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@premierbhiggs⁩ it is not the jurisdiction of school boards to “out” LGBTQ kids. Your job is to facilitate the education of all these young people in compliance to human rights policies bound to equity and inclusion.…
As an Acadian and Mi’kmaw person my people have always had love for people of all genders and gender preferences because diversity of perspective it gives on life is insightful and valued. We love all. The English always put people in categories of race, class, gender etc. Why?
My people never even had words for black people until they attended schools in New Brunswick. These concepts of intolerance were imported like an invasive species of the mind. It is toxic thinking. You have laws and human rights to uphold and they are there for all not just some. ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
@ElsipogtogBand Acadians never had reserves called as such because our land grants predated Canada and we were like slaves to the Charles Robin Jersey Fishing Company. Pommenville aka Sommerville created the Elsipogtog Reserve. This grave is seen in my village in Caraquet.
We all go back a long long way. Our families are interwoven branches of the same tree. Glad to see your folks are still alive and kicking. 😊❤️
I am of Caraquet and there is a great film about what my family survived here. View 52 minutes for the censored history of Canada.…
Read 38 tweets
@TheMattyBlake the hands of Portugal aquifers are salamander hands. The hind paws have the five toes.
I am Acadian of Henri Membertou’s line. I am of the line that knew salamanders meant a water supply safe to drink. The knowledge was kept hidden because it was worth money to know that. The secret is at Renne le Chateau too not far from my family’s area of Avranches.
To know you could build in an area without a visible river was like a secret knowledge. You could buy such lands and make money building a village or city. The salamander the indicator species of primary recharge. I spent decades protecting them to protect Moraines in Ontario.
Read 23 tweets
Over 2 years ago...

"On 30 January [2020], we were telling the 🌍 there's going to be a flood"-@DrMikeRyan

WHO raised its highest alarm🚨 then, by declaring the #COVID19 outbreak a Public Health Emergency of Intl. Concern.

6 weeks later, the outbreak had become a pandemic.
@DrMikeRyan 2 years after WHO described #COVID19 as a pandemic,
Over 4⃣3⃣3⃣ million confirmed cases almost 6⃣ million deaths have been reported globally.The cases and deaths are declining overall, some countries are lifting measures, but the pandemic is far from over.
To help countries respond the #COVID19 pandemic effectively, WHO published over 280 guidance documents, covering various topics:

📃Infection prevention & control
📃Laboratory testing
📃Travel advice
📃Clinical management
📃Home care
and many more 👇
Read 6 tweets
Before I take a break, I have decided to update this personal tweet. An update on day 18 of Omicron and why I’d like to share.

The first 5 days I isolated from my family, and experienced the expected general Covid symptoms but managed.

Unfortunately my health worsened from day 6 on, requiring additional outpatient/A&E treatment to help turn the tide, and after 11 days I was admitted to 🏥.

At this point you are mostly tired, realise you need to hang tight, stay calm, trust medics, your colleagues, to find a way to turn the tide for you. That point it starts to become scary too.

After a bumpy ride, I am now on the mend. Day 17, I went home.

This was not mild

Read 14 tweets
Now do you see why Vince named his son Shane?

Now do you see why Wrestling plays A very important role in all of this by hiding so much truth in plain sight?

Literally, EVERYTHING was done to make sure 1 Child was born & grew up to do all the things he had to do for EVERYONE
To be saved ..

J.F.K. way back then, he was A wall, standing in between evil & the time .. Many others inherited their roles through their families/bloodline, they all followed A script, did their parts making sure evil people/beings in this world didn’t change A timeline
That needed to happen in order for EVERYONE to wake up in time to be saved ..

Interstellar Chess ..

“Time Travel Is Fun”
Read 21 tweets
1/ Q: Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?

A: Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes.…

#Omicron #ThoseNerdyGirls
2/ One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans.

Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant & holiday get-togethers is hitting communities & health care w/ FORCE! Testing is in short supply.
3/ Health care is under extreme pressure with surging cases. If you can avoid even one additional contact, you are helping. This is a temporary and urgent request (from a health care provider).

#MedTwitter #HCWs @IMPACT4HC
Read 10 tweets
"Everybody knows that pestilences have a way of recurring in the world… There have been as many plagues as wars in history, yet always plagues and wars take people equally by surprise"

-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
"Those words were written by the French writer Albert Camus in his classic novel La Peste – The Plague – in 1947. 74 years later, they have a disturbing prescience"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial

Read 92 tweets
The Technical Advisory Group on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolution met today to review what is known about the #COVID19 variant B.1.1.529.
They advised WHO that it should be designated a Variant of Concern.
WHO has named it Omicron, in line with naming protocols
The designation of Variant of Concern means:
🔴 countries should share genome sequences
🔴 report initial cases/clusters to WHO
🔴 perform field investigations & lab assessments to understand impacts, epidemiology, severity, effectiveness of public health & social measures
This new #COVID19 Variant of Concern Omicron underscores the need to accelerate #VaccinEquity and get COVID-19 vaccines to health workers, older people and others at risk who still have not received their first and second doses.

