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Mar 3rd 2023
1.#Nansen @nansen_ai
#Nansen 数据看板是一个很不错的工具,称为web3彭博终端。基本被各个加密货币基金人手一个。功能十分强大,地址标签很完整。但价格并不是很亲民,可以去体验。另外NFT板块它是免费开放的,NFT Paradise功能很好用。
@ASvanevik 关注老板,偶尔有Alpha!
2.#Messari @MessariCrypto
Read 14 tweets
Nov 30th 2022
1- #Fantom is Up 25% in 2 days Let’s discuss FTM’s next price move after Andre Cronje’s article
2- Andre #Cronje a software architect with 20 years plus of development experience, says that the #Fantom blockchain project he advises has a positive cash flow and brings in more than $10 million a year.
3- Why is #Fantom Token Price Rising
Just a recap about $FTM is a layer 1 decentralized, permissionless, open-source smart contract platform for #dApps & digital assets like #Ethereum. The network competes with Solana, Avalanche, and Polygon to take over the market share of $ETH.
Read 32 tweets
Sep 24th 2022
1/12 Top 10 #crypto research tools every successful #cryptoinvestor must use.

A thread by @esatoshiclub! 🧵

Not financial advice, not sponsored, not endorsing anything. Just sharing our top picks.
2/12 @MessariCrypto

#Messarimainnet is a #cryptocurrency data aggregator with tons of helpful tools to analyze charts and graphics.

Messari is the best tool if you want to make better investment decisions. If you want to get out the most of #Messari, buy their pro tool.
3/12 @glassnode

This top tool covers more #blockchains' simultaneously and displays various amounts of data, giving useful insights about any available #crypto.

You can choose between three subscriptions: Standard, Pro and Advanced. Each has its price and functionality.
Read 12 tweets
May 11th 2022
1. People always tell you to do your own research, but you don't know where to start? This is a thread on how I conduct #DYOR on #cryptocurrency projects; hope it can serve as inspiration for you to dive deeper into #Blockchain.
2. First thing's first, I use excel to keep track of all of my findings. The main benefits:
-I don't waste time looking up something I've already looked up before
-I can easily compare metrics across projects
-I can conduct calculations and quantitative analysis
3. The first place I go is the website of the project. Here I look for the following:
-Project overview: does it solve a real problem / offer a unique solution
-Team: are they doxxed & do they have prior experience
-Roadmap: is there a clear timeline & has the team met milestones
Read 10 tweets
Jan 19th 2022
I have read the 162-page #Messari 's 2022 #crypto prediction report, so you don't have to. I will try to finish the report in a few threads. Dive in and save yourself some #TIME, so that you can use this info to make better decisions in #cryptotrading -Part 1 of 10
/1 Very IMPORTANT one first - The get rich quick crowd will evaporate when the #bearmarket comes, but the next cycle’s unicorns will get built during this upcoming bear market as they will get themselves ready by buying full-on when the entire crypto market will be down 80%🔥
/2 Top 10 coins invested by Venture capital funds in 2021(by number of venture capitals invested in them) - #DOT #NEARProtocol #OasisNetwork #Terra #ARWEAVE #MAKER #NervosNetwork #Solana
Read 11 tweets
Jan 18th 2022
After this unexpected liquidation event on #TIME #wMemo,I thought I should share my lessons with #FrogNation legends. Here are my top 10 lessons from being in crypto space since end of 2017. Hope this helps -
1/the coin pro crypto YouTubers promote or talk about,they are already invested in those coins months back. Don’t get emotional to invest in them right away. Create a CoinMarketCap watchlist, learn chart analysis*** and wait for the right moment. Patience will pay off big time.
2/once you know how to analyse charts ride the wave, you can make decent gains just by riding the wave. Use stop-limit orders for max gains. I am sure you all know how to utilise the buy-sell mechanism in exchanges by now, make proper use of them, they r there for a reason.
Read 12 tweets
Nov 14th 2018
0/ The #crypto and #blockchain space can get awfully noisy. Below, the bits that caught my eye over the past 24 hours or so.

21 events compressed into a humble #Twitter thread. Enjoy!
1/ 🙋‍♂️ @IOTAtoken [ $IOTA ] made hires #52 and #53 for 2018 via Andreas Penzkofer and William Sanders.

The former is an electrical engineer and physicist specializing in analytical and numerical methods. The latter, an academic focused on commutative algebra and category theory.
2/ 💡 Australian #blockchain startup @PowerLedger_io [ $POWR ] upped its presence in the U.S., announcing the deployment of its P2P renewable #energy trading platform at licensed retail electric provider @APowernet's Pennsylvania HQ.

Click below for more!…
Read 24 tweets

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