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Jul 20th 2020
A #Turkish dude live now on @skynewsarabia is shouting
What are they doing in Sirte?

Then he added
But #Egypt role is understandable

In the same interview on @skynewsarabia:
When Egypt’s @ma7mod_badr said the Turkey is only interested in #Libya as oil and military bases, the Turkish dude’s reply was:

We [Turks] defended
• “Muslim Ummah” 600Ys
• Qatar
• Palestine
• Syria

A reply from La La land!
Bravo @ma7mod_badr 👏👏👏👏
Read 3 tweets
Oct 7th 2019
13. The Legacy of US, UK, France, NATO, Jordan, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Spain,Turkey in Libya

#Libya #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrime #terrorism #NATOCRIMES #WorldHypocrisy #Imperialism
1. The Legacy of US, UK, France, NATO, Jordan, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Spain,Turkey in Libya🤨👇🏼
2. The Legacy of US, UK, France, NATO, Jordan, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Spain,Turkey in Libya🤨👇🏼…
Read 23 tweets
Aug 10th 2019
23. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Senegal, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany
#Yemen #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrime #Holocaust #YemenCantWait #YemenHolocaust #WorldHypocrisy
1-20. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Senegal, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany 🤨👇🏼…
21. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Senegal, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany 🤨👇🏼…
Read 145 tweets
Apr 7th 2019
JUST IN: #US Africa Command, said that due to the "increased unrest" in #Libya it had relocated a contingent of American forces temporarily, but gave no further details on numbers.…
Meanwhile #Russia's Deputy FM Bogdanov had a phone call w/ Vice President of Presidential Council of Libya and Misrata representative Ahmed Maiteeq. The latter told the RUS diplomat that solution to the crisis is "#LNA's departure from the military zone in West & South regions" Image
#Russia says it keeps equal distance to all #Libya players
Yes but its past & recent overtures to them developed dif “depth of commitment”to each
The deemed inclination for #Hafter can be best described by paraphrased Orwell:“All players are equal,but some more equal than others” ImageImage
Read 3 tweets

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