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Appeal to kuki-Zo Tribal brothers & sisters

41 days have passed
More than 100 tribal lives have been lost
Homes and villages have been burnt to ashes

Instead of helping Govt. is collaborating with Meities terrorists
#Don't Forget
#Don't Forgive

Meities are Terrorists
they burn your house
they burned your villages
they burn your churches
They raped our mothers, sisters, they killed them mercilessly 😡

They burnt alive a 7 year old tribal boy along with his mother and aunt
Barbaric 😡
They robbed your houses
They changed the names of your settlements
They called tribals infiltrators, foreigners

They beat tribal children in school and college
They ruined the education of tribal children.

They drove away the tribal children from the Imphal Valley
Read 11 tweets
[1/13] As we're witnessing recurring layoffs, it's crucial to stay prepared. This thread is based on my experience of interviewing with Western companies in early 2022. I'll share insights & resources that proved invaluable. Hopefully, it aids your #InterviewPreparation journey.
[2/13] Struggling with HTTPS and digital certificates? This comprehensive guide will clear your doubts - A strong foundation in #CyberSecurity is essential in today's digital landscape.
[3/13] Mobile System Design was a challenging topic due to scarce resources. Until I found this repository -…. It's a goldmine of information for any aspiring #MobileSystemDesign enthusiast.
Read 13 tweets

#Afscheid nemen bestaat niet….ik ga wel weg maar verlaat jullie niet.

Alles wat ik deed deed ik vanuit mijn #hart. Alle #kinderen, meer dan 1000 die ik uit de #jeugdzorg haalde vertelde ik dat alles wat ze vanuit hun hart deden goed was ook al waren anderen het er
niet mee eens. Ik leerde ze achter hun eigen #beslissingen te blijven staan hoe ze er ook om #veroordeeld zouden worden en ik leerde ze een eigen #mening te vormen. Vrijwel al deze #kinderen werden uitgekotst door de #school of #maatschappij. Ze werden #opgesloten #afgesnauwd en
onterecht uit hun huizen #gesleurd. Allemaal zijn ze goed terecht gekomen. Niet 1 kind viel uit.

Dat dat zo goed ging kostte mij mijn #kop. Uiteindelijk sloten ze mij op en maakten me helemaal kapot. Ik moest er zelfs voor in het #buitenland gaan wonen mijn #zoon achterlatend
Read 9 tweets
This is what makes me mad at outlets like @TimcastNews for sticking their head in the sand. This story was out there, yall could have busted it wide open. Instead it was radio silence for a week and hostility for another week.
Now we have one of the WORST left wing papers who, to their credit, wrote a hell of an article on this. But their reputation makes them unreadable to A LOT of the strongest supporters of this cause.…
We can guess their motivation was to attack a right wing activist/ @elonmusk. This is obvious due to their very quick mentioning of the censorship and refusal to name the creators who were banned #FreeBrittanyVenti #FreeTheQuartering #FreeYellowFlash #FreeCamelot #FreeDefango
Read 8 tweets
Menschen mit #Depression haben vorrangig ein Problem: Die Therapeut*innensuche.

Es gibt nicht genug kassenzugelassene Therapeut*innen.

Die Wartezeit auf einen Termin ist häufig ewig lang.

Nicht jede/r Therapeut*in passt zu einem.

Wenn 3., dann zurück zu 1.
Das ist im Akutfall ziemlich blöd, zudem hält es die/den ein/e oder andere/n davon ab, sich überhaupt Hilfe zu holen.

Depressionen haben die dumme Angewohnheit, dass man hofft es gehe alleine wieder weg (tuts nicht) und es kann einem ja sowieso niemand helfen (doch).
Bekommt man einen Termin, aber man merkt, dass es zwischen Therapeut*in und einem selbst nicht klappt oder man sich unwohl fühlt - brecht ab und sucht weiter. "Try and fail" gehört da leider dazu. Ist wie mit anderen Ärzt*innen und Therapeut*innen auch.
Zahnarzt? Ihr versteht.
Read 11 tweets
In meinen Trends ploppt #ZeroCovid auf (@zeroCovid_DACH ) auf! Vom Prinzip her exakt meine Einstellung, aber wenn wir realistisch sind, dass wird nichts mehr (vorerst)! Hier mehr dazu, was #ZeroCovid eigentlich wollte und was das Ziel war/ist↓
Hier nachzulesen unter:
Ich glaube hier wird aktuell so einiges verwechselt mit #NoCovid , was aber eigentlich eine etwas andere Strategie verfolgt, aber mit dem 'gleichen' Ziel…

