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Nov 19th 2022
Single people are expected to be there for friends and family on imp occasions/emergency situations but vice versa is never true. They won't turn up on your imp days because how can they? They have a family. You are the single freely available and easily dispensable one.
There will never be a day when you'll need them the same way. If you are single and not interested in motherhood then you won't need your friends for those important or sensitive occasions, pregnancy, child's special birthday party, first vaccination. #beingsingle
You are expected to be present at their son's mundan ceremony but they won't consider any of your occasions as important / sensitive events to attend. Like your first conference paper, your first book launch, your first protest, no not important for them.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 25th 2022
Pertama kali ngechat gebetan itu lebih susah dari pada pertama kali memilih LEGO 🧱

Kok bisa?

Karena ada 6 pertanyaan template sebelum membeli #LEGO yang ga bisa dipake buat ngechat gebetan

👇 Langsung cek aja 👇

#WhatsApp #Single #relationship
Ini WA down ImageImageImageImage
1. Apakah Anda ingin menikmati #LEGO dengan anak-anak Anda, atau Anda masih jomblo?

Jika Anda mencari sesuatu untuk dinikmati bersama anak-anak, mulailah dengan Creator Set. 

Set ini lebih fleksibel daripada set-set lain dengan tema khusus.
Jika jomblo (hiks)

Anda mungkin ingin mendapatkan set advanced, seperti bangunan Kota Modular, kendaraan atau bahkan set UCS Star Wars.

Set untuk Anda bisa dilihat di sini 👇

Read 11 tweets
Aug 8th 2021
Es kostet mich ein bisschen Mut und Überwindung, das zu schreiben – aber jetzt ist es soweit:

Warum ich darüber nachdenke, ein Leben lang #Single zu bleiben.

Ein Thread über Depressionen und Partner:innenschaften.
Letztes Jahr fiel mir etwas merkwürdiges auf. Immer, wenn meine Depressionen ausbrechen, bin ich in einer Beziehung. Die letzten drei Episoden war ich gleichzeitig frisch verliebt – und jedes Mal landete ich in der Psychiatrie.
Mein Therapeut sagte mir dieses Jahr: Martin, ich mache mir keine Sorgen, wenn Du eine Beziehung beendest, ich mache mir Sorgen, wenn Du eine neue Beziehung startest. Es ist schwer zu beschreiben, aber wenn ich mich verliebe, dann bricht etwas in mir.
Read 11 tweets
Jul 4th 2021
- Over the past few years, the #government has proposed to #amend several #environmental #laws and create entirely #new ones.
- The government has also proposed very large #industrial and #developmental projects which would effectively ruin the environment of the areas. [1/10]
#KenBetwa #River Linking #Project
This project would drown almost the entirety of the #PannaNationalPark, a richly biodiverse national park, hosting tigers, leopards, and even critically-endangered #vultures.
Read more about the project at 'The Vanishing' by @prernabindra [2/10]
2018-19: #Holistic Development of #Islands
- The #NITIAayog published a series of documents, laying out a plan to 'develop' the Indian Islands into tourist hubs.
- These documents ignored the #people and #ecology of the islands completely.
Read more: [3/10]
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May 25th 2021
1/τ Ενώ όλη Ελλάδα ακούει τον Μένιο #Φουρθιωτης να δίνει live συνέντευξη μέσα από τη φυλακή, οι έρευνες για την #δολοφονία της #Καρολάιν στα #Γλυκά_Νερά συνεχίζονται. Προχωράμε με #thread στην ανάλυση των μίνι δηλώσεων του πιλότου εχθές (,
2/τ Ενας από τους περιορισμούς για την ανάλυση αυτή είναι ότι ο πιλότος φορούσε μάσκα και γυαλιά μέσα στο αμάξι του, με το twitter να διχάζεται σχετικά με το αν αυτή ήταν μια προμελετημένη κίνηση για να μην δώσει περισσότερα tells στους detective του πληκτρολογίου ή...
3/τ ...αν ήταν μία genuine προσπάθεια να προφυλαχθεί από τον φονικό #κορωνοιό (μέσα στο αμάξι) και τις βλαβερές ακτίνες UVA & UVB του ηλίου...
#Γλυκα_Νερα #γλυκανερα #Καρολαιν #Γλυκά_Νερά
Read 25 tweets
Mar 26th 2021
#Universal Sign-on #VS #Single Sign-on: Imagine logging into an app.

1) First you load the site

1.5) Load the login page or locate the sign in forum

2) Then you click single sign-on with examples: @apple @google or @microsoft @facebook @twitter

3) A pop up window loads
4) In that pop up you have to either login again but to a different service or if you’re lucky already signed in

5) Grant access to the site to one of your above accounts FYI @apple has great privacy email options now
6) Pop up closes

7) you are sent to a new page which triggers the login and now the logged in version of the site loads (Multiple page loads here)
Read 10 tweets
Mar 24th 2020

Tonight I'm going to share highlights from the 2010 "Scenarios for the Future of Technology & Int'l Development" report produced by The Rockefeller Foundation & Global Business Network. Not just the "Lock Step" scenario, but all 4 scenarios. [54 page report]
Following Event 201 (Oct 18 2019), we must concede that the ruling class has been gifted with phenomenal and prophetic intuitions & insights. (They truly are the chosen ones.) Thus it is worthwhile, even mandatory, to study their scenario exercises & simulations.
"We believe that scenario planning has great potential for use in philanthropy to identify unique interventions... scenario planning allows us to achieve impact more effectively." [p 4]
Read 73 tweets
Jan 16th 2020
My current #Working #Research #Topic: "A Review of the #CommonMonetaryArea of #SouthernAfrica: Are Client Countries Better-off De-Linking from the #Anchor #Economy?". I'm using #OptimumCurrencyArea #OCA #Theory to analyse the #CMA arrangement. Draft will be ready January end..!
The #CommonMonetaryArea of #SouthernAfrica or #CMA could seem to some (mostly the technically inclined) to be a no-brainer & a clear natural #OptimumCurrencyArea given the historical links between the #anchor #SouthAfrica & the #clients (#Lesotho #Eswatini & #Namibia)...
Be that as it may, 2020 marks 46 years since the #RandMonetaryArea - #RMA agreement and 34 years since the RMA was revised to establish the #CommonMonetaryArea - #CMA between #SouthAfrica, #Lesotho, Swaziland (now, #Eswatini) and #Namibia...
Read 10 tweets
Mar 4th 2018
The PM told #Marr the Canada trade deal (CETA) & draft US deal gave some hope that UK financial services access could be similar to existing ‘passporting’ rights with EU because “financial services are referenced” in those texts. But those ‘references’ are pretty derisory…
The EU-Canadian deal does not allow financial services firms to ‘do business’ or ‘solicit’ in each other’s territories without licence (Article 13.7.6). There just aren’t the automatic rights to establish business activities that UK currently has across Europe via #Single Market
Trump administration will not allow UK financial services access to American markets because any trade deal done at federal level won’t override local state-by-state licencing, insurance regs, banking licence conditions etc. So UK firms won’t be able to trade freely in the States
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