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Jan 17th 2023
1) I stopped posting on Truth Social when I discovered that it's a Communist Chinese running the Censorship on Truth.

Name: Kevin Guo
company: HIVE
based in San Francisco, 5 minutes from Twitter HQ, on Market St.

sadly, Devin Nunes has no clue.

is it Chinese enough for you?

National Security.

I wonder if Trump knows...
that his Social Media platform Truth Social is run by a Communist Chinese...

(full info at #1)

Retweet if you want

cc: @KariLake , @KanekoaTheGreat , @DC_Draino , @ChuckCallesto , @liz_churchill8 , @ToscaAusten
3) I tried to warn the Truth Social execs back in June 2022.

They didn't listen.
Read 17 tweets
Dec 28th 2022
Marshall is “Just a groupie” who shares the goals of Opus Dei and admires Jose Maria Escriba so much he named one of his sons, Jude Ambrose Josemaria
Taylor Marshall helped set up Anglican Ordinariate with Opus Dei in USA, ran Opus Judei’s Catholic Information Center in Washington DC, goes to Opus Dei houses for meetings, is a faculty member for Opus Dei retreats, thanks Opus Dei members in his books, loves Opus Dei books...
Six of Taylor Marshall's Top 100 Catholic Theology Books: A Book List by Taylor Marshall for the New Saint Thomas Institute are by Josemaria Escriba
Read 12 tweets
Sep 30th 2021
L'essayiste et journaliste Renaud Marhic alertait, il y a 21 ans, sur l'#infiltration de l'#anthroposophie chez les #écolos et milieux alternatifs de gauche.

Au secours !

Ecolos, alternos et anti-OMC se financent à la #NEF, une société coopérative de prêts liée au théoricien raciste Rudolf #Steiner.
Pierre l'a mauvaise, les tripes retournées par une solide trouille: il est l'un des 17'000 membres d'ATTAC, association qui suscite beaucoup d'espoirs depuis sa création, en 1998. Et voici qu'elle risque d'être infiltrée, phagocytée...
Read 75 tweets
Feb 7th 2021
Was man aus den #CryptoLeaks/#CryptoAG - Skandal als #Konsequenz ziehen muss:

Nur #OpenSource #Hardware & #Software die unabhängig auditiert wird und reproduzierbar gebaut werden kann, kann sicher sein.

#MisstrautAuthoritäten - erst recht jenen, die sich #rechtsstaatlich|er #Kontrolle und #öffentlich|er #Transparenz verweigern!

Ich bezweifle, dass der #BND und/oder #BfVS sich nur um #Kommunikation und #Infiltration interessierten...

Erst recht, da man nur allzugern #Folter - auch an nachweislich Unschuldigen - mag.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 25th 2020
1/ #Infiltration is when Democrats like @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood @PatrickByrne @GenFlynn package phrases like #kracken or #StopTheSteaI and use frauds like @Millie__Weaver, registered Democrat Tore to push disinformation designed to embarrass Trump supporters. Here is the proof..
2/ @LLinWood setup a $$$ rally to tell Georgians not to be "fooled twice" and to not vote. Turns out @WashPo exposed @SidneyPowell1's #Kracken secret weapon as fraudster Tore, also featured in @Millie__Weaver's #ShadowGate garbage, designed to embarrass.👇
3/ Remember, Sidney in 2014 praised Judge Emmet Sullivan! Nothing ever came from Obama & Hillary supporter @PatrickByrne who worked the Maria Butina angles to no avail. Now he wants to "help" get Trump re-elected working with Democrat @GenFlynn & the rest of the infiltrators.
Read 10 tweets
Aug 4th 2020
CORE GROUP meets to coordinate strategise security in #Kashmir.

