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I have my issues with Warren, but if Bernie Sanders really wanted to pass his agenda he would not have run but would have instead endorsed and campaigned for Warren because she would not incite the visceral disgust and hate he does thanks to his spitefulness in 2016
I know many of Bernie's supporters would not support her anyway, despite his support because a hefty chunk of his supporters draw g#merg#te losers and incels who hate women. But she certainly could have united far more people than Bernie ever will.
And yes, there are some people who really are disgusted by Warren, too, but they are a smaller number. I think there are fewer #NeverWarren than there are #NeverBernie.

The thing is, Bernie put his ego and himself ahead of the issues he claims to care about. As ever.
Read 4 tweets
The mystery thickens. I looked at the most commonly donated denominations to Bernie's 2016 campaign & found MORE oddballs.

Anyway, it appears that there are more bizarre monthly donations that appear during other times of the month.
Just like how the $14.03's show up monthly at the end of the month, we've got others. Here are all of the others with at least 900 individual donations.
These show up during the 14th & 15th

Count: 2682
Read 12 tweets
Did Bernie have direct communication with Russia in 2015?

I believe he did.
In 2016 at a "hacker conference", Guccifer 2.0 aka Russia operatives bragged about hacking the DNC.

But they also bragged about something else: that time Bernie's campaign illegally accessed Hillary's voter data.…
Guccifer 2.0 states that Bernie's Director of Data, Josh Uretsky (the one who took the fall & was the only person fired for this incident) was searching for Hillary's data on the NGPVAN server "as it was agreed".

➡️➡️as it was agreed⬅️⬅️
Read 7 tweets
I'm 100% sure there is a lot to come with this Jane/Burlington College fraud story.
The short version of the story is that Jane bankrupted Burlington College though a fraudulent loan. The college purchased land from the Catholic Diocese for a price they could never afford ($10M!). She misrepresented who was backing the loan & brought Bernie's name into it.
She also got a large "golden parachute" of $200k as part of her separation from the college, after she bankrupted them.…
Read 11 tweets

Federal judges' association calls emergency meeting after DOJ intervenes in case of Trump ally Roger Stone

Feds may bring Parnas investigation closer to Giuliani — new charges may be incoming.

Judge sets Tuesday phone hearing in Roger Stone case—sentencing Thurs.

Feds are probing Giuliani's actions, including his efforts to oust Yovanovitch, then-US amb to Ukraine, & push for an inv’n into the son of Trump's political rival Joe Biden.

In the case of Fraud Guarantee, investigators have focused on the marketing pitch.

Feds are probing whether the men duped investors about the value of the company & how they intended to use the proceeds,

The $500k payment to Giuliani for work with Fraud Guarantee came just as Parnas/Fruman began helping Giuliani dig up dirt on Biden. #Firtash
Read 55 tweets
We looked at the last six months of tweets containing the various #Never<candidate> hashtags, limited to the eight Democratic candidates still in the race. #NeverBernie was the most frequently used, followed by #NeverWarren, #NeverBiden, and #NeverPete.

cc: @ZellaQuixote
@ZellaQuixote Usage of #Never<Candidate> hashtags increased sharply in the opening weeks of 2020. #NeverWarren, #NeverBernie, and #NeverBloomberg have each experienced boosts or spikes in volume tied to specific events during that time (further info in figure.)
@ZellaQuixote Who's using the #Never<candidate> hashtags? The retweet network for recent tweets is comprised mostly of obscure accounts (not candidates/journalists etc) and breaks down into 3 clusters:

• right-wing accounts
• pro-Sanders left-wing accounts
• anti-Sanders left-wing accounts
Read 5 tweets
If Dems nominate Bernie, which definition will you argue for 9 months?
1) “Avocating government ownership of the means of production & distribution of goods”
2) Marx; “The stage following capitalism in the transition of society to communism”
#IACaucus #NeverBernie
Why would Dems nominate a candidate dumb enough to embrace a negative label?? Does Trump say ”Yes, I’m Fascist?”

