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Sayings of the #ProphetMuhammad (s) about #ImamAli (as) : thread
🔹The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, “The carrier of my flag in this life and the Hereafter is Ali (A.S).”

Kenz Al-Omal, 6/122; Al-Tabari, 2/201; Al-Khawarizmi, 250; Al-Fadha’il of Ahmad, 253; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 42/200.1/12
🔹The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, “The one who wants to live my life and die my death will attach himself to Ali (A.S).”

Musnad of Ahmad, 5/94; Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 3/128; Kenz Al-Omal, 6/217; Al-Tabarani./2
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Is it fake news that Hindu student #HimankBansal was beaten by Muslim classmates and forced to chant allahu akbar? If not, are leading liberals talking about it? Such incidences of Islamist violence are growing in Hyd. Is this political empowerment for Muslims by Mr. Owaisi?
Do we need to talk about these violence or is it normal to have Hindutva violence countered by Islamist violence as and when Muslims can, depending upon their political and demographic strength? Will liberal Muslims, and career liberals speak before its too late?
@GorwayGlobal Do share your thoughts. I assume it is not fake news. Several other incidents also came from Hyd in recent years. Inter-faith couples been harassed by Muslim groups. Are these fringes? Are leading liberals speaking up about these? I don't follow them, so asking.
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María, une croyante en Espagne

« (...) Cela faisait maintenant plus d’un mois que nous avions quitté Grenade. Du chemin, nous en avions accompli. Passés par Malaga, Séville et Huelva, nous avions écumé les marchés des différentes cités sur notre route avant...

⬇️ rejoindre la ville où nous nous trouvions à présent. Mais à mon plus grand désespoir, je n’avais, encore une fois, trouvé nulle part quelqu’un capable de m’aider. J’avais pourtant failli, souvent, toucher à mon but, mais non. Les uns avaient trop peur de parler...

...les autres ne savaient rien. Des Morisques ayant de l’intérêt pour leur religion, ce n’était pourtant pas ce qui avait manqué. J’avais d’ailleurs, à chaque fois que nous nous arrêtions chez des amis morisques de Diego, eu le don d’éveiller la curiosité...

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Le madhab de Bukhārī

« (...) Si les questions de dogme et le Ḥadīth ont occupé une bonne partie de ses recherches à travers le Moyen-Orient, al-Bukhārī n’en a pas oublié le reste des sciences islamiques. Ḥāfiẓ dans le Qurʾān depuis sa tendre enfance, versé dans les..

⬇️ Image
..lettres arabes. Il est raconté (... par ses contemporains) qu’il a aussi rédigé une exégèse du Livre Saint depuis perdue: Kitāb at-Tafsīr al-Kabīr (L’exégèse majeure). Sachant les déductions et morales à tirer du Qurʾān et de la Sunna, il a tout autant acquis son lot..

⬇️ connaissances dans le droit musulman. Des juristes et jurisconsultes, al-Bukhārī en a fréquenté des centaines. Il a grandi au milieu des savants hanafites, appris des premiers disciples des imams Mālik et al-Shāfiʿī, et il a eu l’honneur...

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#NowPlaying "Suluk Linglung" by Fajar Kenanga on @TIDAL
Mutiara nasihat Nabi Khidir AS kpd Sunan Kalijaga dlm Suluk Linglung ini diantaranya adalh sbg berikut

1. Kalau seseorang akan melakukan ibadah haji, maka harus diketahui tujuan yg sbnrnya. Kalau tida, apa yg dilakukan itu sia2 belaka, itulh yg dinamakan iman Hidayat
2. Orang Islam adalah pewaris atau penerus ajaran Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Oleh karena itu harus melestarikan dan memperjuangkan ajaran tersebut.

3. Tanda2 adanya Allah itu ada pada diri manusia sendiri, hal ini harus direnungkan dan diingat betul.
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Ali Sina's book on #ProphetMuhammad titled 'Understanding Muhammad' is informative.… He has offered an award of US $ 50,000 to anyone who can refute him on merit. The book is available in Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Bangla, Urdu, Arabic, Indonesian.
'Understanding Muhammad' (4th edition) can be downloaded in PDF for free in Hindi here… and here… (1)
'Understanding Muhammad' (6th edition) can be downloaded in PDF for free in Tamil here… and here… The first edition can be downloaded in Tamil here… or here… (2)
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Dans la religion musulmane, qu'il en soit de l'exégèse du Qurʾān, des sciences du Ḥadīth, de l'histoire des Prophètes ou de la jurisprudence, le travail nécessaire à l'exploitation des données a été fait et refait au point qu'il paraît difficile de découvrir quelque chose..

qui n'était pas déjà connu. En cause : l'isnād (إسناد), ou le principe de la chaîne de transmission. Nulle autre civilisation n'a en effet réussi à perpétuer son culte tel qu'il pouvait être à l'origine faute d'avoir pris les précautions nécessaires à sa préservation.

