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Nov 15th 2021
LONG THREAD: I have seen a some questions about the Shergill settlement. So I figured a thread can address some of the bigger ones.

#H4EADdelays #L2EADDelays 1/
First, it's important to remember that we still have an active class action case for #H4EADDelays and underlying I-539 delays. We can continue to push on that case. We understand that concurrently filed cases are the bigger group, and continue to fight for those people. 2/
A common question is why are L-2s incident to status and H-4s are not? The answer is the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) 3/
Read 21 tweets
Aug 6th 2021
315 days for a USCIS officer to (randomly) look into my case and finally endorse that someone who has been approved by the system for 10+ years is in fact a genuine #H4 spouse and not a threat to the nation in any way. #H4EADdelays 1/
After such long-drawn-out mental agony, it is only human to feel overwhelmed by sudden disbelief and mixed emotions. For a while you feel grateful for being finally "allowed" to breathe.. even if the relief is short-lived. #H4EADdelays 2/
Today, 322 days after filing, I finally have my #H4EAD card in hand. I realize how strongly this document dictates my life/well-being and also how many others on H4/L2 visas are still anxiously awaiting their turn. 3/
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Aug 4th 2021
The recent attention in the media to the pressing issue of #DocumentedDreamers gives us an opportunity to take a bigger view of immigration issues. The issue of kids aging-out is an unintended though not unforeseeable consequence of massive #GCBacklogs.🧵 👇 1/9
Fundamentally, this is a demand-supply and allocation issue. The number of #GC annually given out has not changed meaningfully since 1990. Meanwhile the US economy and labor market today are completely different from back then. 2/9
On top of this supply issue of #GC is the fact that their allocation is not equitable. How long you wait in line, usually boils down to the country you were born in. Not on skills, education, work experience, duration of stay in the US or contribution to the economy. 3/9
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Jun 14th 2021
#USCISMadeMeQuit my professional identity, crippled my finances, burdened me with anxiety & depression - all this during a pandemic while I was in bereavement, and excelling at work was my major source of healing #H4EADdelays are so much more than job losses (1/5)
Employer-backed expedite requests through Congress denied twice over 9 months; with no end in sight to resolving #H4EADdelays, my former position will be filled this week. I am struggling to find any strength remaining to start over AGAIN (2/5)
10yrs ago I started serving as a local community volunteer. When #H4EAD came along (thanks to @BarackObama ) I proved myself from the ground up in non-profits that served the interests of this country. I did my part wholeheartedly while enduring the unfair #GCbacklog (3/5)
Read 5 tweets
May 14th 2021
We @FWDus are proud to sign on to this brief in defense of the #H4EAD program.

H-4 EAD has allowed tens of thousands of people, mostly women, to work & provide for their families while waiting in backlogs. It's a good program that should be preserved.…
H-4 EAD is crucial for many immigrant families, allowing spouses of temporary workers, many of them highly educated and skilled themselves. It allows them to continue their own careers, contributing their skills and integrating into their communities.
H-4 EAD also boosts our global competitiveness. Excessive delays in the immigration process make it difficult to attract and retain global talent - programs like this mitigate the impact of those delays and support aspiring immigrants as they move through the process.
Read 6 tweets
Apr 30th 2021
Arguments linking per-country caps to maintaining diversity in America are used repeatedly. They came up yet again during the house judiciary committee hearing on 04/28, so we wanted to take some time to address it. 1/12
The thing being considered right now, is the removal of per-country caps in EB immigration. The caps apply to immigrants in this category who are ALREADY in the US and have been awaiting their turn for a green card for years! 2/12
Eliminating these per-country caps wouldn't let in any more EB immigrants into the US annually than right now. It would just make it make everyone stand in the SAME LINE for them, irrespective of their country of birth. 3/12
Read 14 tweets
Dec 15th 2020
Do I deserve this discrimination-I was finally happy to have my #H4EAD approved, and was tracking it all the way. Today 14th dec, it showed delivered to my mail box. I rushed to get it, but nothing was there. I got scared! & blank for a moment! Called USPS worrying about my mail
I was in 1 hour waiting. I realized what will happen to it, I waited for it endlessly and now I am fearing to loose it. I rushed to the USPS. Told them that my EAD is very important document and the mail shows delivered however it’s not delivered. She went inside to enquirer and
I was totally numb by that time thinking I can’t afford another more months in tensions, stress of H4EAD delay. She came at counter and told me my “EAD” is not delivered yet and I can collect directly from the mail man who is in my area. I thanked her and rushed back to find him.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 12th 2020
#Work #Visa/#EAD (F1 #OPT/CPT, #H1B, #H4EAD, #J1, #L1B, etc) & declining #American #LaborParticipationRate (LBR; peaked 1999) thread @SenSanders.

Seems obvious there is #NoLaborShortage @SenToomey @SenBobCasey @RepMeuser. Image
1. #H1B enacted 1990, slight dip in #LaborParticipationRate; 1998's ACIWA raises #H1Bvisas to 115,000 - LBR dips again;
2001 AC21 Act raises #H1Bvisa limit to 195,000 - LBR continues dropping @USCongress @BizRoundtable @USDOL. Image
2. 2001 AC21 Act also adds #H1B Cap Exempt Category for non-profit #Education/#Research organizations, further fueling #LaborParticipationRate drop (& growing #GreenCardBacklog) @HouseDemocrats @HouseGOP @SenateDems @SenateGOP.… Image
Read 9 tweets
Nov 12th 2020
#AmericanWorkers & #UnMatchedMD #MedicalGrads displaced by F1 #OPT/CPT #H1B, #H4EAD, #J1, #L1B, et al need #BernieSandersForLabor.

