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Mar 1st 2023
1/8 Amazing vid from @EPBResearch

Debt #Crisis - Yup, It's Coming. Check it our ⬇

2/8 What we've been saying: banks and the consumer are no longer the problem. #Banks are the new utilities.
3/8 The #government and business sector are the problems. Businesses have seen record #debt and record low #tax rates help inflate margins to unsustainable levels.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 18th 2023
Talking bullish while chewing bearish at the same time is an art 😂
But the technicals suggest we can still set up for a larger rally in H1 before a larger roll over in H2 if the Fed makes a policy error and stays too high too long in face of the data.
My interview earlier today:
The chart I'm referring to in the interview is this $NDX chart I've shared before in the NorthCasts.
It's pretty clear that a big market decision is upcoming & this is what the market is currently negotiating.
Key to watch is new highs new lows into month end.
the other chart I'm referring to in the interview is equal weight $XVG which has clearly broken out and is now pulling back. Key to watch if a backtest can be successfully defended which would be bullish or if it fails & then the breakout would have been a fake out.
Read 6 tweets
Dec 29th 2022
1/14 This piece from @latimes @hiltzikm about the #southwest meltdown is a must-read ⬇

Southwest’s meltdown was born in America’s cheapskate corporate culture
2/14 "The short answer is their underinvestment in preparation and planning. For decades, Big Business has been squandering its resources…instead of spending on workers and infrastructure. There’s not enough give in the system, so when crisis comes, it doesn’t bend, but breaks."
3/14 $LUV gross profit for the twelve months ending September 30, 2022 was $5.928B, a 53.81% increase year-over-year.
Read 14 tweets
Dec 16th 2022
1/42 Interviewing company mgmt. can be a daunting task. You may feel overwhelmed or intimidated jumping on a call with executive leaders. But at the end of the day, going the extra mile gives you a huge investing edge. This #Thread discusses this topic & 8 interview process tips.
2/42 By the way, this #Thread is longer than recommended by the “experts.” However, I wanted to put a lot of thought into the mgmt. interview process topic for those who are deeply into #stockpicking or want to learn how to pick stocks. Investing successfully requires effort.
3/42 It helps to realize that you shouldn't be intimidated by mgmt. Many want to tell their story, especially in #microcap land. I can’t tell you how many times I've reached out to a CEO of a #microcap/nanocap co. who basically said:“wow, investors never call us, let’s chat”.
Read 42 tweets
Jul 6th 2020
#Shree Pushkar Chemicals & Fertilizers
Shree Pushkar #Chemicals & #Fertilizers Ltd is engaged in the business of manufacturing and trading of chemicals, #dyes and dyes intermediate, cattle feeds, fertilizers and soil conditioner.
Let’s have a look at the company’s business as well how well they have diversified. They have a well diversified business which is growing on all fronts.
Here is a breakdown of their #Fertilizer products as well.
Read 19 tweets
Jun 5th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 6/05/2020-2…

Bruno Latour, the Post-Truth Philosopher, Mounts a Defense of Science - The New York Times…

#philosophy #postmodernism #Science
Leading with the Unknowns in COVID-19 Models - Scientific American Blog Network…

#models #uncertainty #DecisionMaking
Read 12 tweets
Aug 2nd 2019
Starting a series of #tweets where sharp price falls have happened. Could be due to #fundselling #margins etc. Not a buy/sell recommendation but to check for is the #price fall due to distress seller or the company is in #distress.
#NRBBearings stock price has dropped 50% in less than a month. Down 15-20% today. Promoters 52-53% , Institutions 38-40% including #Nalanda holds 10% #HDFC owns 9% of equity. Hardly 6-7% holding of Retail Investors. Is it fund selling or sensing disruption?
So here comes the reason. Pledge shares being sold it seems.
Read 3 tweets

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