Ni les chrétiens ni même les Juifs ne peuvent ainsi s'assurer de suivre correctement la sunna de « leurs » Messagers : l'isnād étant chez eux un principe inconnu, la plupart des données se sont ainsi évaporées dans les couloirs du temps.

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#TABLIGIJAMAT was Founded by Muhammad Ilyas who had pledged allegiance to Soofee Tariqahs, this #TJ group has exceeded all bounds in innovations and aspects of shirk, Muhammad Illiyaas, the heretical Deobandee who founded Jamaa’at ut-Tableegh in the 1920s, may Allaah give him...1
...what he deserves. For further information on him and his Jamat, one should refer to the book “al-Qawl ul-Baleegh fit-Tahdheer min Jamaa’at it-Tableegh” of the Noble Shaykh Hamood Bin ‘Abdullaah at-Tuwayjiree (d. 1413). Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan praised this book, saying...2
...that he did not leave out anything with regards to his exposing this deviant Jamat. Its Is Similar Like Many of those who fall into Bidah is because they do not know nor can they define what Bidah is.
That's why we find them making futile statements like:
Read 15 tweets
Some of the Similarities between the #Jews and #Raafidah:
The Jews say:"It is not correct that a King come from a progeny other than Dawud.
The Raafidah say: "It isn't correct that leadership is from anyone other than the Sons of Ali"
The Jews say: There is no Jihad...1
in the path of Allaah until the Sword appears of al- Messihih ad-Dajjaal descending down from the sky.
The Raafidah say: There is no Jihad in the path of Allaah until the #Mahdi appears and calls to #Jihad from the sky.
... The Jews Delay their Prayer up until the stars of the night appear.
and the Raafidah would delay their #Maghrib #Prayer up until the stars appeared.
The #ProphetMuhammad ('Alayhi salat wa salam) said, " My Nation will remain upon good, as long as they do not delay Maghrib...3
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Holy #ProphetMuhammad (saw) a Mercy for Mankind

“And we have sent thee not, O Muhammad, but as a mercy for all peoples.”
(Holy Qur’an 21:108)
#ProphetMuhammad Image
The #ProphetMuhammad (saw) was a true prince of #peace. He was patient in persecution and forbearing in victory. As a subject, he gave due rights to his rulers. As a ruler, he gave due rights to his subjects. He ensured every people could practise their own religion freely. (2)
He uplifted #women from a position of servitude into one of #Respect and #dignity. He insisted upon education of children, fair treatment of orphans, and compassion for the elderly. He stamped out racism and institutionalised charity in the Islamic conscience. (3)
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#ProphetMuhammad trendet und unter dem Hashtag finden sich leider wieder mal jede Menge Beleidigungen und Hass.
Es wurden soviele Falschaussagen und Lügen über den Propheten Mohammed(saw) von rechten Muslimhassern und sonstigen Extremisten verbreitet,
2/ dass es für Muslime eine große Herausforderung sein wird all die antimuslimische Propaganda zu widerlegen und die Wahrheit über Mohammed(saw) zu verbreiten.
3/ Deswegen hier mal einige Richtigstellungen und Aufklärungen:
-#Aisha war bei der einvernehmlichen Heirat mit Mohammed(saw) vermutlich ca. 17 bis 19 Jahre alt. Ihr genaues Alter lässt sich schwer bestimmen, da die Überlieferungen widersprüchliche Angaben machen.
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بانی دیو بند مولانا محمد قاسم نانوتوی نے بھی خاتم النبیین کے اسی معنی کو درست قرار دیتے ہوئے تحریر فرمایا:۔
’’اگر بالفرض بعد زمانہ نبوی ﷺ بھی کوئی نبی پیدا ہوا تو پھر بھی خاتمیت محمدی میں کچھ فرق نہ آئے گا ‘‘ (تحذیر الناس ۔ صفحہ۲۸)
زندگی بخش جامِ احمد ہے
کیا ہی پیارا یہ نامِ احمد ہے
لاکھ ہوں انبیاء مگر بخدا
سب سے بڑھ کر مقامِ احمد ہے
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And Muhammad is not the father to any men among you but he is only a messenger of God and the seal of the Prophets. (Holy Qur’an - 33:41) #ProphetMuhammad
Verily, you have in the Prophet of Allah an excellent model. (Holy Qur’an - 33:22) #ProphetMuhammad
Rather than join in a race for worldly riches, the Holy Prophet directed their attention towards the Quranic verse: Verily, the most honourable among you, in the sight of Allah, is he who is the most righteous among you. (Holy Qur’an - 49:14) #ProphetMuhammad
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Sadly,in todays age many have spread lies abt the character of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad AS.Below r statements of Non-Ahmadi scholars shows how truthful #PromisedMessiah was&how he emerged as a defender of islam duringhis lifetime #MessiahHasCome
(It’s going to be a long thread) Image
It’s clear, before the claims of the Prophets,even their enemies testify to their pure character.But after their claims,people begin to raise allegations against their character as they have nothing else to raise.Those same people who praised the Prophet Muhammad SAW rejected him ImageImage
But in keeping with prophecies,it was inescapable that I too should be denied.Therefore,those whose hearts are in veils dont accept me.I know well tht God will surely support me as He’s always supported His Messengers.None can ever succeed against me(Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad AS) Image
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When you say you are doing something for the sake of Allah remember you need to do it with the best possible attitude.
And not with an angry face or as a favour to Allah.