Bernie Sanders confirms interest in becoming Biden's Labor secretary…
1. #BernieSandersForLabor:
Would @SenSanders continue his #H1B opposition as Secretary Of Labor? Or will he conform to @JoeBiden/@KamalaHarris' anti-#AmericanWorkers/pro-#H1Bvisa platform?…
2. #BernieSandersForLabor:
2015: @SenSanders 'wants to reform the #H1B program, in part, by "substantially" raising prevailing wages.'

Does @BernieSanders now support current @USDOL/@DHSgov #H1Bvisa #wages Interim Final Rule?…
Read 5 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
Starting a thread of messages from American workers to @realdonaldtrump about the need for a real & TOTAL #immigrationban - add your voice or video message in replies & help stop #OpenBordersInc from sabotaging executive order. #AmericaFirst @presssec @MarkMeadows
2/ Here is @4US_Workers attorney Sara Blackwell speaking up defense of American IT workers ==>
3/ American IT worker Michael Emmons @Troup1998 talks to #AmericaFirst DE Sen. candidate @WitzkeforDE about being forced to train Indian H1B replacements at Siemens==>
Read 6 tweets
Sep 22nd 2019
As an Indian American, today's #HowdyModi/Trump rally feels absurd

Why celebrate someone trying to deport 500k Indians from the US, and kill #H4EAD, which allowed ~100k Indian women to work legally?

But here's the weirdest part…


#AdiosModi /1…
Indian American kids get bullied every single fucking day.

"Sand n*gger"
"Curry m*nkey"

The list goes on and on.

And it's been getting worse.

Because of Trumpism.

#AdiosModi /2…
There are lots of reasons why someone might disagree with Modi—civil liberties, environment, anti-minority politics, press, Kashmir…

But put that aside for a minute

The dude literally hugged the man inspiring violence against our children

Read 10 tweets
Feb 21st 2019
DHS just sent draft #H4EAD rule to OMB. Next:
* OMB review (days or weeks)
* OMB sends draft back to DHS with or w/o edits (& updates site below)
* DHS publishes draft rule in Federal Register
* Public comment period (30-60 days)
* Final rule (much later)…
Nobody will lose a work permit under this rule 'til the final version is published. That takes a while b/c:
(a) There will be a lot of public comments to respond to.
(b) There will probably be new lawsuits to block the final rule.
(c) Final rules are hard!…
Read 4 tweets
Jun 28th 2018
Last call today: If you don't want @DHSgov to eliminate the International Entrepreneur Rule (#IER), today is the last day to make your voice heard (June 28). @fwd_us has everything you need to file a comment in just a few minutes. 1/
"Make my voice heard?" you say with understandable skepticism, "What are the odds that my comment will make any difference?" Pretty good, actually! Much higher than signing a typical online petition or even calling a member of Congress. 2/
Because the International Entrepreneur Rule (#IER) is a federal regulation, the government can't change it until (a) giving the public an opportunity to submit comments, (b) actually reading through all of these comments, and (c) ultimately responding to every unique argument. 3/
Read 8 tweets
May 25th 2018
Today's move by @DHSgov to start rolling back the International Entrepreneur Rule (#IER) is the first item on a very long regulatory to-do list that could make sweeping changes to the legal #immigration system. Here's my recent summary in @newsindia5:…
The "public charge" rule could pop out of OMB and into the Federal Register any week now.…
And a proposed rule to eliminated work permits for ~100k spouses of H-1B workers (#H4EAD) is apparently on its way to OMB for clearance, via @lauradfrancis @bloomberglaw:…
Read 4 tweets
May 22nd 2018
In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of ... the semi-annual OMB Unified Regulatory Agenda. What new immigration actions might we find buried in this list of federal agency rulemaking plans that's hiding in plain sight? 1/…
Let's start with @DHSgov & new plans that didn't appear in the prior regulatory agenda last fall. (These are all draft rules that haven't been published yet, and won't take effect for months or years, after a full public notice-and-comment process.) 2/…
Here's a new proposal to eliminate the requirement that @USCIS has 30 days to process an #asylum applicant's request for a work permit. 3/…
Read 21 tweets
Apr 26th 2018
This letter from @USCIS to @ChuckGrassley on #H1B and other #immigration changes has generated a lot of press ... but it's not breaking news.…
The administration telegraphed all of these regulatory actions back in December, as part of the semi-annual Unified Regulatory Agenda (everyone's favorite beach read). Here's the @DHSgov section:…
Here @USCIS first stated its intent to rescind the Int'l Entrepreneur Rule, disallow #H4EAD, & reorganize the #H1B program (all noted in the recent letter) another reg that would make the biggest change to the legal #immigration system by far:…
Read 4 tweets
Apr 6th 2018
If you want to understand how H-4 work permits (#H4EAD) elevate professional women, strengthen families, and boost the U.S. economy, see today's @nytimes piece by @mirjordan:…
My perspective quoted in this article: Indian #immigrants have long been "essential for American technological innovation" and offering work permits to spouses makes sense. "If it weren’t for these outrageous backlogs, they would be Americans already."
Extra note: Though #DHS intends to issue a *proposed* rule to eliminate #H4EAD this June, nobody will lose their work permits at that moment. After at least 30 days of public comment, then months of internal wrangling, the final rule might not take effect until late 2018.
Read 3 tweets

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