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Jan 26th 2023
🚨🌊Are you ready for the Thursday thread 🧵of job #opportunities for early-career #scientists in marine and #ocean #Science?


Look down there!👇

#ECR #PhDchat #PhDjobs #ScienceJobs #PostDoc #Academictwitter #Internships #Researcher
🚨🌊@giulia_ghedini lab at @IGCiencia in Lisbon is recruiting a postdoc ( and offering a research fellowship (master required) ( to work on metabolic adaptation in phytoplankton communities

🚨Deadline: 31st Jan
🚨PhD opportunity!

5-year teaching & research studentship at
@PlymUni with @DrSimonIngram and @ClareEmbling studying #cetacean #abundance, #distribution and exposure to #shippingnoise joint with @CefasNoise…

📢Deadline: 26th Jan
Read 31 tweets
Nov 23rd 2022
Two positions at my research group at @UniEastFinland
. The positions are in the PRIMAL: Robust Framework for PRedictive IMage AnaLysis of Brain Change project funded by @SuomenAkatemia #phdposition
The Academy of Finland funded research project PRIMAL aims to develop ML methods to facilitate the prediction of brain changes and to combine information about predicted brain changes to information about risk-factors and cognitive assessments for personalised decision-making
concerning brain diseases, such as dementia. Your role would be to develop supervised learning algorithms to predict brain change. The project has several national and international collaborators and research visits are expected to take place. The algorithm development is to be
Read 5 tweets
Jan 30th 2022
A thread on how to choose MS/Ph.D. programs if you have multiple offers (from International Students' perspective, @Omviser1 )

Disclaimer: These are my personal thoughts and do not represent any organizations that I'm associated with.

#gradschool @AcademicsSay #phdstudent
Before I jump in, some background:

When I chose Penn State over my other acceptances (UIUC, Purdue, UC Santa Barbara etc.), my friends and family were surprised to hear that I gave up a top 5 school to attend a top 15/20 in my area.

Sharing my decisioning criteria below 👇
While funding wasn't an issue to me at all, I encourage everyone to think from a ROI perspective at MS or Ph.D. levels.

I read somewhere that an acceptance without proper funding is essentially a polite decline. $$ matters.

#Funding #PhDposition #Scholarships
Read 25 tweets
Oct 7th 2021
Two very interesting #PhD positions in behavioural health economics/health policy #TUM! Munich, Germany 🇩🇪

You will be working with Dr. Nikkil Sudharsanan which is another big plus to work on topics in behavioral science/economics and health policy.
Focus is South/Southeast Asia (India, Indonesia, and Cambodia for now) and chronic health care and NCD prevention.
If you are interested, please send the following documents (in English if possible) to Nikkil Sudharsanan ( until 5th of November 2021:
A brief cover letter that touches on your main reason for wanting to do a PhD and where you see yourself after your doctoral studies.
Please also describe any experience you have had with fieldwork (for example, survey collection, randomized studies, qualitative work).
Your CV.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 6th 2021
Ph.D. Openings (Computer Vision and Deep Learning), Fall 2022

He's looking for highly motivated students to join my research team at the Center for Research in Computer Vision (CRCV) at the University of Central Florida, starting in Fall 2022.

The students will work on the
following Research Topics:
(1) Deep learning for computer vision (object detection/recognition, action detection/recognition, human pose estimation and tracking, semantic segmentation, etc.)
(2) Vision for drones (vision-assisted navigation, control, planning, etc.)
(3) Multi-modality learning (vision, text, speech, etc.)
(4)Self-driving cars, LIDAR tracking, SLAM, Geo-spatial localization
(5) Label-efficient deep learning (e.g., self-supervised learning, semi-supervised learning, weakly-supervised learning, zero-shot learning)
(6)Video Q&A
Read 7 tweets
Oct 6th 2021
FULLY FUNDED MA, MSc, and PhD position at UBC, Canada 🇨🇦

The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at The University of British Columbia is currently recruiting 30 to 40 M. A., MSc. and Ph.D. students for Fall 2022.
Funding packages start at $25,000 per year for PhD

These are research degrees that integrate research with fundamental and advanced courses. Students are provided the opportunity to assume teaching assistantships in undergraduate courses. Students work under the guidance of their Research Supervisor, and other faculty
members. Students must satisfactorily complete course work, a comprehensive examination (Ph.D. only), a departmental exam, and write and defend a research-based thesis. Research topics include, but are not limited to:
a)Biorefining, Biofuels, Bio-Based Materials and Nanocellulose
Read 7 tweets
Oct 5th 2021
FUNDED MASc, MSc, and PhD position at UBC, Canada

The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at The University of British Columbia is currently recruiting 30 to 40 M.A.Sc., M.Sc, and Ph.D. students for Fall 2022. Image
Funding packages start at $25,000 per year for PhD students.