Allah is in zero need of any favours from us. And we are in every possible need of Allah.
Next time you do something or say you are doing something feesabeelillah make sure its filled with ihsan/sincerity/like you can see Allah or like Allah can see you, happiness and a humbleness that Allah deserves from His slaves.
"Ihsan" is at the root of all things. The one who is sincere to Allah will find that Allah will always facilitate their affairs and multiply and grant barakah to their efforts. They will flourish as a result of their sincerity.
Read 16 tweets
۱)برزیلیا خیلی شکلات دوست دارن،روز ولادت پیامبر(ص)با کمک خیرین برزیلی،شکلات همراه با یک روایت از پیامر(ص)بین آنها پخش کردیم،اولش بسته ها رو قبول نمی کردن خیلی تعجب کردم تا رسیدیم یه نفر که خیلی از متن روایت خوشش اومده بود،گفت:چه متن زیبایی چقدر باید پرداخت کنم ؟
۲)فهمیدم اینا فکر میکنن پولیه
وقتی فهمیدن هدیه ست ،آنهایی که نگرفته بودن اومدن گرفتن
از روایت خیلی خوششون اومده بود،چند نفری از پیامبر (ص) سوال پرسیدن .
یکی روایت رو داخل مغازه نصب کرد
برزیلیا گفتن ما اینجور رسمی نداریم،در مراسمات مذهبی اگه هدیه ای پخش میشه باید مبلغی بپردازیم !
۳)خیلی از دوستان پرسیدن روایت چی بوده ؟
خلاصه روایت پایین بود
عربى بادیه‌نشین نزد پیامبر( صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم ) آمد و گفت: اى رسول خدا! قیامت چه زمانی برپا می‌شود؟ در این هنگام وقت نماز شد. پیامبر نمازش را خواند و سپس فرمود: «کو آن مردى که از قیامت پرسید؟» مرد گفت: من هستم
Read 4 tweets
If there's one book that you should read on the political and ideological struggles of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in the context of 7th ce GAME OF THRONES between the Roman Empire and the Sasanian Empire of Iran, it's @jricole's "MUHAMMAD: PROPHET OF PEACE AMID THE CLASH OF EMPIRES". Image
Thread: my favorite quotes from the book:
"Quran makes it clear that this struggle between rival emperors, whom contemporaries called 'the teo eyes kf the earth' formed an essential context for the mission of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ".


"The misapprehensions came about for many reasons, including the imperial ideologies of the later Christian Byzantine and Muslim Abbasid empires, difficulties in interpreting the text, and a failure to read it against contemporary Roman and Iranian texts..."
Read 22 tweets
நபியை இழிவு படுத்திட்டான். சரி கம்ப்ளைண்ட் குடுத்துருக்க. போலீஸ் கண்டுக்கல. உடனே ஆயுதம் எடுத்து அடிக்க போயிட்ட... இதான் வழியா..?

