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May 2nd 2023
It is rare for central bankers to be blunt.

Huw Pill's "people need to accept" they're poorer is more than a slip of the tongue.

What central bankers are telling you, is they will not be able to do their job.
Balancing price stability vs financial stability in a post #QEinfinity world is a difficult act.

“There is no trade off between price stability and financial stability", said ECB President @Lagarde in March.

That is true, until something breaks.
But the recent SVB, CS and FRC crises show us that after over a decade of low rates and low volatility, the financial system is fragile.

And that the solution inevitably involves some degree of government support.

What are the conclusions?
Read 7 tweets
Sep 28th 2022
USA Timeline
'46-'70: Trust us, we're stable. No corruption here. We can be the trusted currency.
'71: Aaactually...
'72-'20: Hah, we can just erode EVERY OTHER NATION'S buying power, no consequences for us! PRIIIIIIIINT!
'21: Buy our debt or we all suff-.. oh, you already are.😱
Part of the underlying mentality of Bretton-Woods in 1946, when the #USD became the world's reserve #currency, was an acknowledgment of the lessons learned during the inter-war years.
One of the key areas weighted was the concept of economic security to ensure post-war peace.
A quote by Cordell Hull (U.S. Secretary of State, '33-'44) reflects his belief that the fundamental causes of the two world wars lay in economic discrimination and trade warfare:

Unhampered trade dovetailed with peace; high tariffs, trade barriers, and unfair economic...
Read 6 tweets
Aug 8th 2020
"The US economy was largely frozen, causing 54M Americans to file for unemployment benefits since March 21 and 2q GDP to shrink by an annualized 32.9%, 3x the greatest quarterly decline in the 70 years of recorded quarterly history." Oaktree memo.
Interesante reflexión de H Marks: "So rather than the desired progression of infection, coma, life support, treatment, cure and resuscitation, we’ve had a progression of infection, coma, life support, treatment and resuscitation. The cure is missing." #Covid19
"Titanic forces are arrayed against each other: Fed and Treasury versus disease and recession. Which will win?" HM (The Fed & The Markets). #landscape Image
Read 5 tweets
Jun 10th 2020
Left& @RahulGandhi went berserk when #Moodys downgraded India

Well,besides #Fitch,which projects 9.5% growth for India in FY22,S&P has retained BBB minus,but with #StableOutlook

S&P has praised India's sound net external position&closing of fiscal gap under @narendramodi govt💪
S&P forecasts #GDP growth of 8.5% for India in FY22

S&P's #StableOutlook has been received pretty well by Bond markets with 2029 bonds trading at #Yield of 5.98%&2030@ #BondYield of 5.77%

Global markets will seek cues from #FOMC,as it concludes its 2 day meet today
Well,well--#Fed decides to keep rates at #zero,till 2022!In other words,for next 18 months,expect global asset markets to be driven #northwards, by the big #LiquidityTap-Yes #QEInfinity is here

Fed will buy $80billion of treasuries &$40bn of #MBS each month-HUGE

Read 3 tweets
May 9th 2020
True #DeFi #ecosystem development takes time, dedication and, most importantly, proper #Token incentivization methods.

Here's a thread from @shanghaipreneur about #crypto monetary policy


The $FNX strategy to bootstrap network effects.

@shanghaipreneur #DeFi is a movement - the collective vision of everyone all over the world working feverishly towards bringing about a viable alternative to the global financial system.

After all, it's a #brrrrr #brrrr world and, for now, we're just livin' in it.

@shanghaipreneur Like it or not, every #crypto project starts out as a central bank, like the Federal Reserve.

They then have to figure out how to #decentralize those roles. After all, they are creating a #token that powers their own micro-economy.

3/23 A Federal Reserve bank branch at night.
Read 23 tweets

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