NBC/WSJ poll, 2/2/2020:
Capitalism: 52% positive, 18% negative (+34)
Socialism: 19% positive, 53% negative (-34)…
.#IACaucus #NeverBernie
Notice how the GOP is not showing you these (yet). Instead they attack Biden. Why??

“As a Socialist, I want to see a radical redistribution of wealth & power in this country.”
Read 3 tweets
*sigh* we're going to thread again. Several guys have tried to do this to me as well, but I get the impression it happens to women of color a hell of a lot more, so we're going to thread about BernieBro harassment.
Now, last time I shared a problematic tweet I redacted the tweeter's ID because I felt they deserved a bit of protection. In this case ... this dude is trying to silence a black woman because she has a voice. So he does not deserve my protection. Be decent but ... whatevs.
The obvious issue with this is what I've already stated. It is wrong to try to silence people or intimidate *anyone* simply because their political views differ from yours. If they were encouraging violence or economic repercussions then okay, but the OP is not doing that.
Read 22 tweets
I woke up this am & made some coffees I told my husband he needs to try this new coffee- it’s great. Using Bernie logic, that means I invented coffee. That’s how asinine & desperate not only Sanders campaign is but also his supporters #neverbernie
His base is clueless & knows nothing about politics or government. Bernie never caught my radar until I started hearing the “establishment” mantra. First thought? Wait? He’s been in politics his whole life? How is he not establishment? #neverBernie
So right off the bat, I’m like, this is just like trumps campaign. Playing off the ignorance of the electorate. So I started looking into Bernie. First stop- see I don’t rely on newspaper opinion pieces #neverbernie
Read 43 tweets
When the revelation is so big you can’t formulate a coherent sentence, but still can’t work the periscope.
Sup @Comey 🕶
Read 29 tweets
So, @BernieSanders attacking @CAPAction is exactly what one expected in 2016. But in 2018 the man who would be king attacking CAP and @neeratanden is more than bad optics, it is terrible politics, and aggressively personal.

The constant admonishments we get from many mainstream Democrats, as well as a hypocritical boatload from the hard left, to those of us who remain sceptical of Sanders and his motives, have never rang more hollow.

Unity is not a divided highway, it's a two way street, and Sanders and company have never even pulled onto the pavement.

In light of all the injustice, the actual corruption and abuses of power that emanate from the centre of Trumpland, it's a telling strategy to employ.

Read 4 tweets
Bernie & FOX/Trump TV plan the “all Dems are socialists” rollout:
1) Bernie will embrace the Socialist label & imply all Dems are socialists.
2) FOX/Trump TV will use those video clips 24/7 in 2020 to paint any Dem nominee as a socialist.
3) Trump wins.…
WAKE UP @TomPerez! You spent a lot of time working on rejecting debates on FOX to stay on message, and now Bernie is upstaging you. On April 15th, he is set to have a "Bash Dems Town Hall" interview on FOX. Dems need to dump this self centered, decrepit old demagogue.
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad you nominated Bernie so I can have 4 more years?
Read 3 tweets
Matthew gave up his wallet after only being hit one time.
What followed was a torturous ride through hell, to be tied to a fence, beaten, terrorized and maimed by two men filled with hate.
Robbery as a motive was exhausted early.
Read 14 tweets
Since y’all are here for it here’s another spoiler alert🚨: Bernie isn’t running to be POTUS, he’s running to shit on all the *real* Democrats who are running to be POTUS so that by the time 11/2020 rolls around you hate/distrust all of them & stay home or vote 3rd party instead.
Bernie’s polling is atrocious and he knows it, so don’t think for one second that he’s jumping into this race with intentions of becoming the nominee of a party he STILL refuses to fucking join. He’s only here to throw premeditated shit at the walls, just like he was in 2016.
Read 27 tweets
#VettingBernie video –
Russia, 1988 – Bernie gets naked with his Soviet Socialist comrades. Do we really want an avowed socialist, bloated-ego octogenarian hijacking the Democrat label to run for POTUS? #NeverBernie
#VettingBernie 1985 – “A handful of people in the US are whipping up Cold War hysteria, making us hate Russians.We’re spending billions on military.Why can’t we take some of that money to pay for thousands of US children to go to the Soviet Union?”- Bernie…
Tad Devine worked with Manafort in Ukraine for a few years just before starting on Bernie’s campaign. Both reported to Putin thru indicted GRU agent Kilimnik. Devine has testified to Mueller. Is this how he knows Manafort lied?…
Read 9 tweets
In the linked thread, we explored networks of accounts amplifying the #Bernie2020 hashtag by looking solely at interactions between mutual retweeters (accounts that RT'd one another's tweets containing the hashtag). Let's apply this to a couple other hashtags.

