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Oct 4th 2022
Antalya again.

4th week in a row I am coming.

1/n Image
I come as much that Apple's AI thinks this hotel is my 'home'...

2/n Image
3/n Image
Read 24 tweets
Sep 2nd 2020
2/sr #Symmetry #Reciprocity Pay the #CCP back in its own coin (that's the only thing the bullies and the Mafiaosi understand)
3/st #NTBs Some of us have been red flagging #CCPchinas use of #NTBs for decades(eg on Agricultural goods & pharmaceuticals). #CCPcollaborators will now criticize #India for #reciprocating and #CCPapologists will whitewash #NTBs against S Korean Cos(eg Lotto) and Japanese cos!
Read 3 tweets
Aug 25th 2020
Prof Muni forgets😰, we have been trying to settle the border for decades (it's seen as sign of weakness to be exploited). A settlement of Western & Northern borders would automatically safeguard the CPEC. Chinese objectives is hegemony not settlement:…
2/ns #CCP #China will settle the border with India and order Pakistan to settle, once we achieve (credible, hard) #deterrence vis the #SinoPak alliance. In the mean time, it's building military counter force on northern border and helping Pakistan build its air & naval forces.
3/ns Is #EU waking up to the #SinoPak military alliance? (Hint: Pakistan has given full access to Chinese engineers to study western weapons systems owned by it, including the US cruise missile which crashed in AfPak area ~ decade ago)
Read 4 tweets
Aug 20th 2020
Why we have been rallying since early June.. despite > $1/2 Trillion of cash being incrementally yanked from the system. There’s plenty of liquidity with running a 50% Loan/Deposit ratio... way too much...Oct 1 SCB new hurdle.. but everyone getting comfortable creating room.
It’s really about “usable” cash...not the quantum of cash... usable is subject to Regs post GFC.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 22nd 2019
"You don't see radio changing gradually and suddenly become radar. #Darwin's theory doesn't work for #technology, and we have to make a new observation."

- W Brian Arthur at SFI today

#evolution #innovation #invention
"Novel technologies are constructed from existing technologies. These offer themselves as components for the construction of further technologies."

- W Brian Arthur at SFI today

#evolution #innovation #invention #technology #engineering #design
Unlike the two-parent #inheritance typical to (but not ubiquitous among) #complex organisms, #technology inherits features from n parents - a "vast ancestral #network" more like horizontal gene transfer networks in #bacteria.

W Brian Arthur on sumulating #invention on a chip:
Read 18 tweets

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