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Can mantra chanting bring financial abundance?

A thread. 🧵

#spirituality #mantra Image
There are many misconceptions about whether Mantras can bring about material benefits.
As per the Vedic view, Sadhana is not a substitute for the right Karma or action.

The results come from #Karma alone.

However, when hard work is backed by the right thinking, Sadhana can begin to work wonders.
Read 6 tweets
Let's Talk Karma Clearing 🌬

For Us to Gain the Power & Money We Wish Many Times there is karma that must be cleared 🌟

As the first 2 are ALWAYS connected to the last 1 by the number 8 💎

So How Do We Remove These Blockages?

#GG33 #Numerology #Karma Image
First off this is a very unique process & I cannot detail the ins and outs of how you can clear your specific karma, I could never tell you what it is either

However I CAN guide you to & detail methods, techniques, & exercises that CAN lead you to these answers

So lets begin...
1. What Is Karma?

- Karma is the payment that is due for the actions you have caused upon this universe.

- Ever Heard the saying "What you put in, you will get out"

- That applies to karma, how you treat this universe creates a debt of + or - Image
Read 24 tweets
A Master Class in Karma.

We know EMMETT TILL's story, but what ever happened to ROY BRYANT, CAROL BRYANT, & J.W. MILAM - the monsters most involved w/Till's unspeakable murder?

Karma, that's what happened. Karma. Let's take a tour.

#EmmettTill #Karma #CarolynBryantDonham Image
A quick thumbnail: Carolyn falsely accused Till of catcalling. Roy & JW then kidnapped him, beat him (so badly his eye popped from its socket), killed him, anchored him w/barbed wire to a 75lb gin fan, & scuttled him in the Tallahatchie. Image
Roy & JW were arrested. Locals turned against them until Drew, MS became the national white supremacy poster child. Then Drew circled the wagons. W/in a month, the two were tried found not guilty by their peers.… Image
Read 25 tweets

📌ATATÜRK bu memleketi her alanda yapılandırırken hiç bir İDEOLOJİYE dayanmamış, kendine özgü TÜRK DEVRİMİ GERÇEKLEŞTİRMİŞTİR...❗

Var mı böyle bir
TÜRK DEVRİMİ yapabilecek bir babayiğit SİYASETÇİ⁉️⁉️
Koskoca ülkenin geleceğini bir kişinin keyfine bırakılarak yönetilmesi ekonomik sıkıntılar başta olmak üzere iç ve dış politikada bir milim ilerletmez...

Öyle kürsüden boş sallamakla olmaz, önce gönül vereceksin.
Atatürk'ün asker ve kumandan, devlet kurucusu ve yöneticisi, toplumsal ve siyasal önder olarak büyük dehası bütün dünya ülkelerinde kabul görmüş,
Read 32 tweets
Does karma imply that life is fair?

Life itself may not appear to be fair from a relative perspective but the Law of Karma is the only philosophical postulate that balances both perfect justice and the moral perfection of a Supreme Being.
#Karma #spirituality Image
In fact Karma is such a neat theory that God becomes redundant. As some great savant once said:– “God instituted the Law of Karma and then retired”.

All other soteriological theories raise all sorts of theological conundrums.
#Karma #spirituality Image
Why is there such inequality and abject suffering in a world created and managed by a perfect and omni-benevolent God? Especially since there is only ONE lifetime. The most common answer is;
#Karma #spirituality Image
Read 8 tweets
According to Bhagavad Gita should I help a suffering person or leave him thinking that he is paying for the sins he committed in his previous lives?
#Karma #spirituality Image
This is a frequently asked question - how to reconcile Dharma (virtuous deeds) with Karma (result of past actions). In my opinion the one and only Book to read is the Gītā and the only spiritual practice is to follow the teachings imbedding therein.
#Karma #spirituality Image
Since the question is about the Gītā let the Gītā speak for herself;


sarva-bhūtasthamātmānaṁ sarva-bhūtāni cātmani | īkṣate yoga-yuktātmā sarvatra sama-darśanaḥ || 6: 29 ||
#Karma #spirituality Image
Read 16 tweets
pixy - karma mv
symbolism & analysis

i just watched this music video and YAH began explaining it to me. at first i was like “Lord what do you mean this is related to china and america? i don’t see anyhting related to it??” Image
YAH let me know that the signs behind them are in chinese and english which subtly signals america and china and how the song is a message an alert to what’s to come. ImageImage
it begins with the grave = the fate of mystery babylon is already sealed/decided. that is why we have the “hypocrite now face your fate” engraved on the mausoleum. ready or not it has begun ImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
#Sringeri #Jagadguru #SriSri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswamiji explains the importance of #Karma in simple terms & how it acts as a cleansing agent :