cc: @ZellaQuixote
First up: #OpMayflower (dataset from October 2018, hashtag has been pushed a few times). This is a far more extreme case of the mutual retweeting seen in the #Bernie2020 set - every account that received retweets is also a major node in the network.
Read 7 tweets
Let's take a quick look at the propagation of the #Bernie2020 hashtag. We captured tweets yesterday (1/26) at roughly noon CST, resulting in 52395 tweets from 20572 accounts in the preceding 10 days. Traffic was light until the evening of 1/25.

cc: @ZellaQuixote
Retweet network for #Bernie2020 as of 1/26. The activity is divided into two main clusters: the group of accounts in the upper right are those pushing the hashtag, and those in the lower left (mostly liberal) are discussing it. The upper right right cluster is very dense. . .
The reason for this is that many of the major accounts pushing #Bernie2020 are retweeting each other. This diagram shows what the network looks like when just accounts with mutual retweet relationships are included (total of 81 accounts).
Read 6 tweets
THREAD: Since 2016, Bernie Sanders has repeatedly suggested "diverse" candidates often run tokenism, not policy. For example:

"It is not good say I'm a Latina, vote for me...I have to know whether that Latina is going to stand up for the working class..." #Bernie2020
In a GQ article 2 days ago, Bernie tied some diverse candidates and their backers to tokenism: “There are people who are very big into diversity but whose views end up being not particularly sympathetic to working people, whether they’re white or black or Latino." #Bernie2020
Weeks after the 2016 election, in the speech in the video above (h/t: @Only4RM), Bernie said: "It's not enough to say, I'm a woman: Vote for me"—implying that Hillary Clinton ran on her gender, rather than her policies. In the #NeverBernie trend, you see disdain at this comment.
Read 23 tweets
Ok, I have been planning this for a while, so here it goes.

A THREAD on why I hate Bernie:
Keep in mind, Bernie lost April 19th with a huge defeat in NY, where he lost to Hillary by 16 points
58% to 42%

Trump won the GOP nomination on May 4th, that is when he became
the GOP nominee, and the GOP started lining up behind him.

Bernie waited until July to concede.
Now here is a good article on why so many people learned to dislike Bernie so much.

Most of us started out liking him, that changed when he became toxic.…
Read 126 tweets
In light of polling data shared by Manafort to Kilimnik, this is VERY INTERESTING.

@berniesanders campaign took voter data- was it shared via Mulvey, Devine and Kilimnik?

Who told them to do this?

@BernieSanders I have many questions @SenSanders

1. Which 4 staffers did this?
2. They were available together for a 40 min interval?
3. Time of day?
4. Their connection to Mulvey & Devine?
5. Did they sexually harrass fellow staffers?

@BernieSanders @SenSanders 6. Sanders said inappropriate but still filed suit?
7. Where is this suit? Anyone?
8. How Kremliny- to be so offended they can no longer access information, Jeff Weaver says its LIFEBLOOD - gee inWHAT WAY? You have copies, no?
9. clean campaign?
10. Lose $600k/day? How

Read 27 tweets

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