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Sep 30th 2022
Kari Lake is out with a new TV ad claiming to "tell the truth" about herself. But Lake has built her whole campaign on lies, half-truths and disinformation. Let's take a look at the real truth about Kari shall we? ⬇️ 1/6
We’ve lost count of how many times Lake has spewed out election lies & conspiracy theories. Lake has consistently and falsely claimed the 2020 election was "stolen" and "corrupt" and said Biden didn't win.… 2/6
In a NYT profile Lake was caught trying to lie about her stance on Arizona’s 1901 abortion ban but Lake has touted the 1901 law, which has no exceptions for rape or incest and requires prison time for doctors.… 3/6
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Mar 14th 2022
The Koch donor network - made up of billionaires + pro-corporate zealots - is going hard after Minneapolis eductors + teachers who are striking just so that their students + schools can get the resources they need + educators can live decently.
The Center of the American Experiment (see previous tweet) is an affiliate of the State Policy Network, a national federation of rightwing think-tanks that pushes tax cuts for oligarchs + and is funded by the Koch-donor network.…
During the 2018 #RedForEd strike wave, the State Policy Network put out a manual to attack striking teachers.

The Waltons (Walmart) and the DeVos family also funds the State Policy Network.

Read 4 tweets
Feb 9th 2022
Last night a group of people identifying as "007 parents" descended on the Chesterfield School Board threatening legal action against Board members in response to, in part, masking policy. They are fueled by a national campaign designed to target and harass public officials. ImageImageImageImage
The scam they're involved in is called "Bonds for the Win" and is based on a relatively convoluted argument that any individual citizen can serve any elected official claims against surety bonds designed to create financial protection for the public. Image
Read 15 tweets
Jul 26th 2021
Critiques of #CharterSchools usually focus on poor quality education (disproportionately affecting racialized and poor people) and dangerous ideology (the movement is funded by billionaire dilettantes and religious maniacs), and with good reason!

Charters hand public funds to private institutions with minimal oversight. Public money should not go to schools that endorse slavery and indigenous genocide, nor schools that deny evolution and claim humans and dinosaurs co-existed.…

2/  Scans from textbooks from Abeka, BJU Press and Accelerated
Charter students know they're getting substandard educations - that's why the 2019 valedictorians for Detroit’s Universal Academy used their speech to denounce the school, its curriculum and administrators.…

Read 28 tweets
Apr 7th 2021
Got in an Uber yesterday.

The driver, Mrs. C., was an Arizona science teacher who has been in the classroom for 33 years. 🧑🏽‍🏫🏫

Here are quotes I typed as she told me about her day job:

“I’m in the trenches every day. It’s not enough to get by- so I Uber at night.” 🚙
On buying classroom supplies 📝 out-of pocket:

“We do it innately. We just do what needs to be done. We can’t wait for the funding or the donation drive.”
On the legislature’s continued attacks on our public schools: ✂️