These are research degrees that integrate research with fundamental and advanced courses. Students are provided the opportunity to assume teaching assistantships in undergraduate courses.
Students work under the guidance of their Research Supervisor, and other faculty members. Students must satisfactorily complete course work, a comprehensive examination (Ph.D. only), a departmental exam, and write and defend a research-based thesis.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 5th 2021
1. 24 full scholarships at Maastricht University Holland-High Potential scholarship.
Degree: Master's Program only Due date: 01.02.2022

2. Masters Student in Environmental Humanities The University of British
Columbia (UBC), Canada.
Due date: 14/01/2022

3. PhD scholarship: International/Global wildlife ecology and conservation
Due date: 01 Dec 2021
Area: Faculty of Science
Salary: ($28,597.00 - $28,597.00)

#research #PhDposition #MSposition #hiring
Details & Apply:

4. Biozentrum PhD Fellowships 2021/22
Due date: 10.11 2021
We offer you chance to learn skills and techniques needed in modern biology. The fellowships give students full and independent funding for their entire PhD and grant additional
Read 5 tweets
Oct 5th 2021
Ph.D. Openings (Computer Vision and Deep Learning), Fall 2022
In search for highly motivated students to join the research team at the Center for Research in Computer Vision (CRCV) at the University of Central Florida, starting in Fall 2022.
The students will work on the
following Research Topics:
(1) Deep learning for computer vision (object detection/recognition, action detection/recognition, human pose estimation and tracking, semantic segmentation, etc.)
(2) Vision for drones (vision-assisted navigation, control, planning, etc.)
(3) Multi-modality learning (vision, text, speech, etc.)
(4)Self-driving cars, LIDAR tracking, SLAM, Geo-spatial localization
(5) Label-efficient deep learning (e.g., self-supervised learning, semi-supervised learning, weakly-supervised learning, zero-shot learning)

Read 7 tweets
Oct 4th 2021
I got 4 fully funded PhD offers in the USA

Here is what you can learn from each paragraph of my SOP

Check reply for this #thread....

#AcademicTwitter #phdchat #PhDposition #phdlife #phdvoice #phdadvice #phdpositions #Scholarships #Phdapplications
Paragraph 1 (P1): Introduction

- Problem you want your career to solve

- Why the problem raises concern

- Why the problem needs to be solved

- Your career statement (may involve your aim to provide solution to the problem)

- Declare your intention to apply for a program
P2: Research
- Your research at undergrad and or post-baccalaureate
- Describe problem, approach, result, & significance of your research
- Highlight your role in the success of the research
- State how your research will influence your success in #gradschool
Read 7 tweets
Sep 1st 2021
Title: Aerostructural Wing and Fuselage Optimization for Hydrogen-based Aircraft

Background: Currently, aviation is undergoing a large shift towards more sustainable, eco-friendly, and efficient aviation to meet the International Air Transport Association (IATA) ambitious Image
targets to mitigate CO2 emissions by 50% from air transport until 2050. Hydrogen technologies have emerged as a potential energy source represent a long-term option as a fuel for aviation. Beyond the purely technological issues, a holistic assessment requires looking at the
integration of hydrogen into the aircraft design towards hydrogen-powered aircraft. The development of the necessary systems to store and distribute hydrogen fuel on the aircraft for flight is a mandatory step toward such a system. Since liquid hydrogen cannot be reasonably
Read 8 tweets
Aug 6th 2021
Kindly RT, tag and share for interested candidates

A thread of various scholarships for graduate school (Masters and PhD) in a variety of programs
15 fully funded Phd in agrifood and environmental sciences, University of Trento, Italy
Masters and PhD position in Agricultural Nitogen use efficiency at University of New Hampshire, USA
Read 35 tweets
Jul 29th 2021
Another #CSPhD #PhDposition in @ERC_Research @Vetenskapsradet & @WASP_Research supported team to work on proj "Combining Path-finding Algorithms in Reactive Synthesis" at @cse_gbg in @chalmersuniv/@goteborgsuni. Some diffs from last thread... Apply here:….
#Reactivesynthesis is still like telling a robot what you would like it to do and automatically getting program for how to do it. Path-finding is a #planning technique used in navigation, movement, games, and more. We will work on combining these. Still theory and practice!
Still at the #FormalMethods unit, Computing Science division, and Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) department. In this project, you will be employed at Chalmers University of Technology (but I am employed at the university of Gothenburg). CSE PhD rules are almost the same.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 10th 2021
#CSPhD #PhDposition in @ERC_Research and @Vetenskapsradet supported team to work on project “Enabling Reactive Synthesis through Runtime Verification” at @cse_gbg in @goteborgsuni/@chalmersuniv (Sweden). Official ad Here is what you should really expect…
#Reactivesynthesis is like telling a robot what you would like it to do and automatically planning how to do it. #Runtimeverification follows programs through their execution to ensure they are correct. We will work on these. Theory and practice!
I am - and you will be - a member of the #FormalMethods unit, a smaller unit of about 20 people (PhDs, postdocs, faculty) working on topics like compiler verification, automated theorem proving, and #ModelChecking.
Read 12 tweets

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