Dieser Weg wäre machbar, wäre da nicht diese Koalition ... diese #FDP die jetzt volle breitseite prä-
Read 13 tweets
JOIN US as we mark 31 days of continuous People’s Protest, at Kohuwela junction on Thurs March 31st!💪🏾

It’s heartening to see so many people’s protests not affiliated to political parties over the weekend! It’s time the people realised their power!

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImage
Some captures from the Kandy People’s Protest yesterday (Wed)!

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImageImage
Kollupitiya Peoples Protest continues - some captures from yesterday💪🏾

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImageImage
Read 944 tweets
How To Overcome Your Fear Of #Investing In The #StockMarket

Most of the people are market-averse when it comes to investing their hard-earned money in it. The primary and most significant reason for this is the fear of loss of money.

More often than not, this fear stems from the lack of knowledge surrounding #Markets. In this thread, we try to overcome this fear of investing in #StockMarket by following some easy steps

Here are some of the things you can do to get rid of your fear of investing in stocks

1. Gain Knowledge of Stock Markets:

Start by educating yourself with the basic concepts related to stock markets and how do they work. You can reduce your investing risk significantly by understanding the basic #fundamentals, which are not as tough as you think.

Read 20 tweets
الیکشن سے ایک دن پہلے ایک ویڈیو آتی ہے جس میں ووٹ خریدنے کی سودا بازی صاف۔ ہے۔
حیدر گیلانی دنیا کے سامنے اعتراف کرتا ہے کہ یہ ویڈیو اسی کی ہے۔
الیکشن کمیشن ویڈیو کی تحقیقات کا وعدہ کرتا ہے۔
الیکشن ہوتا ہے اور ویڈیو کے عین مطابق ووٹ ضائع بھی ہوتے اور گیلانی کو ملتے بھی ہیں۔👇
پی ٹی آئی قومی اسمبلی سے ایک سیٹ 174 ووٹ لے کر جیت جاتی ہے۔
پورے ملک میں ہوئے انتخاب میں پی ٹی آئی واضح اکثریت کیساتھ سینٹ کی سب سے بڑی پارٹی کے طور پر ابھرتی ہے۔
پی ڈی ایم، میڈیا اور سبھی لفافے اینکرز گیلانی کی جیت کو لے کر خان سے استعفیٰ کا مطالبہ کرتے نظر آتے ہیں۔
خان ایک 👇
بڑھ کر خود ہی ووٹ آف کانفیڈنس لینے کا اعلان کرتا ہے۔
ملک بھر میں "خان گیا ہن" کا بیانیہ تقویت پکڑتا نظر آتا ہے۔
کہیں بھی ووٹ کی خرید و فروخت، الیکشن کمیشن کی جانبداری اور نوٹ کی سیاست پر گفتگو نہیں ہو رہی۔
یہی وہ حالات ہیں جو ملک دشمن طاقتیں پاکستان میں پیدا کرنا چاہتی تھیں👇
Read 9 tweets
Patriot Anons

1) We will all be able to chat again in the near future, when things come back up on line. I LOVE YOU ALL and I am damned proud to have been able to serve for, and with you all!

May God bless @POTUS,and all whom have been doing the heavy lifting for our nation..
2) Also may God Bless this great nation- with Peace and Prosperity,once again,and Restore OUR nation as God intended for us all to live within.

#PeaceIsTheUltimatePrize here on earth, as it is in Heaven.

A #BraveNewWorld will soon be upon us.

Be at peace over the coming month.
3) Lastly God, please bless each and ever one of those whom have been fight so hard for this nation. For these will be the calming teachers-for the rest that still slumber.

