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Feb 2nd 2023
If you aren't tuning in yet to @VigilForHD16 introducing a phenomenal bill at #colorado #legislativesession ✨HB23-1101 - Ozone Season Transit Grant Program Flexibility ✨ #CleanAir #publictransit #ClimateJustice is important

@baconforco discusses the bill as well - who represents D7, and how much transit has mattered to #students #youngpeople and #workingparents and how much #CleanAir matters to her constituents #copolitics

Follow the bill!🔥
@VigilForHD16 gives us a lesson on group level o-zone - "which is a combination of heat and toxins, and they mostly come from oil and gas operations - and then transportation is the next big one" #copolitics

Fantastic point Rep. #ClimateJustice
Read 15 tweets
Apr 8th 2022
$114 billion is added to the US economy by trees annually. This hidden value of carbon, pollution, timber & crop tree ecosystem services is threatened by climate change, pests & fire🌳💰(1/5)…
#ecology #climatechange #CleanAirNow #planttrees #CleanEnergy
We calculated total net annual ecosystem service values provided by contiguous US trees and potential threats across the tree of life 🧬🌲🌳🌴(2/5)

#HumanRights #pollution #forestfire #ecosystemservices #savetheplanet #evolution #ecology #phylogeny #trees
The top 10 most valuable tree genera to the US economy are under extreme threat. Pine is declining from invasive mountain pine beetles and forest fires. Oaks and maples are declining for new home construction. Ash is in severe decline from invasive emerald ash borers (3/5)🔥🪲
Read 6 tweets
Sep 14th 2020
#OregonFires #ForestFires
Homes that are not burned will be coated with smoke and it will be greasy and hard to remove. However, as someone whose family had not one, but two, housefires, (the first was limited to the kitchen where the fridge caugh on fire) I am a bit of an expert
#OregonFires #ForestFires
You will want a lot of Stanley Degreaser. Just fill a garbage barrel with water and degreaser. Put your stuff in it and let it soak. After 20 minutes or so, you can wipe away the smoke and your glasses, plates, etc will be fine
You can't soak paintings but you can wipe them clean with degreaser, just lay a wet cloth on the pictures and then gently dab away the greasy smoke.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
Whole bunch of fire and smoke maps from a friend in California, who's on constant alert for fast evacuation:

1. Purple Air. Her air quality scientist friend says Purple Air is good at measuring particulates.… #Forestfire #wildfires #mapping
.. 2. Alert Wildfire: mapped network of webcams - you can pick up the live feed. They encourage people to look and report unreported fires. The FAQ is fascinating. #wildfires2020 #forestfires
..3. Ventusky, relevant weather and air quality map. You can flip through days using the calendar at the bottom - 10 day window.;-125.…
Read 5 tweets
Aug 22nd 2019
"You don't see radio changing gradually and suddenly become radar. #Darwin's theory doesn't work for #technology, and we have to make a new observation."

- W Brian Arthur at SFI today

#evolution #innovation #invention
"Novel technologies are constructed from existing technologies. These offer themselves as components for the construction of further technologies."

- W Brian Arthur at SFI today

#evolution #innovation #invention #technology #engineering #design
Unlike the two-parent #inheritance typical to (but not ubiquitous among) #complex organisms, #technology inherits features from n parents - a "vast ancestral #network" more like horizontal gene transfer networks in #bacteria.

W Brian Arthur on sumulating #invention on a chip:
Read 18 tweets

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