Tonight I'm going to share highlights from the 2010 "Scenarios for the Future of Technology & Int'l Development" report produced by The Rockefeller Foundation & Global Business Network. Not just the "Lock Step" scenario, but all 4 scenarios. [54 page report]
[*Judith Rodin, President of the Rockefeller Foundation]
"Perhaps most importantly, scenarios give us a new, shared language that deepens our conversations about the future and how we can help to shape it." [p 7]
"A world of tighter top-down government control and more
#authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.
In 2012, the #pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit."
challenge. The United States's initial policy of "strongly discouraging" citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the #virus not just within the U.S. but across borders." [p 18]
as its instant & near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the #virus..."
"In many developed countries, enforced cooperation w/ a
suite of new regulations & agreements slowly but steadily restored both order &, importantly, economic #growth."
#Scanners using advanced functional magnetic resonance imaging (#fMRI)technology become the norm at airports and other public areas to detect abnormal #behavior that may indicate "#antisocial intent."" [p 23]
"Manisha gazed out on the Ganges #River, mesmerized by what she saw... no one could deny that the Ganges was looking more beautiful and healthier than ever." [p 25]
"...cloudy canals have transformed into water crystal clear..."…
[p 25]
"In 2017, an international agreement was reached on carbon sequestration... intellectual & financial resources were pooled to build out carbon capture processes... A functioning global cap and trade system was also established."
[p 27]
[p 27-28]
[p 28]
[p 29]
[p 29]
[p 29]
[p 30]
The cost of capturing #data through #nanosensors & smart networks falls precipitously... #Intelligent electricity, water distribution, and transportation systems develop in ... "#SmartCities"..."
[p 31]
"An economically unstable and shock-prone world in which governments weaken, criminals thrive, and dangerous innovations emerge"
[p 34]
[p 35]
[p 35]
[p 36]
(Let's hope they are right about this one.)
[p 36]
[p 37]
[p 37]
[p 40]
New threats like #weaponized #biological #pathogens and destructive #botnets dominate public attention..."
[p 39]
"#Botswana had none of the high-tech #biometric scanning checkpoints — technology that could literally see right through you — that most developed nations had in abundance in their #airports, along their #borders, and in government buildings."
[p 40]
[ p 40]
"The #global #recession that started in 2008 did not trail off in 2010 but dragged onward. Vigorous attempts to jumpstart markets and economies didn't work, or at least not fast enough to reverse the steady downward pull."
[p 41]
[p 45]
and build capacity from the individual through the institutional, because without #global #coordination, innovation cannot scale on its own."
[p 46]
[p 49]
[p 52]
Download the report:…