenfalls sehr unterhaltsam!
Read 6 tweets
May 13th 2023
Still under the weather but regardless, I must solider on for the festival of joy and light - the Eurovision - will soon begin. Oh, I shouldn't drink, I'm in no state to do so but ... well ... what choice is there? How else do you commune with gods of eurovision otherwise?
Eurovision is a religious experience that can only be obtained in an intoxicated state when blurting out half garbled words to songs you don't understand whilst watching images of scantily clad elves with beards catapulted across the screen and squashed between huge LED screens.
Whilst I'm waiting, I may as well get GPT4 to create a new Eurovision language for me and start translating my tweets ... just to get into that Eurovision vibe ... hold my beer, no wait ... I need that beer ...
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May 13th 2023

Cha Cha Cha!
Ich bin dieses Mal in die hardcore ESC Fan Bubble auf Twitter hinabgestiegen und weiß nun auch warum ich das all die Jahre nicht gemacht habe.
Ein paar random Gedanken zum #Eurovision bzw #ESC2023 :

- ich hoffe und bete dass Schweden nicht gewinnt. Es wäre ein Rückschritt in der Entwicklung.

- Lord of the Lost sind die sympathischsten Vertreter für Deutschland seid Lena 2010/11.

- Sie sind übrigens auch die besten
Read 5 tweets
May 13th 2023
On the day we host #Eurovision, every one of us should read @victor_madrigal’s report as UN Independent Expert on the truly shocking state of life in the UK for LGBT people. Allies cannot stand by and ignore this.…
The sections on conversion ‘therapy’ and asylum seekers are beyond the pale, as are testimonies from so many trans people on not leaving the house. And damningly, the rightful, awful conclusion that anti-trans rhetoric is being driving by the media and government.
The one bright spot comes right at the end, albeit one that shouldn’t be required. LGBT people have faced the worst of us throughout the centuries. The IE “stands in awe” of their courage, resilience, resourcefulness and joy. Image
Read 4 tweets
May 13th 2023
The #Eurovision Song Contest takes place in the UK for the first time in 25 years! We're hosting as Ukraine, the winners of 2022, wouldn't be safely able to host 🇺🇦

But if you haven't tuned in since 1998, here's a rundown of every year you’ve missed! Image
Eurovision 1998 was the last time the 🇬🇧UK hosted the contest after Katrina and the Waves won in 🇮🇪Dublin the year before.

The UK was represented by the wonderful Imaani with 'Where Are You?' and the contest was won by Dana International with 'Diva'. 👏
1999 in 🇮🇱 was the first time the contest allowed people to sing in whatever language they choose. The UK has not won since...

Our entry was Precious (🤷‍♂️) but the eventual winner was Charlotte Nilsson with iconic euro classic 'Take Me to Your Heaven'
Read 27 tweets
May 13th 2023
Welcome to Saturday's #UkraineWar thread on Day 444 of #Russia's invasion.

All the news as always throughout the day in one handy thread, but with a fun #Eurovision twist today which I'll explain in the next tweet.

If you want to buy me a coffee there's a link in my bio🙏💙💛
So what's all this about #Eurovision ?

Well to mark #Ukraine's "hosting" of the final in #Liverpool tonight, in my tweets today there will be winning song titles🎶 in some of the posts (not all)

Just for fun. Reply if you spot one, as it will help fight the shadow ban on my a/c
Give yourself bonus points if you know the country and year the song won!

Anyway if you missed anything yesterday, you can review Friday's thread here. A day when we had all kinds of everything going on:

Read 65 tweets
May 12th 2023
How totally CRAZY has #Finland gone with Cha Cha Cha? Let's take a look.

1. This is the Finnish Association for National Conservation, the oldest environmental organisation in Finland. Not exactly your typical meme factory.
#Eurovision #euroviisut #Käärijä
2. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, modifying the lyrics to tell that they still hold tightly to Sweden's NATO membership, no matter who wins.
3. Pastries offered in the ongoing government negotiations.
Read 50 tweets
May 12th 2023
Hello again. It's Friday 12 May + Day 443 of the #UkraineRussiaWar

I'm back again. Another daily thread for all the news that matters in one place.

Two big developments y'day - #Ukraine's counter offensive prep + long range weapons arrive! Catch up here:
First a strange tale from the far east of #Russia where a private helicopter cut through power lines during a "hard landing"

The Mi-2's landing cut off power to the Transneft station in Primorsky Krai.
It's so remote it took 2 days to find the chopper & the pilot's disappeared! ImageImageImageImage
A big increase in #Russia's manpower losses in the last 24 hours. Still a lot of equipment being hit by #Ukraine too.

#RussiansGoHome Image
Read 45 tweets

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