Sri Jagadguru, when asked about the necessity of karma explained that it is needed for the cleansing of mind. Though

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the real happiness lies in us, we are not aware of it because of ignorance. This ignorance does not allow us to escape the attractions of worldly pleasures. We deweed, put manure, water and then sow the seeds in the field. We also continuously watch the growth

of the plants to get good harvests. So we should de-weed our minds of the #adharma or wrong behavior, manure it with #dharma or righteousness, and observe our behavior continuously and carefully to cleanse the mind. Then the mind becomes worthy and potent to realise the

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கர்மாவின் ஒன்பது விதிகள் -

1. ஒன்றாம் விதி -

இந்த பிரபஞ்சத்தில் நாம் எதை செய்தாலும்
அது நமக்கே திரும்பி வரும்.

#Karma #LoveIt #Tamil

2. இரண்டாம் விதி -

வாழ்க்கையில் எதுவும் தானாக நடப்பதில்லை.
நமக்கு தேவையானவற்றை நாம் தான் நகர்த்தி செல்ல வேண்டும்.

#Karma #LoveIt #Tamil

3. மூன்றாம் விதி -

சிலவற்றை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டால் மட்டுமே
மாற்றம் நிகழும்.

#Karma #LoveIt #Tamil

Read 9 tweets
Let us.. look at how #traditional people, of times when #Shankaracharya lived, treated him though him being one of the realised beings of his times & respected, when it comes to #scripts&how he responded
One incident is of the cremation of his #beloved #mother.
Thread follows
#AdiShakara’s father #Shivaguru passed away when he was a child.

#AdiShakara’s father #Shivaguru passed away when he was a child.

Read 18 tweets
Here's a thread with key lessons from each chapter of the Bhagavad Gita.
Chapter 1:

Every duty comes with challenges. Learn to embrace the hardships - thats half the battle won.
Chapter 2:

You will never know peace, long as you are attached.

Peace comes from detachment.
Read 19 tweets
#gratitude #Karma #SHIVA #Kundalini
The rendition of Ayagiri Nandini is so flawless and so uplifting that I have listened to this almost every day last year!
Very happy to note @kuldeepmpai reaching billion views on YouTube.
Here is small thread of appreciation.
Please share.
Our purpose in life will always be revealed to us when we are ready. Till that time, please do your best in whatever dharmic work you are doing with no expectation of any return/reward. This is what Lord Krishna said in The Geeta.
Sanatana is positive philosophy.
Please watch the YouTube video for the gratitude expressed by @kuldeepmpai. Link is in the picture. Also note the screensaver on Mr. Pai's Mac.
It is the same message as provided in The Geeta. Image
Read 10 tweets
Is it fair to say GOP didn't have a good first day?😆
Watch them fumble in real time!
Cheers, you inept clowns!
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Under the category of "You Shouldn't Have Been A Dirtbag, @adidas (who settles lawsuits of workplace harassment, rather than address the issue of Kanye playing porn at work) is unable to dump $500 million worth of Sleezy's "Nazi-Inspired" sneakers.
They were the LAST to pull his brand from the shelves and employees state it was open knowledge that the "shoes were inspired by skinheads and Nazis."
There's even concentration camp numbers on the sides.
F Adidas
Read 4 tweets
So this happened to baby Will in NZ simply because his parents wanted safe unvaccinated blood for him.

Many unvaccinated people turned up offering matching blood type but of course it was not allowed.

Shame on YOU @jacindaardern #Karma
Read 3 tweets
Hello There!
Some good news this morning!
Now #Ukraine is able to target several air bases deep in #Russia territory
Targeted strategic bombers that launch missiles against critical infrastructure is the best way to prevent bombing. better even…
2/ than to wait for "perfect" air defense.
it's also a great mind victory to show Russia that they are not the only one that can strike deep like they did in #Lviv etc.

so this morning :…
3/ it has been reported that #UAairforce has been able to strike deep to At least one large explosion occurred at a Ru military air base in the Saratov region, abt 600 km east of Ukr, while another blast was reported by Ru state media at an airfield outside Ryazan, S-E of Moscow.
Read 19 tweets
Karma explained!