With the prevailing situation in Jammu & Kashmir, the General Officer Commanding, Chinar Corps, Lt Gen BS Raju & Director General of Police J&K, Shri Dilbag Singh, co-chaired a meeting of the Core Group..
(1/5) Image
..consisting of top officials of Civil Administration, Intelligence Agencies, Security Forces & Divisional Commissioner at #Srinagar. The meeting was to review the #security situation & ensure readiness to meet anticipated security challenges.
@CestMoiz @sikka_harinder Image
Special emphasis was laid on ensuring extensive security on the occasion of the first anniversary of the abrogation of #Article370 including discussions on administrative measures.
(3/5) Image
Read 5 tweets
Jul 19th 2020
The Trump/Barr goon gestapo in Portland is blatantly fascist on multiple levels but it also seems like the majority of analysis on this topic still VASTLY underestimates the degree to which it’s targeted GOP retribution against Portland’s penchant for *White liberalism/anarchy*. Image
In other words, this is yet another link in the chain of White on White crime for the purpose of maintaining White supremacy. It’s Kent State-esque and it’s meant to terrify White liberals, and more importantly, moderates away from becoming reliable allies to marginalized people.
Admittedly I find the whole thing ironic b/c over the yrs as I’ve discussed my POV on America’s endemic racism as a Black woman in TX, Portland (and OR in general) is invariably the location folk offer up as a prototype for liberal utopia, despite its history of White supremacy.
Read 24 tweets
Jul 11th 2020
#Infiltration bid foiled. 2 Militants killed in TMG Brigade area of #Nowgam Sector Of #Handwara.
@CestMoiz @ajitsinghpundir @kayjay34350 @TheSatishDua @Chopsyturvey @sftmumbai
@PawanDurani Image
Two #militants while trying to sneak into this part of LoC were challenged, however they fired upon the Army triggering an exchange of firing, during which two militants were killed they said. Search operation underway
@Chopsyturvey @savitha_rao @Chopdasaab
Arms n ammo recovered:
02 x AK 47
12 x Mag
01 x pistol
02 x mag
04 x gren
Radio sets
Indian n Pak currency
02 x rucksack
Search still on
#Nowgam #Handwara
@savitha_rao @doctorsingla @sftmumbai @aryanwarlord @PawanDurani @rajeev_mp
Read 5 tweets
Apr 26th 2020
The movie that got me, Shawn Larkin, in trouble with the CCP and Rothschilds, and started me learning who is attacking US.
#CCP #CostaRica #Infiltration #takeover #ShawnLarkin
I was Unit Production Manager along with Michael Rothschild’s partner, who never even showed up for 1 second of work and never even came to the location, but got credit with me for the position. I was on location every day
#CCP #CostaRica #Infiltration #takeover #ShawnLarkin
I was on location every day, over years, most days being 15 hour work days. We spent hundreds of hours with the dolphin megapods of Osa.
#CCP #CostaRica #Infiltration #takeover #ShawnLarkin
Read 3 tweets
Aug 23rd 2019
[Thread] @DawnofMercy, in response to your recent and lengthy diatribe -- principally against @cardinalrlburke, @Patrick_Coffin, and @TaylorRMarshall, but also naming @EWTN, @NCRegister, @EdwardPentin, @SophiaInsPress and others -- I offer a few observations.
@DawnofMercy @cardinalrlburke @Patrick_Coffin @TaylorRMarshall @EWTN @NCRegister @EdwardPentin @SophiaInsPress 1a) With all due respect, you're making a mountain out of a molehill re: @cardinalrlburke's replies to @Patrick_Coffin's questions. Nowhere did +Burke state that we (the faithful) should hold in doubt the validity of @Pontifex's election. Furthermore, the peaceful and ...
@DawnofMercy @cardinalrlburke @Patrick_Coffin @TaylorRMarshall @EWTN @NCRegister @EdwardPentin @SophiaInsPress @Pontifex 1b) universal acceptance of @Pontifex as the Supreme Pontiff following his election constitutes a dogmatic fact (…), which makes this entire conversation moot anyway. See the following link for further details:…
Read 14 tweets

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