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Jan 16th 2021
Apr.2020 #Pandemic At Center of #Globalist & #Psychological
#Warfare Against #Freedom.

📽 #UN #WEF Globalist admit Coronavirus is at the centre of the wheel for #Global #Governance…

#ClimateTax > #ClimateHoax
#COVID > #Agenda2030 ImageImage
Apr.2020 #US #CoronavirusReliefBill had 'Digital Dollar' in it but was stripped out. On #DigitalDollar* website (Digital Dollar Project states it is partnering with Accenture) led by David Treat

* was going to create a federal reserve digital dollar

/1 #BiteSizeChunks
Digital Dollar: David Treat Snr MD & co-lead of blockchain / NY Fintech Innovation at Accenture, also serves on board for #ID2020 alliance, #WEF #4IR Global #Blockchain Council member, program advisor Chamber of digital commerce, & WEF digital ID

/2 #BiteSizeChunks
Read 25 tweets
Dec 15th 2020
Dieser Podcast entstand als studentischer Leistungsnachweis des BA-Kolloquiums „Die 70er-Jahre zwischen Repression und Subversion“ (HS 2020) am Historischen Seminar der .@UZH_ch .@digihistlab
Der erste Podcast behandelt die politischen Angriffe auf das Schweizer Fernsehen.…
Der zweite Podcast geht den Berufsverboten nach.…
Read 7 tweets
Sep 10th 2020
9/11 & The War on Truth

A Lone Voice in the Wilderness



1998 Osama, Bush & Saddam

The Coming World Leader


911 Conspiracy TV shows = crazy 🐂💩designed to reinforce the official narrative in🐑

If you truly care about anyone killed on 911 & the subsequent 'War on Terror' or as the Templar George Bush called it "This Crusade" face the facts.



Most people STILL believe the official NWO MSM #September11 narrative.

These sheeple are under mass mind control.

It's why they believe & will continue to believe the official NWO MSM #COVID19 narrative.

#Alchemy 💦🧠💦

Read 4 tweets
May 11th 2018
#WeThePeople #QAnon #Qanon8chan @realDonaldTrump

1. Previously Eric Holder ran AG job. Clinton, etc. had no fear of ANY investigations that might take place. EH would just state "National Security Act. Can't Disclose the unredacted docs".
2. Sessions is now AG & he follows the Letter of the Law. Congress, Nunes, etc. are threatening Sessions with contempt for not releasing unredacted docs. Sessions says "sorry, can't do that. National Security Act".
3. Trump tweets>>>
He complains that Sessions won't give Congress the unredacted docs. Sessions is simply following the Rule of Law, and Trump knows it. Trump states I might have to get involved.
Read 17 tweets
Apr 20th 2018
Well, Bruce Ohr & FusionGPS is back in the news again & there's even a mention of his mysterious wife, whom we know almost nothing about other than she's been kept hushed up.…
Let's change that This thread all is about Nellie & what she really stands for & what she really believes about history & how it should be taught & you'll be horrified.
Let’s go back to the recent indictment of 13 Russians Russia, which we are now supposed to pointlessly chase, screeching “Trump-Putin!” on the Left and “No collusion!” on the Right, forgetting all about the revelations of corruption and conspiracy and, yes -
Read 37 tweets

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