qi7p1rc | cr1p7iq Profile picture
Jan 7, 2022 116 tweets 102 min read Read on X
All the #trespasses from #COVID mandates cannot stand against #1A rights.
Conscience = Religion = #1A ImageImageImageImage
Any #police #cops #sheriff want to weigh in?
Let us all know why you're failing us so miserably here in #Oregon? ImageImageImageImage
@EugenePolice want to add a comment?
What about you @SherwoodPolice?

Anything to say about your deprivation of rights?
Charles Zennache denying us our 1A rights, because we exercised our 1A rights, and were assaulted. So that we can't go back out **TOGETHER**, not "at all", and continue to exercise our 1A rights, 'cause WE might go assault someone OR threaten to sue them for violating our rights.
Lane County, where this is taking place with Zennache, is the same County that both the Trial Court Admin AND the Sheriffs department, stated that Judges decide who has rights or not(gotta ask the judge[inside]), BEFORE you ever enter the courthouse. 🤡🤡
Here is Benton County Undersheriff, claiming that @OregonGovBrown IS YOUR BOSS!

And that laws are just "my belief system"...which oddly enough, is exactly the First Amendment...
So if my religion and belief system is law..

@OregonGovBrown Clatsop County: Sheriff Phillip, Acknowledges Coercion, Extortion, Breach of Contract: Still working, but not arresting FELONS he is KNOWING of. 18 usc 2, 3, 4, 1951, 1962, 113b, 2331, 872, 371

@OregonGovBrown 99years and a cool $100million in fines for those who partake in #DOMESTIC #TERRORISM THROUGH #BIOLOGICAL #WARFARE BY #COERCING THE POPULACE TO ACCEPT A MED. MEASURE(S) THEY HAVE A #RIGHT TO REFUSE.
21 usc 360bbb-3, (l)OPTION TO REFUSE.

@OregonGovBrown Columbia Co: Dep Haebe: Confess. + witness testimony against his Sheriff: Pixley with confess. to crim. conspiracy to extortion by coercion against #1A rights if we were to try to enter the federally funded(CARES act) Court in violation of 18 usc 245/1951.
@OregonGovBrown "Constitutional" deputy Flory: Coercion on contact, accuses Amy and I of committing a crime to try to get us to stop rec./show authority: Recording the officer w/o notice: not a crime.

Removes all immunity by declaring knowledge of laws/Const. 🤡🤡🤡

@OregonGovBrown This is how hard it is to remove your criminal liability in todays society with cell phones connected to the internet and all.

Flory: Attempted Extortion by Coercion: False accusations of "obtaining contents of comms. w/o permission"

Declares the oath 3 times at least. PERJURY. Image
I don't comply with #Criminals or #terrorists.

Right to Remedy can be exercised at any time.

What's the #remedy for #terrorism? ImageImageImage
So apparently, breaking 18 usc 241, 242, 245, 249, 371, 872, 1001, 1951, 1959, 1962, 2331, by violating 21 usc 360bbb-3 and 21 cfr 50.1-50.56 is OK for #cops, #DA's, and #Judges to do BUT, a #lawfully #innocent person not wearing a #mask = automatic #criminal #trespass.#EXTORTION
When will the #patriots #wakeup?

When will the "#good" #police drop the #badge and #stand up?

When will we #fight for our #children?

Acquiescing to state/department criminal conduct in silence, is #liability under 42 usc 1983.
Oh and here's the actual video of the above deputy: Flory, committing Coercion/deprivation of rights(attempt), and then being shown the law proving him wrong, only to claim his oath to the constitution several times. 🤡honk honk 🤡

At 12:49 in this video () you can hear the deputies who would not identify, say the COUNTY COUNSEL advised them NOT TO SPEAK WITH US, regarding questioning their activities in the deprivation of rights taking place.

That is a violation of 659A.030(d.f.g).
Here in that same video, you can see that Curry County, OR, has stockpiled masks, and yet the buildings are nearly empty, and it's a very rural/small county... That's probably like 2 years worth of masks for this place. And there's more than pictured, just wanted to get #MASK in. Image
#TREASON 11/11 EVERY Judge with a published email on the OJD website, received an email from me outlining the illegality of coercing people to wear a mask.

#DomesticTerrorists v #WETHEPEOPLE



uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req… ImageImageImageImage
"Agent Provocateur" activities...
@EugenePolice, you guys are REALLY bad at lying. ImageImage
@EugenePolice @cwt_news @ClownWorld_ According to dep policy and fed law, and their duty to enforce said laws, @EugenePolice instead compounded the fed laws already being broken, refused to arrest the offender and arrested the victims. According to policy, Dierdre should have been arrested without release. ImageImageImageImage
@EugenePolice @cwt_news @ClownWorld_ "Within applicable provisions of law."
Within provisions: Lawful(authority exists)
Violating provisions: Unlawful(illegal, no authority) ImageImageImageImage
@EugenePolice @cwt_news @ClownWorld_ How can you possibly know what is a "lawful" order or not, if you do not read and know the law yourself, to determine whether or not the order was lawful?

What is "Criminal Negligence"?