#LoveThyNeighborAsThyself and do no harm!
Read 4 tweets

BAD NEWS: We’re pressing the pause button for the City Hall Projections during the shutdown period. Shakespearean Gardens will now be postponed until the shutdown ends. This is NOT the right time to visit Stratford.

GOOD NEWS: As a symbol of hope for our community during this shutdown period, we are keeping the Lights On for the remaining self-guided lights displays. Tuesdays through Sundays from 6pm - 9pm. All displays will be up for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!

MORE GOOD NEWS: Stay tuned for an online video experience of our City Hall Projections for those who can't see them in person.

FANTASTIC NEWS: Lights On Stratford will be extended until the end of February! #staysafe #staystrong #lovestratford
Read 3 tweets
I’m scared. I’m afraid. I’m concerned. I and my family are now in isolation. My daughters school has an outbreak and she woke up with symptoms yesterday. I kept her home and immediately called #AbHealth to book tests for us all.
But I’m scared. Scared for my children, scared for my husband. Scared and afraid. I’m told that since it’s just my daughter that’s exhibiting symptoms..the rest of my family can still go on with our normal lives. We can still go out into the community and still go out in public.
That makes me angry! 😡 I am doing what’s right for my family! I am keeping everyone at home and I am keeping everyone isolated for the requisite 14 days! Why? Because I not only want to protect my family. I want to protect you and yours!
Read 14 tweets
We have the tools right now to control #COVID19

👉Test, isolate & treat all cases
👉Trace & quarantine contacts
👉Train & protect health workers
👉Inform, empower & listen to communities
👉Avoid the 3Cs
👉Physical distancing, masks where appropriate, clean ✋

1/3 @WHO
Hard work & sacrifices are required by us all

#ControllingCOVID19 means societies can open safely, people can receive the life saving medical care they need, schools can open safely, businesses can resume ...

We have tools to live our lives while staying safe ...


With all of our help, we will get through this

Many countries are successfully controlling #COVID19. They are ready to quickly identify & manage cases & clusters before they become large outbreaks

Interventions can be targeted, tailored & time limited

Read 3 tweets
I recently had a call with a literary agent that concluded with the equivalent of, “I'd love to date you, but only if your tits are bigger.” In this case, my metaphorical tits being my Twitter (16.4K) + Instagram (15.8K) follower counts. I have thoughts about this. [1/x]
Generally speaking, I’m someone who appreciates the quantifiable. I have a Ph.D. in music and brain science. In college, I took advanced statistics for fun. I love analyzing data. I know that the word “data” is plural. Yay, numbers! [2/x]
However, when it comes to social media, like many digital creators, I have become increasingly frustrated with the obsession over numbers, especially when follower counts are grossly prioritized over content quality. [3/x]
Read 31 tweets
Whoever just drove by my black photographer & I 10 mins ago while we were live outside @bostonpolice station & yelled the N-word at us, I'll be praying the hate in your heart doesn't continue consuming you, any friends around you & especially any children you bring in this world!
And they say racism is dead. Ha funny. We believe it was a black or dark colored Acura Sedan driving up Schroeder Plaza around 9:59 PM. At least two people in a car & person rolled down the window in the passenger seat and screamed it out. @bostonpolice
Funny thing is we were doing a story on crime numbers increasing & we went to do the live shot at the police station because we thought we would be safer than doing it at the scene of a recent shooting. I guess we were wrong.
Read 6 tweets
My #COVID19 #Italy update March 28 [thread]