Read 4 tweets
A Human = A vessel at sea, sailing throughout life trying to get where one wants to be ...

Saving the ones who weren't strong enough, N1LB !!

Welcome Home, I've missed you .. Image
Read 7 tweets
@DrTedros "Last Friday, the Ministry of Health of #Guinea informed WHO of a case of #Marburg virus disease in the country’s south-west, in a man who died 8 days after onset of symptoms. This is the first known case of Marburg in West Africa"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "WHO and our partners are supporting #Guinea’s Ministry of Health to investigate the source of the #Marburg outbreak, trace contacts, and inform the local community about how to protect themselves"-@DrTedros
Read 19 tweets
Lower your risk from #COVID19 by combining these 5⃣ precautions:
1⃣ Wear a mask 😷
2⃣ Clean your hands👐
3⃣ Keep physical distance 📏
4⃣ Cough/sneeze away into your elbow 💪
5⃣ Open windows as much as possible 🪟

We are #InThisTogether to beat #COVID19

3️⃣ Factors that can help you make safe choices when you're in an area of widespread #COVID19 transmission:

(1) Location
(2) Proximity with others
(3) Time you spend there

We are #InThisTogether to beat #COVID19

We are #InThisTogether to beat #COVID19

Here are 5⃣ tips that help you stay safe to protect yourself and others:

🙌 clean hands
😷 wear a mask
📏 stay distant
🤧 sneeze safely
🪟 open windows


Read 4 tweets
1/9 As India continues its struggle to procure crucial medical equipment to combat the pandemic, many Indian chefs working abroad are spreading awareness and cooking special meals to raise funds for various NGOs in India, in a bid to help. Image
2/9 One such example is Michelin starred @Ghai_chef from London. Chef Ghai is the founder of @kutirchelsea , one of London's most loved modern Indian restaurants.
3/9 The restaurant will launch a charity drive for Covid relief on 31st May 2021, where Ghai and his team will offer guests two seating options for a special six-course wine-paired menu.
Read 9 tweets
I often hear, and have felt myself like the need in India and South Asia is so great right now, but I didn’t know where my donation would be of the most use. While it is wonderful to donate to large international NGOs and other respected organizations, I wanted to feel like my /1
Donation would have an immediate impact for the people who need it the most. That’s why my family chose to set up a GoFundMe to support the hospital in Manali where we have volunteered over the past decade. While I had hoped the remote nature of the hospital would protect them /2
As expected, #COVID19 is flooding the Kullu Valley and surrounding regions. The hospital in Manali, LWH, is seeking supplies, PPE, and donations to continue to provide quality care while protecting the hospital staff (Image: Kullu Valley @anraed42 /3
Read 8 tweets
I often hear, and have felt myself like the need in India and South Asia is so great right now, but I didn’t know where my donation would be of the most use. While it is wonderful to donate to large international NGOs and other respected organizations, I wanted to feel like my /1
Donation would have an immediate impact for the people who need it the most. That’s why my family chose to set up a GoFundMe to support the hospital in Manali where we have volunteered over the past decade. While I had hoped the remote nature of the hospital would protect them /2
As expected, #COVID19 is flooding the Kullu Valley and surrounding regions. The hospital in Manali, LWH, is seeking medical supplies, PPE, and donations to be able to continue to provide quality care while protecting the hospital staff /3
Read 6 tweets
Lower your risk from #COVID19 by combining these 5⃣ precautions:
1⃣ Wear a mask 😷
2⃣ Clean your hands👐
3⃣ Keep physical distance 📏
4⃣ Cough/sneeze away into your elbow 💪
5⃣ Open windows as much as possible 🪟

We are #InThisTogether to beat #COVID19
Check out this animation and see how location, proximity and time can help you make safer choices when you're in an area of widespread #COVID19 transmission.

We are #InThisTogether to beat #COVID19

Here are 5⃣ tips that help you stay safe to protect yourself and others:
🙌 clean hands
😷 wear a mask
📏 stay distant
🤧 cough, sneeze safely
🪟 open windows


Read 9 tweets
THREAD:✅The Covid-19 'vaccines' went public after skipping basic safety & effectiveness criteria like challenges trials & double blinds.

