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Feb 25th 2023
Its not so #cool as it sounds... because of the following,

#Eating #redmeat has been associated with various #health problems, including:
#Cardiovascular disease: High consumption of red meat has been linked to an increased risk of #heart disease due to

the high levels of saturated fat and #cholesterol found in red meat.
#Cancer: Several studies have suggested that high consumption of red meat, particularly processed #meat, can increase the risk of certain cancers, such as colon cancer.
Type 2 #diabetes: Red meat consumption has been linked to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, potentially due to the high fat content.
#Obesity: High consumption of red meat has been linked to an increased risk of obesity due to its high #calorie and fat content.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 6th 2022
Let's review quickly all of the science I've come across in the past week that applies to high-fat ketogenic carnivore type diets.

I'll post the link, an image of the abstract, the title, and some hashtags on each one.

1/n - My public Zotero Database:…
Red and processed meat intakes and cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus: An umbrella systematic review and assessment of causal relations using Bradford Hill’s criteria

"do not support causality"

#T2D #CVD #SystematicReview #RedMeat…
Do #Vegetarian Diets Provide Adequate Nutrient Intake during Complementary Feeding? A Systematic Review

Complementary Feeding is the period when you're weaning a child onto non-breastmilk foods.

TLDR: "Not safe, critical micronutrient deficiency risk"…
Read 23 tweets
May 26th 2022
"You have the feeling, when you ride, that this animal understands you and you understand this animal. You also have this feeling of mastering this big animal — it makes you feel powerful.” -- Ludovic Orlando @LudovicLorlando…
Genetic roots of three mitochondrial diseases identified via new approach…
#MitochondrialProteins, #CRISPRCas9, #GeneEditing, #MitochondrialFunction
Read 13 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
Remember the belief that meat is the best or only protein source is a #racist belief, discounting the way the majority of the cultures ate. #thesexualpoliticsofmeat #feminism #vegan /3
A #masculinity made anxious & unsettled seeks to re-establish itself by invoking #redmeat; you can find this happening at key points in US history: the rise of immigration at the end of the 19th century, after the Vietnam War, after 9/11, & during the #Trump 2016 campaign /4
The scholar #VasileStanescu discusses the work of #EMDuPuis who suggested that it was not a coincidence that colonialism, nativist union sentiment, and the decrease in the cost of meat occurred simultaneously at the end of the 19th century. #xenophobia #manhoood #meateating /5
Read 13 tweets
Oct 1st 2019
One good thing from the whole #redmeat debate is that the same team did a review of the evidence for sugar recommendations & concluded similar to meat that reducing sugar a waste of time for most people.

Folk on ‘sides’ looking hilariously silly sighting either for support.
And I say good thing because it highlights the inherent biases people hold when the same type of evidence to support their views is dismissed when it does not.

And there’s been very little discussion and thoughtful comeback, IMO, of the judgments the authors of the studies made
And that for me shines a light on the sad state with the majority of scientific discourse and debate in the 21st century.

I’m happy to be proved otherwise. In fact I hope I am.

Weren’t scientific debates of the past actually informative on methods or is that just rose tinted?
Read 3 tweets
Sep 30th 2019
You’re going to hear a lot about red meat tomorrow. @AnnalsofIM has published 4 SRs & recommendation from Gordon Guyatt & others.

Here was my take for @SMC_London

And an old thread that is relevant here. Image
@AnnalsofIM @SMC_London Also, folk might like to see the reactions of other ‘experts’ here:

Read 6 tweets

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