கர்நாடகாவுல 13% முஸ்லீம்கள் இருந்தும் உன்னால ஒரு கம்ப்ளைண்ட் கூட (தண்டிக்கிறது கிடக்கட்டும்) எடுக்க வைக்கமுடியலன்னா அது படுதோல்வி.

1/5 Thread..
அதை நினைச்சு கோவம் வந்தா அதை எப்படி காட்டனும்..?

மக்கள் பிரதிநிதித்துவ அடிபபடையில் 30 MLAs இருக்கவேண்டிய இடத்துல 7 பேர்.4 MPs இருக்கவேண்டிய இடத்துல பெரிய முட்டை. இந்த லட்சணத்துல IAS, IPSல மட்டும் கிழிச்சுருப்போமாக்கும்..?
30 வருசத்துக்கு முன்னாடி இந்தியாவுலயே கல்வியில்...

மோசமா இருக்கறது முஸ்லீம்கள்தான்னு பல கமிஷன்கள் அறிக்கை குடுத்தாங்க. அப்ப அப்படி இருந்தது தப்பில்ல. இப்பவும் அப்படியே இருக்குறதுதான் கொடுமை.‌‌

இன்னும் தெளிவா சொல்லனும்னா பாபர் மசூதியை இடிச்சப்ப முஸ்லீம்கள் சார்பா வாதாட ஒரு சிறந்த முஸ்லீம் வக்கீல் கூட இல்ல.

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Narrated Qays ibn Sa'd:

I went to al-Hirah and saw them (the people) prostrating themselves before a satrap of theirs, so I said: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) has most right to have prostration made before him.
When I came to the Prophet (ﷺ), I said: I went to al-Hirah and saw them prostrating themselves before a satrap of theirs, but you have most right, Messenger of Allah, to have (people) prostrating themselves before you.
He said: Tell me , if you were to pass my grave, would you prostrate yourself before it? I said: No. He then said: Do not do so[....]

#Hadith #ProphetMuhammad
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#Ertugrul, aka Turkish #GameOfThrones is an epic TV serial @DirilisDizisi premiered @trt1 in Dec 2014, is now the latest sensation in Pakistan. The series is by far one of the best, based on Muslim Oghuz Turks and #ErtugrulGhazi, father of Osman-I who founded the Ottoman Empire. Image
#ErtugrulGhazi is debated in Pakistan vastly in favor. The rejectionists hv declared it a 'threat to the local film industry' while the left-leaners hv blamed Pakistan's 'identity-crisis' with the Turks & Arabs although the story is based on Islam & d purported chivalry of Turks.
#DirilişErtuğrul is a phenomenal amalgam of art & history that can potentially inspire generations with its powerful visual message on Islam, justice, peace, chivalry & courage.

Some of the reasons why #ErtugrulGhazi has resonated so well with Pakistanis are threaded below. 6/6
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#SadarPranam fake Comrade. Aren’t you son of SQR Ilyas,member of Central Advisory Council of Jamaat-e-Islami_Hind whose motto is Iqaamat-e-Deen?

Do u condemn your father’s affiliation being a communist.

Well u may not but,here I expose lies in ur thread in below thread. 1/n
2/n What was happening at #JNU when you guys represented:

Durga Mata as objectionable imagery
What about continual insult of Bhagwan Rama at #JNU ?

Now when your own act has made you begin to pay, u play victim card?

3/n Utter lie. No Hadith has captured this incidence old woman. Rather Muhammad chose to forcefully convert old man Abu Sufyan when he came to plead him not to wedge war on Meccans (source: Ibn Ishaq 808-9)

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Neither are lying, stealing & defending a dishonorable man.

If you cite the teachings of the #ProphetMuhammad (PBUH), make sure you at least exemplify some of the better ones, instead of the ones your @pmln_org currently stands for.

#ResignAhsanIqbal #FaizabadDharna
@pmln_org #Pakistan is facing this situation today because your party decided to insult the courts when #NawazSharif was disqualified.

Is that something the #ProphetMuhammad (PBUH) ever did? Insult justice?
@pmln_org We all watched as each @pmln_org minister went on TV & mocked the #SCP decision, while simultaneously swearing that #NawazSharif is their leader.

When did the #ProphetMuhammad (PBUH) stand with the corrupt over the honest people?
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