Covid 'vaccines' were tested (on healthy people) to limit symptoms whilst your immune system does what it would regardless. 1/

Read more 👉 Image
Previous vaccines made available to the public had years of testing. The Covid-19 'vaccines' are very different. They skipped basic stages to ensure it could be passed for emergency use. When you’re invited for a vaccine, just say no. 2/
Every vaccination is a potential vector for ADE & dozens of other potential health problems.

Observe the millions already vaccinated, see what happens to them this winter, to protect yourself & others.

Find out more about the Covid-19 vaccine at: 3/

Read 18 tweets
"Globally, the #COVID19 pandemic continues to intensify. Cases have now increased for the 9th straight week, & deaths have increased for the 6th straight week. To put it in perspective, there were almost as many cases 🌍 last week as in the 1st 5 months of the pandemic"-@DrTedros
"It’s pleasing to see small declines in cases and deaths in several regions, but many countries are still experiencing intense #COVID19 transmission, and the situation in #India is beyond heartbreaking"-@DrTedros #InThisTogether
Read 33 tweets
"The world may have forgotten #Syria, but WHO has not. We continue to work on the ground with our partners to deliver services and supplies, protect public health and to support a network of more than 1700 health facilities"-@DrTedros #Syria10
"The conflict has brought a once highly-effective health system to its knees. But tragically, it’s not an isolated example"-@DrTedros #Syria10
Read 27 tweets
March 12, 2021

Today marks my 1st ‘Covid anniversary’.

A year ago I woke up with a headache, but only later that day, when a dry cough kicked in, did I realise ‘this must be it’

I remember being surprised & annoyed, though not afraid knowing the odds were in my favour. 1/8
I was only afraid of passing the virus on, so we focused directly on self isolation.

I was anticipating 1-2 weeks of flu-like symptoms after which I was certain to return to ‘the pandemic frontline’.

That worked out differently, and weeks later I even ended up in hospital 2/8
I did also not expect #longcovid to be an alternate outcome, let alone that I would suffer from and write about it 3 months later.

In June I wrote this piece to create awareness, emphasise societal impact, explain importance of research to gain knowledge & guide treatment 3/8
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1/7 Short🧵 (@WHO has issued a new ventilation roadmap for #COVID19 ... keep reading!)

Transmission of #SARSCoV2 is a function of how, when and where transmission is occurring and the interventions that are in place.

@DrTedros @DrMariaNeira @DrMikeRyan
2/ When assessing potential #COVID19 exposure risk consider: location, proximity, and time

3/ Let's take a closer look at location: studies show that the risk of #SARSCoV2 transmission is higher indoors compared to outdoors, and particularly risky in indoor settings with poor ventilation, especially where people spend long periods of time. #COVID19
Read 7 tweets
"Today, Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire started vaccinating #healthworkers against #COVID19, becoming the first countries to begin vaccination campaigns with doses supplied through #COVAX"-@DrTedros #VaccinEquity
"A further 11 million doses will be delivered this week.

Between now and the end of May, 237 million doses of #COVID19 vaccines will be allocated to 142 participating economies in #COVAX"-@DrTedros #VaccinEquity
Read 21 tweets
Lower your risk from #COVID19 by combining these 5⃣ precautions:
1⃣ Wear a mask 😷
2⃣ Clean your hands👐
3⃣ Keep physical distance 📏
4⃣ Cough/sneeze away into your elbow 💪
5⃣ Open windows as much as possible 🪟

We are #InThisTogether to beat #COVID19

3️⃣ factors that can help you make safe choices when you're in an area of widespread #COVID19 transmission:
(1) Location
(2) Proximity with others
(3) Time you spend there

We are #InThisTogether to beat #COVID19

Here are 5⃣ tips that help you stay safe to protect yourself and others:

🙌 clean hands
😷 wear a mask
📏 stay distant
🤧 sneeze safely
🪟 open windows


Read 4 tweets
Thanks to everyone for their words of support this evening, including the #WeStandWithDrHirji tag. I’m deeply humbled by the volume & breadth of support. More importantly, I’m gratified that so many are speaking up against violent language—such discourse corrodes our unity. 1/6
The excessive anger of a few today should not distract from the suffering of many during this pandemic—of social isolation, of loss of income, of losing a business built through a life’s work. Frustration is understandable. Their tragedies aren’t receiving the attention I am. 2/6
The inequalities of our society have been amplified by the pandemic. We have much to do to create true equality & unity. I hope we can increasingly focus on rectifying this, & continue to reduce inequities after the pandemic is over. 3/6
Read 6 tweets

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