“The children are not the priority in this state”
Read 5 tweets
Mar 24th 2021
Came home from school today with @dougducey and @AZGOP bragging about how they have plans to fight and gut Prop 208 that AZ voters passed in November to further under fund our public schools. The Governor and the AZ GOP are going to do everything in their power to protect 9,000
voters and ignore the people who voted to pass Prop 208/ InvestinEd. Which would provide nearly 1 billion dollars of permanent revenue each year to public education. They will do nothing for the 1,080,319 students that attend public schools in Arizona, other than try to advance
Voucher bills that 65 percent of voters said they didn't want in the previous election. Let's think about that 9,000 people is 0.12% of the population of Arizona, 1,080,419 is 14.8% of the population. So @dougducey and the @AZGOP will continue to work exclusively for 0.12% of the
Read 4 tweets
Mar 4th 2021
🚨 Today was a bad day and today might go down as the beginning of the end of Arizona public education if we do not draw the line, right here, right now. 1/8
🦠 @dougducey issued an executive order opening all schools for in person learning regardless of local decisions, circumstances, preparation and plans. 2/8
🏫 SB1783 passed and allows an alternative business tax that would AVOID the Prop208 surcharge for education. Estimated to deprive our schools and children of ~527M ANNUALLY. 3/8
Read 9 tweets
Feb 28th 2020
Tomorrow teachers in #yyj will be joining with their colleagues around the country in a National Day of Action for Public Education. #RedForEd #redforbced @CTFFCE
Teachers around #yyj will be wearing red, lining streets outside their schools and participating in walk-ins as a show of support for education. The day will end with a rally at @Rob_Fleming office from 3:30-4:30 in support of fully funded public education system.
“Public education is the foundation of an equitable society,” said GVTA president, Winona
Waldron. “Teachers in Ontario, Saskatchewan and BC are currently in contract negotiations. We
need to acknowledge the important role public education plays in society at large" #RedForEd
Read 5 tweets
Feb 6th 2020
Today the House votes on Protecting the Right to Organize Act #PROAct, the first major legislation aimed at expanding the ability of unions to organize workers in 10 years. @coreyhusak and I look a the research for this new @equitablegrowth fact sheet 1/9…
Unions are a counterweight to the forces that cause economic inequality. Research by Farber, @djh1202, @ikuziemko and @snaidunl uses new historical data to show a nearly-perfect inverse relationship between union density and income inequality. 2/9
In particular, #monopsony gives employers the power to exploit their workers. Research by @MarkVinPaul and Stelzner shows how government institutional support for collective action is critical for the ability of unions to address economic inequality. 3/9…
Read 9 tweets
Jan 11th 2020
Thread about today's @WhipClyburn's Fellowship Fundraiser BBQ by @scdp...
I got to shake this incredible man's hand and tell him how much we appreciate his commitment to SC and all of us! 1/15
So excited to meet @MPowersNorrell #SC44, my hero for fighting for women & our Rights! I also nabbed a quick selfie with presidential candidate @MichaelBennet who delivered a wonderful speech! Great to see my friend & Dem candidate for state senate #SC41 @samskardon 2/15
I was thisclose to getting a selfie with @KimpsonForSC AGAIN but missed him 😭He gave a fiery speech and got us #FiredUpAndReadyToGo 🔥🔥🔥 & introduced our #SC01 Congressman @JoeCunninghamSC who I assured we support his re-election & appreciate him!
#ChillOutAboutTheVote 3/15
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Dec 3rd 2019
#ALEC's States & Nation Policy Summit opens at a Westin resort in Scottsdale on Wednesday with an agenda touching on several of it's core principles including “election integrity”, #privatization of #education and support for #homeschooling, and protection for #BigPharma 1/6
Also on Wednesday, #ALEC and the Alliance Defending Freedom, an anti-#LGBT coalition devoted to re-criminalising homosexuality in the US in the name of Christianity are co-hosting a dinner. #Christofascists… 2/6
Rightwing ‘bill mill’ accused of sowing #racist and white supremacist policies… A report published on Tuesday by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and other advocacy groups charges #ALEC with propagating #WhiteSupremacy 3/6
Read 17 tweets
Oct 29th 2019
With @CTULocal1 on strike and fresh memories of the #RedForEd walkouts across conservative states last year, @awh and I wrote this column together framing his rad new research on attitudes toward teacher strikes in the broader context. 1/5
I review some of what I covered in my Labor Day column on strikes:…

A reminder that strikes are super important way that workers exercise their power, through collective action in order to demand wage gains and better working conditions. 2/5
And @awh's @equitablegrowth working paper from earlier this year shows that workers have increasing support for unions, but they want collective bargaining and portable benefits and generally do not favor strikes.… 3/5
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Aug 29th 2019
With Labor Day this weekend, there is a growing call for more union power to balance wealthy corporate power. In the midst of all the campaign platforms and worker actions, I looked into the role of strikes in my latest for @equitablegrowth:… 1/12
Research by @awh finds that support for unions has increased and workers specifically want collective bargaining and benefits like healthcare from unions. Workers tend to not like strikes, but support increases when paired with collective bargaining. 2/12
"What Unions No Longer Do" by @JakeRosenfeld1 shows that strikes peaked in the 80s and declined since then. Anti-union business tactics and Taft-Hartley limitations on striking caught up with the labor movement, rendering strikes less successful than they once were. 3/12
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Jul 19th 2019
#ShaveItOrSaveIt THREAD

In need of a feel good story? Something to inspire you after a long week?

How about (Az state Rep) @JenLongdon shaving her head to raise $5K for for her district's 5 most strapped schools?

#LD24 #RedForEd 1/8
@JenLongdon 2/8

There's a whole lot going on is this story

While the mission to raise $5K remains the primary initiative, @JenLongdon is also hoping to bring awareness to other issues such as teacher salaries & the quality of drinking water in Phx public schools

Let's start with salaries
@JenLongdon @arizona_sos @RedForEdFACTS @DoctorRhetorica 3/8

The same Arizona public school teachers who receive salaries far below the national average are also having to purchase supplies

They do this to help their students who would otherwise go without, and for the most part these kind acts go unnoticed…
Read 8 tweets
May 8th 2019
Organizers say 20,000 have gathered at the waterfront for a #RedForEd rally and march in Portland today ImageImage
Need more information? Find the full story by schools reporter Courtney Vaughn and lots of photos by @TimesfotoJV and @jonhouse_ here:…
So what do the teachers think about education funding in your town? Well, I couldn’t talk to everyone, but here’s what I found out:…
Read 3 tweets
Apr 30th 2019
As your next U.S. Senator... I would act boldly on climate change. As a scientist, I know the price of inaction.

Join us today:…

@GretaThunberg Image
As your next U.S. Senator... I wouldn’t stop fighting until every person in America has comprehensive healthcare.