Can you "lawfully" order someone who is within their rights?

Is Discrimination, lawful? ImageImageImageImage
@EugenePolice @cwt_news @ClownWorld_ Here we have Tony Stirpe, hub of Dierdre, who is already being charged with Menacing and Dis. Conduct, for get this... chasing someone out of their store with THE SAME BAT, which for some reason they did not take for evidence the first time.
Must Watch.>> ImageImageImageImage
@EugenePolice @cwt_news @ClownWorld_ This guy literally confesses to committing the above crimes, so that he can get the cops called on himself, so he can identify someone he's already been harassing and threatening lol.

But then the cops who saw his conduct as illegal, saw Dierdre's, as lawful...?? #Treason ImageImageImageImage
@EugenePolice @cwt_news @ClownWorld_ He thinks his conduct is OK because he's shouting lines from movies...so you know, he's not "crazy"... right?

No Conscience... ImageImageImageImage
Mask mandates are not laws. Image
This is what #oregon is dealing with.




If you're a cop, and you arrest all the politicians, judges, and DA's you're scared of for taking part in #WARCRIMES...
Who exactly is gonna fire you?

And why would anyone hold it against you for doing your job and restoring constitutionality?

Ever consider why everyone's mad?
@kellyesorelle be my killswitch? 😆 🤣 😂

#fuckterrorists #fafo #trustyourself #right of #conscience IS the #1A.

How do you protect/ defend something if you willingly give up? 🤔

#LibertyorDeath I serve the #LorD.

Oaths are what determines enemies. ImageImageImageImage
Make your choices.
#History is coming.
#fullspeedahead #letsdothis #fafo #godwins #christisking #LibertyorDeath I serve the #LorD.
Galatians 5:1 never be bound by the yoke of slavery again.

"With God, all things are possible."

What is "all"?

What are "things?"
🐸🇺🇲⚔⚖⚔🇺🇲🐸 ImageImageImageImage
Acquiescence to criminal conduct to aid and abet #antifa in the deprivation of federal rights.
Licit and illicit organizations.
Gov and non gov entities.
Neglect to prevent.

What is war? ImageImageImageImage
"Anyone can trespass anyone from anywhere."

Yes, that is the #Sheriff of #Wallowa county.

In the following links, you'll see that he clearly has no idea what trespass is, rights are, or "lawful orders".


Police Chief: La Grande.

Immediately falsely accuses us of committing a crime because we didn't tell him we were recording.-Not a crime.

Refuses to take report on felony conduct, refuses service outright to legally defined victims felony:compl. #1A
Pt.2 refusal of duty.

He follows up this interaction with malicious tickets for no plates because I travel privately and he doesn't understand case law, let alone any other laws including trespass, recording police, #1A, official misconduct, etc. etc.

This is #OREGON! yay.
Fixed the rotation. lol.
431.180 directly addresses your right to tell @OregonGovBrown, an Attorney for the #Oregon #BAR, to fuck all the way off with her domestic terrorism.

Which means NO ONE can issue a **#LAWFUL** order for you to wear one, or leave public accommodation/service.

#DomesticTerrorism ImageImageImageImage
@LaneCountyGov has already Judged and tried me behind closed doors.

They are willingly completely ignoring federal laws and constitutional rights and planning my automatic conviction "behind the BAR".

#Treason #DomesticTerrorism #Oregon #Leo #clowns #SeditionHunters #criminals. ImageImageImageImage
@LaneCountyGov This is one of Lane County's "best" pub. pretenders - allegedly.

She is speaking as if any and every attorney would NOT BE ABLE to defend me, not only that they won't because they're obviously biased.

This is literally the EASIEST fact challenged charge in history. ImageImageImageImage
Here's a clue as to why.

I find it quite intriguing that so many people think we're not going to end up in a kinetic battle. Psaki/Biden=no rights.
@KellyGuy @kellyesorelle @TruthMav @TrackingTreason @Harlem @ALionsR04R @America1Scotty @sharinicole042 @OregonPatriot83 @ORhunter
Something is coming... Image
Conspiracy nexus established. Psaki, lane county/ Charles, Biden, all depriving the first amendment rights.

#veterans #VeteransUnite read this thread. Rig for red, shit is coming. Image
360bbb-3... where have I seen that before? 🤔
(e)(1A)(ii)(III) from 21 usc 360bbb-3.


Also, there's a case law on coercion.

Coercing a population = #DomesticTerrorism 18 usc 2331 by 18 usc 241,242,245,249,371,872,1001,1951,1959,1962+some. ImageImageImageImage
If the cops are on our side, why does SF need to train to take on illegitimate Government?

Would we really need SF skills/expertise to take out JUST the politicians? or are they training to take on the standing army police force? 😉

What are optics?
What is a mirror? Image
SF didn't get forced to vaccinate, because they followed Fed Law and the Constitution.

Tribunals use Fed Law...

If the Gov is illegitimate, and SC/POTUS is corrupt, and SF is training to fight such enemies, does that mean someone other than #BidEn is in charge of @USSOCCENT? 😉 Image
@USSOCCENT #LawEnforcement has had 6 years to get their heads out of their asses to show even the slightest bit of Principal, a requirement for a voluntary selfless service position.