Especially for those who get demotivated thinking -everything is predestined, should read this thread 🧵

Sanchit Karma

It is total karma which you've accumulated till last birth.
You accumulate karma because of "antahkarn or conscience"

#astrology #karma
Prarabdha Karma, also called bhagya.

It is some portion of sanchit karma which is fixed for a particular birth.

"Like you're taking some portion of money out of your bank account for a particular trip"

It completely ends with the end of life in that birth.

Kriyamaan karma

It is the same which you're doing now, also called Purush-artha.

Aagmi karma

What you're creating for the future births in present and this will add up in Sanchit Karma. In which birth what will become Prarabdha is enigmatic.

Read 15 tweets
Another suicide.
A damaged PzH-2000 SPH
2/ ImageImage
Bakhmut, night hunting.
3/ ImageImageImageImage
Read 470 tweets
माता गुरुतरा भूमेः पिता उच्चतरश्च खात्(The mother is weightier than the earth; the father is higher than the heaven)
#ParentsFirst-Ray of wisdom by #SriSri #Chandrashekara Bharathi Mahaswamiji:

HH asked a devotee,who sought initiation if he knew the dictates..1/3 Image
of the #Upanishads that one should consider mother as god first and then the father and then the guru. The devotee admitted the knowledge. HH asked him to come after following the first two dictates. The devotee then submitted that his parents were not kind to him and there..2/4
was no opportunity to serve them. Sri Jagadguru clarified that the dictate was addressed to him and not to his parents. He should strive hard to please them and gradually win their love. If he did not fulfil his obligation to his parents first, there was no use in 3/4
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1 #Karma affecting your future lifetimes. Is there evidence for it?

"A formal definition of karma is ‘(in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences’.
2 "Ian Stevenson noted that karma can be used by its believers as a way of avoiding responsibility in their current lives for their fate: it is the predestined result of the malfeasance of a past incarnation and thus cannot be avoided or overcome. Nor does karma do any better a
3 "job of keeping humans honest than in Western views of afterlife reward/punishment, an Indian monk cited by Stevenson argues:

"We in India know that #reincarnation occurs, but it makes no difference. Here in India we have just as many rogues & villains as you have in the West.
Read 17 tweets
#astrology & #animal feeding for correcting your #Karma/deeds

In Astrology we have provision to correct our deeds or actions by performing punya karmas related to Herbs, Plants, Trees, rivers, animals & land etc

We are indebted to them as they are nourishing & taking care us.
Whereas as Cow is considered as mother of all animals & it is connected with planet venus & earthy element fulfills all your material, family & monetary needs.

Feed regularly to cow with bare hands with Aaati ki Roti, Jeggery, honey or any sweet thing which cow likes
Cow is symbol of Kaamdhenu, worshipped as a God stature, favourable to Lord shiri krishna & 33 koti devi & devtas all are in the cow. If one is having Afflicted venus in chart regularly feed cows and contribute & clear your Rina toward Mother Cow.
Read 7 tweets
What is karma?

The nature of karma is not in the action that you perform.

Karma means action, but this gathering of past karmas is not because of the actions you have performed.
It is the volition, the intention, the kind of mind that you carry. That is your karma.
There is a story that Ramakrishna used to tell. There were two friends who used to go visit a prostitute every Saturday evening.
One evening, while they were walking towards the prostitute’s house, there was someone giving a spiritual discourse. One friend decided not to visit the prostitute, saying he would prefer to hear the lecture on spiritual possibilities. The other man left him there.
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According to Advaita, we are not the "doer", then how can we be responsible for karma? Why does it affect us if we aren’t the doer?
#karma Image
No. As per Advaita, there is no “we.” Start with that. “We” is Dvaita (duality,) not Advaita.

So, in Advaita, if there’s no “we,” “me,” etc. - no separate entities, only the One (very core of Advaita) ‘who” could have karma? “Who” could be responsible or not responsible for it? Image
Who” is the “us” that ‘karma’ affects?
#karma Image
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La invitan a un acto feminista y le revienta el acto a Irene Montero.
A veces la vida es maravillosa 🤣🤣
Parte 1
Parte 2
Aquí tenéis su Twitter que no lo puse @CeltiusAbogados , seguirla, 🙏 Yobana 💚 Image
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