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Feb 4th 2023
Lalibela is a #UNESCO world heritage site. In the last 70 years, it has been seriously harmed by bad conservation projects. New projects in #Lalibela should not repeat old mistakes.

A thread on the damage done to Lalibela BY conservation projects: 1/12
In 2008, EU-funded shelters were built over five of the churches. A UNESCO Mission Report discovered that the shelters allowed the rock to dry out which “has led to significant crumbling of the rock” (2018, p. 4). 2/12
Damage from conservation has been happening for decades. In 1954 Italian consultant firm Bastiano, Rosetta and Cambusi coated Bete Medhanialem and Amanuel with bituminous fluid and drove nails into the rock to support the bituminous layer. They then painted it with red ink. 3/12
Read 12 tweets
Oct 14th 2021
#Ethiopia:War Report: 1/4
-#ENDF completely controls Amdewerk
-ENDF controls small towns Chela, Qozba, Saihda, & Shemeil leading to Seqota
-ENDF shelling TPLF positions in Ambassel on the Angot mountain & TPLF rebels lose an entire brigade

2/5-ENDF controls #Delanta, Teshay Mewcha, & TPLF suffers heavy losses: ENDF is moving to Meklet
-Outside Kon, Werquha school, #TPLF has placed artillery
- ENDF controls Chena, Bette Yohannes, Gefeht Amba, & Hamusit areas in Kon
- TPLF is camped in Meket, Wejela area
-Heavy fighting near Banchim School, in Weqeta
-In AteWuha rebels are firing artillery
-TPLF takes heavy losses in Debeko & 17 rebels captured
-4 Amharas spies caught in Gergera
-Rebels camped in Taja move to Gashena
-TPLF rebels attempt to recapture Delenga
Read 5 tweets
Aug 6th 2021
Unfortunately @PowerUSAID @SamanthaJPower appears to have learned absolutely nothing from her visit. This interview with NPR is self-regarding and childish.

This IV undermines an positivity from her somewhat conciliatory remarks at her press conference in Addis.
The delegation of responsibility for diplomacy over the #HornOfAfrica made to the @USAID agency needs to be revoked. The @StateDept will struggle to disentangle @PowerUSAID's ego from this conflict if she remains in any manner associated with it.
The U.S Govt. needs to now make a bold step if there is to be any hope of restoring any order to the #HornOfAfrica. At this stage it is unclear that they wish to do so, and inside Ethiopia their credibility has been deeply undermined by @PowerUSAID's visit.
Read 14 tweets
May 8th 2021
Today's Rainfall Forecasts for the #HornOfAfrica and #MiddleEast follow in this thread.

Below you see the Ethiopian Highlands from this morning and including most of the #BlueNile #GERD #Abay watershed . The large storm on the left is mostly over Sudan. On the RHS is #Lalibela.
Here you see an animation of the storm starting up this morning.
This satellite image (@NASA Modis ) shows the area in the Arabian Sea which computer models indicate could generate two cyclones in coming days. You can see the latest GFS forecast runs for those cyclones in the attached thread.
Read 16 tweets

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