They have acquiesced in these coercive state policies and enforced them with kidnapping and extortion.
@USSOCCENT Their own actions and inactions, and their pride in their position, their laziness, their superiority complexes, their need to be right, their lack of compassion, their refusal to arrest criminals and rioters, judges and DA's and politicians ALL committing #WarCrimes, 18 usc 2331
@USSOCCENT God doesn't care "how good of a person you are" in the eyes of man.

Nor should you. Image
21=#Trump hand.
"Brothers"... #Brotherhood... #Police.
You acted out of ignorance, but your time for repentance is coming to an end.

You're taking part in #DomesticTerrorism. ImageImageImageImage
@USSOCCENT #WAR of #principalities.
Can't be #SCARED to hang with #God, He'll assign you some crazy idea's, but fear, evil that is, does not dwell with the #Lord.
TEST the spirits.
What do TESTS do? Apply HEAT and #PRESSURE
No notes, limited time, no calcs, etc
#TEST the #cops #SPIRITS.🐸⚔️ ImageImageImageImage
"Fundamental rights".
"Responds to its citizens".
"Exercises reasonable sovereignty".
"Reasonable limits on gov authority over individual rights".

Ladies and gentlemen, you're an actor in this psyop. 😉

@18abc_Dragon9 heyyyy👋

A nice little collection of our #brave #LawEnforcement! #BackTheBlue is dead.

#domesticterrorist #clowns are what we have now.

When you're the boss, not [them].

They said it. I just shared it. 😊
Did you know department policies only vary slightly from each other? All policies pertaining to "conduct" include requirements that both state and fed law be followed, some more specific than others, but all of them are *required* to cover the basics.

vm.tiktok.com/TTPdByvS2K/ ImageImageImage
Rules of professional conduct for the common man. Know your attorneys duties, hold them to it.

You guys are gonna fall in love with this guy. 😍

Schools ARE public accommodations, children ARE persons, swap race with religion/conscience(1A US: Art1 Sec2,3OR).
*WAR* against the constitution by GOVERNORS.
@OregonGovBrown @OHAOregon A GOVERNOR...using an AGENCY... for the Deprivation of Rights #Oregon
scholar.google.com/scholar_case?c… ImageImageImageImage
I found 12 pages of case law regarding #LawEnforcement code of ethics violations.

Get to know #BackTheBlue.
Read the cases, look at the cops, wake the fuck up.

It's not up to the "interpretation" of the cops whether or not they broke the law.

You report.
They write report, and submit to DA.
Charges filed by DA based on sufficient evidence presented to grand jury.
Trial by jury decides guilt by facts/ evidence presented. Image
Compare the different #sheriff/ #police policy documents.

Read the field training manual(#Oregon officers).

Read the critical and essential tasks & functions.

Code of ethics 3x.

Still think they don't know what they're doing?

Are you stupid? I'm not.

pollyaudis.us/qi7p1r ImageImageImageImage
Broken link. Fixed link.

New page up on the website.
New page up on the website.

• • •

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Apr 17, 2022
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Mar 27, 2022
@BluntestOne @jkk4782 @Mossad06067132 @somenerve @WidowKhal I don't need to repeat myself based on your laziness and lack of due diligence.

Figure it out yourself if you're so competent in reading the drops and discerning the truth.

[Intelligence matters]
@BluntestOne @jkk4782 @Mossad06067132 @somenerve @WidowKhal Seems to me like you believe Flynn is Q.

He's not even part of Q, other than being in the drops lol.

You got a lot to learn about black ops and SAPs before you come at me with your golden flynn calf.
@BluntestOne @jkk4782 @Mossad06067132 @somenerve @WidowKhal Voting in a knowingly fraudulent election, is participating in fraud.

Good thing you're paying attention to Flynn, and not the LAW, Rule of Law, or actual Justice.

You're right where he wants you.
Read 8 tweets
Mar 25, 2022
Falsifying public records(lying/ omitting/ inserting) = Forgery 1: ORS 165.013

You can't change what you've done/ said that's already recorded and in violation of #DomesticTerrorism and #ORICO/#RICO laws.

Intentional/negligent/reckless unlawful charges after "notice" = Forgery. Image
Read 5 tweets
Mar 25, 2022
Never forget!
#Sheriff's stood by like pu$$ie$ for the last 7 years of #riots and #DomesticTerrorism.
The #blue never backed you.
They helped shut down businesses.
They helped governors kill the young and old.
They helped kidnap and extort you for not wearing a mask.
The #DomesticTerrorists would actually be completely powerless, if "#LawEnforcement" wasn't aiding and abetting, hindering prosecution, and failing and refusing to do their duties as the law dictates.
Interesting to think about... who's the real #EnemyOfThePeople here? 🤔
I wouldn't be facing false charges or be maliciously prosecuted to attempt to hide their embarrassing criminal conduct(already exposed for all to see), if #LawEnforcement did their duty.
I wouldn't have even been able to expose the widespread corruption, had they done their job.
Read 7 tweets

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