Join us today:…

#FlipTheSenate Image
As your next U.S. Senator... I would act immediately on firearm safety.

Join us today:…

@Emma4Change Image
Read 14 tweets
Mar 29th 2019
Here is a thread to help people understand the growth of the #gigeconomy in #highereducation in the U.S., or what Kim Moody calls the “proletarianization” of college teachers.
1) Many people think tenure— a seniority system for hiring and retaining faculty that is run by faculty themselves— is normal for college instructors. It's not. The majority of college teachers in the U.S. are ineligible for tenure. This has been the case for almost 50 years.
2) Federal student loans & grants spurred the “massification” of higher education in the 1960s-70s, which dramatically increased access to college for ordinary Americans. Recessions and tax revolts in the 1970s-80s made maintaining access more difficult.…
Read 24 tweets
Jan 28th 2019
Thread 🚨: #RedForEd
As we march for education, let’s stand tall on the of our #ancestors with a RICHMOND review:⠀

In March 1865, Congress created the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, popularly known as the Freedmen’s Bureau.
It was intended to address another major problem created by the war, the disposition of property abandoned by or confiscated from planters and property owned by the Confederate government and seized by Union forces (the winners). Those lands were essential to the original design
of the bureau as Congress figured the new agency wouldn’t need federal funds cuz of the sale or rental of tens of thousands of acres of abandoned and confiscated property (EQUITY).⠀

Guess what ain’t happen. 😐 President Andrew Johnson, who opposed the Freedmen’s Bureau...
Read 9 tweets
Dec 27th 2018
I guess I'll take the opportunity of this sleepy Xmas break Thursday afternoon to do a thread of the pieces I wrote this year that I'm most proud of.
First, a little cheat. @MosheMarvit & I landed an op-ed in the @nytimes a few days before New Years last year.

American Workers Need Better Job Protections
.@MosheMarvit & I continued to write about just cause. Here, in @newlaborforum, we make an activist argument for a "right to your job."…
Read 21 tweets
Oct 29th 2018
🚨Arizona Alert 🚨

Do not be fooled by the red signs attempting to be in line with the #RedForEd movement

These are a sad tactic paid for by dark money designed to make you think you are supporting teachers wages and public education

Nothing could be further from the truth
We are asking every Arizona resident to vote #NoProp305

It's bad, bad, bad

We already understandably have quality teachers leaving the state because Arizona salaries do not compete, and do not provide a living wage

Prop305 will misdirect funds that could fix this problem
We must vote against this DeVos privatized charter school takeover

This is how we #ProtectPublicEd

This is how we say #NoNewVouchers

Remember, vote NO on Prop305

For more info, please visit

Do it for the kids!!
Read 3 tweets
Oct 7th 2018
THIS MORNING: @azcentral endorses @dougducey for #AZGOV

“He has earned the confidence of the people. And so, in this general election for governor, The Arizona Republic recommends voters re-elect Doug Ducey.” Image
MORE: "@dougducey’s #Prop123... won the support of virtually all the public-school leadership in the state & ultimately won at the ballot box. By the time the sea of red showed up on West Washington 2 years later, teachers had already enjoyed roughly a 5% pay hike."
Read 8 tweets
Jun 21st 2018
Fun fact: As part of Arizona Open Meeting law, meeting notices must be posted in hard copy and on the Agency website. Go find the meeting notice for the Monday 9 am meeting. Don't worry, I'll wait right here.
*15 minutes later* Tired of clicking broken links on the ADE website? Frustrated by the fact that the meeting notice page at ADE doesn't work and the meeting is not on the calendar? Good, this is part of the plan.
The page you want is here: Bookmark this!
Read 10 tweets
Apr 29th 2018
There's an interesting parallel between the record industry's experience with file-sharing services and the GOP's experience with public sector unions.
Back in 1999, there was Napster, and it had a CEO, and venture capital, and a business plan. Napster's pitch to the labels was "Just tell us how many zeroes to put on the end of the check to get legit, we just polled our users and they'll pay $15/month"
But @RIAA killed Napster, and then successive generations of file-sharing platforms; each "victory" begat more decentralized -- and less label-friendly -- platforms. It was like breeding antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Read 16 tweets
Apr 27th 2018
Some points to consider about the Colorado teacher rally:

1) Teachers were required to take a day of personal leave to participate. For many teachers at the end of a school year, that means that it is an unpaid day of leave.

#RedForEd #ImAColoradoTeacher
2) This was not an easy choice for us. I am nervous about students eating before a weekend. I do worry about breaking the routines of children in trauma. But I worry more about the repetitive inequities students face every day, esp. kids of color.
3) When you read about the increased funding for education from the Colorado government, you have to keep in mind the Colorado "budget stabilization factor." In short, 7.5 BILLION dollars has been withheld by the government from education spending in the past 10 years.
Read 15 tweets

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