Today's numbers confirm growth rate of the pandemic in slowing down: 5974 new cases and 889 deaths (+9.7%). The number of active cases increases by 3651 units (5.5%). All these numbers are low compared to previous days. ImageImage
1/ Growth in number of tests is flat (9%) and also positive-to-test ratio similar to previous days (16.9%), but below the ratio of last week ImageImage
2/ Number of people in ICU is still increasing (3.3%), but the growth rate has clearly flattened (it was around 10% in the previous week) Image
Read 8 tweets
My #COVID2019 update for #Italy March 26 [thread]
number of new cases +6153, number of total cases + 4492, number of deaths +712
Although todays number are above yesterday's I would argue that they are not bad and confirm the slowing trend growth of the virus spread #Stay
1/ Daily number of deaths (712) implies increase of 8.8% in total deaths. Although dramatic, it also confirms slow down growth rate of deaths (cf. figure). Caveat: many sources argue deaths not counted properly, as many people die at home not accounted for Image
2/ Daily number of positive went up a bit with respect to yesterday (+7.8%). However, we know this number depends critically on number of tests which increased substantially with respect to previous day (cf. following tweet) Image
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My #COVID19 update for #Italy as of March 25 -- [thread]
It seems that the lockdown measures are finally working and the positive trend of the last few days is confirmed. In the mean time, as always, #StayAtHome #staystrong
1/ New infected +5,210 -- Total infected +3,491 (+6.5%) -- Deaths +683 (10%). All these number confirm the slow down in the growth rate of the virus spread (downward trend visible in the figures) ImageImage
2/ Growth rate of number of tests increased (+9.3%) and positive-test ratio dropped to 19%. ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Update March 24 #COVID19 #Italy [thread] -- todays numbers are substantially in line with those of the last few days. New infected +5,249; deaths 743 (+12.2%); total number of infected +3,612 (+7.2%) #StayAtHome ImageImage
1/ total number of tests increases by 7.8% and approx 1/4 of tests turned out positive. This confirms we tend to test people with symptoms. Image
2/ number of people in ICU increased by 6%, same low rate of the last few days Image
Read 5 tweets
My daily #COVID19 update for #Italy is short, as @DPCgov did not update the github repository. It seems it will resume updating on March 25. However, the good numbers of yesterday are confirmed. The measure of #StayAtHome seem finally to be working.
Italy (aggregate)
new infected (t-2,t-1,t): 6557->5560->4790
deaths (t-2,t-1,t): 793->651->602
data was uploaded late on GitHub but now available. Some more comments and figures in following tweets.
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Currently, we are facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. It is said that in every crisis there lies an opportunity but at the same time we need to find ways to create positive energy around us.
I strongly believe that human species will survive through these times and will come out stronger.
While we are under quarantine, let’s do something productive/ things that we always wanted to do apart from our daily chores and content consumption:

1) Upgrade skills (Online courses like Coursera, Edx. , etc. one can go back to their college books too)

2) Learn to…
Read 6 tweets
#COVID19 #Italia Update March 22 -- Finally, today we start seeing some better numbers: 5560 new infected (6557 yesterday) and 651 deaths (793 yesterday). Number of total open cases increases by 9.3% (12.7% yesterday). Hopefully these are effects of #StayAtHome ImageImage
1/ Good news also with respect to the increase in the number of people in ICU: 5.3%, the lowest number in days. This is very important as many hospitals are close to saturation. Image
2/ regional breakdown: deaths -- rate of growth slows down in most regions. It is still concerning evolution in Tuscany, Campania. Image
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Updated March 21 #coronavirus #Italy -- thread
Today dramatic increase in the number of deaths (793 or +20% respect prev day). Relatively better news with respect to total number of infected which increases by 4821 units, or 13% with respect to previous day ImageImage
1/ I think the large increase in number of deaths, as dramatic as it is, was expected given the large number of people that are currently infected (more than 42K). So better to focus on the flattening of the curve for the newly infected, and in mean time #StayAtHome Image
2/ Today more about 26K tests were conducted and 18% of the tests results positive. Total number of tests so far 230K. Many experts are calling for more tests, and a contact tracing strategy as in Korea. Image
Read 5 tweets
#coronavirus Update March 20 -- The number of infected in Italy increased by 5986 units (+14% previous day), and the number of deaths by 627 (+18% previuos day). Another dramatic day for #Italy. Growth rates not declining, but flat. ImageImage
1/ Good news is that the growth rate in the number of people admitted to ICU (6%) went down from yesterday, and has been flat in the last few days. Hopefully it declines even further soon #StayAtHome Image
2/ In terms of breakdown by regions, in terms of number of deaths, Piemonte, Liguria, Toscana seem to be following the path of Lombardia. For Puglia is too early to draw conclusions. Figures are both in levels and log scale ImageImage
Read 6 tweets

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